Sunday, June 13, 2010

Megan Fox, please keep your mouth open and talking

Superstar actress Megan Fox interviewed for Interview Magazine said "I do feel like, if anything, I've sort of made it worse...So I have sort of aided the media in printing these misconceptions, which I regret. I've just come to the realization at this point that if I don't feel like sharing, then I'm just not going to share." Megan Fox, that's a mistake; take a page from the Rush Limbaugh broadcasting book and be yourself.

This space doesn't agree with a lot of what Rush says, but the reason he pulls down a near-half-billion contract from Clear Channel is that he's outspoken. People will respond to you and respect you if they know you're being genuine. Plus, it's good media and it's good for you. By being yourself, you empower a number of young women to be more confident. Take the way you stood up to Michael Bey when you said that Transformers was a special effects movie:

Michael Bey said you had a lot of growing up to do, but I think being direct and not nasty in the process shows that you have grown up. Don't worry about Bey.

What was even better was your Rolling Stones Interview, where you let it all hang out about men, sex, and it seemed everything else. Hey, you made a lot of money for media people like those at The Rolling Stones, and this video-blogger. Don't stop now! This video was fun for me to do:

Megan Fox, most men are scared of powerful vaginas. Most of the people who've interviewed you are male. You sound like you're caving in to their view. Please. Don't give in to them.

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