Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup Soccer 2010: Ghana beats Serbia; Germany clobbers Australia

Thomas Muller of Germany
Ghana's victory over Serbia 1-0 in World Cup Soccer play and on a penalty kick has signaled Africa's growth as a Soccer power.

Ghana's Black Star Team was the talk of World Cup Soccer until Germany opened Group D play with what can only be called sheer, utter, and total destruction of Australia 4-0.

But before we look at Germany's awesome display of powerful athletic dominance, we have to look back at Ghana's win over Serbia.

Ghana's win had observers talking about how South Africa was the perfect choice to showcase Africa's rise in The World Cup. With South Africa's tie with Mexico on Saturday and Ghana's win, Africa has just one loss (Algeria to Slovenia and that was just 1-0) among the six African teams in The World Cup as of this writing. Moreover, there are 53 teams in Africa, so the six in the World Cup have emerged from a very large and competitive field. Indeed, Ghana's play and South Africa's surprising win damaged bracket predictions, and created a wide open race.

Until Germany beat Australia.

It wasn't just that Germany beat Australia, Germany took Australia apart for the World to see. Germany's win was so complete, a FIFA poll reported that 86 percent picked Germany to win it all.

This space thinks it's too early to crown Germany the winner of The World Cup. There are a lot of matches left and we're just getting started. The star: Thomas Muller. This blogger is a casual fan of Soccer, but I don't have to be a rocket scientist to tell who the dominant player was: Thomas Muller.

Muller was a man playing with boys who could not keep the ball away from him or get it from him. It was, at points, silly. Muller scored a goal and made the assist on another, in addition to his between goals play.

Germany's Thomas Muller's the one to watch in the World Cup. But, again, there's a lot of match play to go.

Stay tuned.

Nikky Raney: Expectations for the week

I would like to at the start of every week post a list of what is in store for this week's blog entries for It gives people something to look forward to.

Nikky Raney for 6/13 - 6/20

-I will be meeting with the band Till We Die (close friends, I designed their soon to be EP cover), and I will record this interview with my Macbook Pro's built in web cam. So I will be reporting and posting interviews, etc. on this band. This band is going to make it big, and they already have made it so far. So, be excited for the "EXCLUSIVE" footage of my interview with Till We Die.

- My take on the way Tila writes her blog entries (humorous).

- Comparing specific magazines to one another, regarding their credibility & audience.

- Humorous Tila Tequila videos & hopefully an interview with the folks at Tila's Rot Spot.

-Sex Tapes. I just want to blog about my view on celebrity sex tapes.

- Maybe a movie review on "Get Him To The Greek," because I liked that movie.

-Another Tila video. I would like you to read HERE my disclaimer on the reason why I am posting about Tila in the first place. I posted the following on The Future of Journalism regarding my coverage of the "MOGUL" :

"Tila Tequila divulgence and revelations will be reported on I am working with Tila Rot Spot & people who know her personally. I am not trying to do sensationalist blogging or some strange investigative reporting piece. What I am trying to do is take all the pieces of the puzzle - what she has stated (proof from her blog posts, videos, tweets), and the proof from other publications, interviews, videos, posts. I will make sure that there is credibility behind every interview that I do and every potentially defamatory statement will be backed up with a credible source - I say this in regards to what the interviewees may say about her. I am not trying to attack her in any way, but I think the lies she has told and the way she presents herself as a role model for teenagers is unacceptable. The reason she gets away with all the lies is because the big news outlets do not have a reason to cover her, and if I worked for CNN, Newsweek, etc. I definitely wouldn't pay any time writing about her. Hell, I don't even think Fox would. But I am going to spend the time to go back down memory lane and show every claim she has made, and see the flaws and cracks within the stories. The claims made previously that have been proven lies. And I think that once and for all there needs to be all of her lies exposed and everything put on the table. I want to show it in a way that there is no way Miss Tila can argue or try to defend herself, because I will purely use facts. All of that will be done with Zennie. This blog is strictly Journalism related."

My very close friend Josh Grattan will begin reporting and blogging for I am hoping that we will do some collaborative work, but he will also be blogging on his own. I think his blog posts will focus on music (Eminem), movies (The Karate Kid), and Poker (online vs. live). Grattan will also be featured in many of my upcoming videos.

That's all I have for now. It's my mom's birthday so don't expect anything too soon.

Nikky Raney
E-mail me:

Megan Fox, please keep your mouth open and talking

Superstar actress Megan Fox interviewed for Interview Magazine said "I do feel like, if anything, I've sort of made it worse...So I have sort of aided the media in printing these misconceptions, which I regret. I've just come to the realization at this point that if I don't feel like sharing, then I'm just not going to share." Megan Fox, that's a mistake; take a page from the Rush Limbaugh broadcasting book and be yourself.

This space doesn't agree with a lot of what Rush says, but the reason he pulls down a near-half-billion contract from Clear Channel is that he's outspoken. People will respond to you and respect you if they know you're being genuine. Plus, it's good media and it's good for you. By being yourself, you empower a number of young women to be more confident. Take the way you stood up to Michael Bey when you said that Transformers was a special effects movie:

Michael Bey said you had a lot of growing up to do, but I think being direct and not nasty in the process shows that you have grown up. Don't worry about Bey.

What was even better was your Rolling Stones Interview, where you let it all hang out about men, sex, and it seemed everything else. Hey, you made a lot of money for media people like those at The Rolling Stones, and this video-blogger. Don't stop now! This video was fun for me to do:

Megan Fox, most men are scared of powerful vaginas. Most of the people who've interviewed you are male. You sound like you're caving in to their view. Please. Don't give in to them.

