Friday, April 03, 2009

Welcome for Obama in France on 3 April 2009

Video: Barack Obama in France, Europe on 3 April 2009.

American School of Paris Students Shake Hands with President Barack Obama

From dlynn78 on YouTube: On Friday, April 3rd, 47 American School of Paris students traveled to Strasbourg, France to witness the first public address delivered internationally by President Barack Obama. The address was followed by a "town hall" question/answer format. Afterwards, President Obama shook hands with our students. This starts about 40 seconds into the video.

Health insurance industry red tape hurts - it adds no value

It's time to put doctors and nurses back in charge of medical decisions. If you think government can't get anything right, ask yourself: has big insurance been getting health care right? No way.The insurance industry profits by taking roughly 1/3 of the money going to health care to pay for overhead while they overturn the decisions of doctors to pay executive bonuses.

Big insurance companies make so much money that they spend millions of dollars on lobbyists every year in DC, yet costs are outrageous and a disgraceful number of people don't even have coverage. Obviously there's big money working to keep the status quo or this would have been fixed decades ago. Instead of reform, instead of the kind of continuous quality improvement they apply to their internal functions, we get red tape - we get misinformation trying to label any reforms as "socialized medicine" while medical decisions are made by bureaucrats.

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CIA: Torture Gave No Leads, Foils No Plots, Led Goose Chases

The Feds are finally releasing more & more information that was hidden under the Republican administration that reveals that torture was not just totally unreliable, but is a waste of valuable resources, sending the CIA on global wild goose chases over & over with little to zero results. In fact other techniques have proven much more reliable.

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

CIA: Torture Gave No Leads, Foils No Plots, Led Goose Chases

The Feds are finally releasing more & more information that was hidden under the Republican administration that reveals that torture was not just totally unreliable, but is a waste of valuable resources, sending the CIA on global wild goose chases over & over with little to zero results. In fact other techniques have proven much more reliable.

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Fox accuses White House of trying to impose Sharia law in US

No, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke. Fox is seriously accusing the Obama administration of seeking to impose Sharia law in the United States. Needless to say, the accusation totally false and just another example of the hate-filled paranoia and insanity of Foxaganda.

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How One Man Travelled to New Zealand Relying on Twitterers

A brave traveller has made it all the way to New Zealand without buying a single ticket along the way. Paul Smith - dubbed the Twitchhiker - made the 11,000-mile trip using only donations from people who use the social networking site Twitter.

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