World Cup Soccer England v. USA; Dress for Success SF a success

A blog round up of observations on World Cup Soccer England v. USA , World Cup Soccer Mexico and South Africa, and Dress for Success San Francisco, after two days of much needed rest for this over-stressed video-blogger.

As a note, this space on has drawn 7.7 million visitors since November of 2009. The greatest number of visitors was 2.2 million in December of 2009, thanks to the Tiger Woods Scandal.

It's the greatest proof yet that my combination of trend blogging and writing with respect to search specifications rather than journalistic style works to gain quality, engaged traffic to a news site. I believe if my way were the standard approach for the entire website, the San Francisco Chronicle could overtake the New York Times and The Huffington Post in unique visitor traffic.

Moreover, I've determined it's totally impossible to change search specs to fit classic the journalist writing style without wrecking search efficiency. So, don't wish for a change that will never come. What's cool is that I'm continuously refining the approach and can do even better, if I want to. Now, back to the topics.

World Cup Soccer England v. USA

In the best display yet of Soccer's popularity in America, 20,000 people went to San Francisco's AT&T Park to see World Cup Soccer England v. USA. In a contest that it seemed England could run away with, the USA played timely defense, and managed to tie England. The last America score was a dramatic near-stop that the English goalie managed to let get away from him, sending the stadium crowd into a frenzy. Video on Sunday.

World Cup Soccer Mexico and South Africa

The World Cup Soccer match between Mexico and South Africa ended in a shocking draw, 1-1, sending cheers and yelps around South Africa. South Africa was not expected to play well, even as the home team. Perhaps many underestimated South Africa's desire to repeat Invictus before an even larger World stage?

Dress for Success, a success

Thursday, Dress for Success held it's annual fashion show and auction at The San Francisco City Club and to raise money for an organization with a hell-of-a great cause: helping women who are trying to get back on their feet by providing them with clothes for work.

It was an excellent, exciting, and tear-jerking event attended by about 300 people. Seeing the women and cute kids modeling clothes just brought the house down. The Board of Directors of Dress for Success and Event producers Andrew Freeman and Executive Director Renee Surcouf, really did a great job Thursday.

More later; I'm back in action after a break.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bam Margera, star of MTV's Jackass, attacked - John Draper

Bam Margera, star of MTV's Jackass and Viva La Bam, was attacked this morning outside his West Chester, PA nightclub.

Image source:

According to a report from TMZ, the incident occured around 2 AM the morning of June 12th, 2010.  There was some sort of a fight outside The Note which ended with the unidentified crazy-lady allegedly going "Louisville Slugger" on the back of Bam's head.

The woman was arrested and charged with assault.  Margera was taken to Chester County Hospital, where he remains.  No official statement has been released regarding his condition.

With his wild personality, and the insane stunts he's pulled in the past, I can't help but wonder what he did to this woman.  If anybody got a video, we'd love to see it.

PS - This is the first in a hopefully long series of entries from me for  I really appreciate this opportunity Zennie!  I would also like to thank Nikky Raney for hooking me up with this gig.

PPS - Please feel free to check out my current events and world news satire blog, The Forrealist.

True Blood + NY Politics True Nightmare by Suzannah B. Troy

If you have HBO which costs bucks than most likely you will be tuning in to see True Blood tomorrow night.  Alan Ball has another huge tv series sensation following on the heels of Six Feet Under and I expect an extremely high viewing audience will tune in to for this season opener that has received excellent reviews although also warnings of lots of blood and werewolves.

Last season became just way too gross for me but this season sounds great so I will tune in.  I tried reading the books but they could not compete with Alan Ball's magic.  The actors are excellent.  I just can't stand all the graphic violence and special effects.  I prefer to use my imagination.   Alan doesn't allow you to use your imagination illuminating some very beautiful men and women's naked bodies.

Now on to a free horror show for anyone interested in New York.  From Albany to City Hall it is a disaster.   Mike Bloomberg is like Chauncey Gardener in Being There played by Peter Sellers but in Mike's case, Mike is above average intelligence and so bland in contrast to all his over powering attempts to control the media presenting him as anything other than what he is -- in my opinion a criminal.  What?  Yes.  He pushed through a third term denying us, the people a referendum.  He pushed a reckless tsunami of community crushing development displacing countless numbers of people and small business and on "old" NY's infrastructure which is collapsing and exploding not to mention all the construction accidents. Reckless, stupid and greedy as what caused Wall Street to implode.  For more scandals you will have to go to my blog Mayor Bloomberg King of New York and visit my YouTube channel Suzannahartist.

If I have not painted enough of a nightmare than tune in to my new YouTube because Monday we will find out if the clowns of Albany force a historic shut down of Albany which in could theory throw us in to a depression and some New Yorkers are already living in a depression.

For a true nightmare you can watch for free tune in to New York Politics....If you have HBO and want even more violence and lots of nudity take a break and tune in to True Blood.  I hear the season opener and this new season is a winner. Click here for link to Brendon Scott's piece exposing GREED in the midst of major budget crisis For corruption on Mike Bloomberg and gang check out my blog....

Tila Tequila: Promoting her Blog -- By: Nikky Raney

This is a parody from me, because I like to have some fun.
This is my interpretation of how Tila promoted her blog.

and here's Tila's original Video...
Did get it right?

This is only part one.
I got so much more in store.

P.S. Watch the videos one after the other. Mine is better.

Nikky Raney

I am joking around.
I do not want to be thought of as a slutty girl who shows off her body.
I was just taking the opportunity to poke fun/imitate Tila Tequila
Please don't hold this against me, I was just having a little fun.

Tila's Rot Spot found me amusing