Friday, June 18, 2010

Koman Coulibaly: USA Slovenia World Cup ref blasted on blogs

Koman Coulibaly moved from being the most hated man on Twitter for Friday, to the most hated man in the blogsphere.

Coulibaly, the World Cup Soccer referee, well-known in Africa before today's match pitting the USA v. Slovenia, erased from official record a goal scored by USA player Maurice Edu off a free kick by Landon Donovan that would have given the USA a 3-2 lead with just about 4 minutes remaining.

The non-call, call, an assumed offsides penalty that Coulibaly did not verify by a named team or player, and was not explained to the USA team, launched a torrent of outrage that first appeared on Twitter and is now all over the web.

And the blog posts are blistering.

Koman compared to Jim Joyce 
Koman Coulibaly's call "makes it difficult to control one's rage" writes blogger Josh Dean in New York Magazine. Dean, comparing USA Soccer Coach Bob Bradley to the cartoon character Skeletor, blogs, Coulibaly flat out stole the game. His instincts were terrible for the entire 90 minutes, but his decision to disallow the U.S. team's third goal — an easy tap-in by Edu off a beautiful free kick from Donovan — was one of the worst calls I've ever seen in a game."

Will Brinson, writing for AOL's Fanhouse Blog, offers a complete understatement: "Koman Coulibaly quickly had his Wikipedia page defaced following the US v. Slovenia 2-2 draw. Right now, he's not a very popular man in America."

Danny Lopez at the Houston Press Blogs, calls Koman Coulibaly "the Jim Joyce of Soccer", which means, if that comparison is taken to its logical end, we should expect Koman Coulibaly to apologize for the call come Saturday in America.

Jim Joyce is the MLB umpire who took away Detroit Tigers Armando Galarraga's perfect game, then apologized for it a day later.

One can only hope.

Tila Tequila Is Obsessed With Perez Hilton - By Nikky Raney

The pot has called the kettle black.

I was working on my blog entry about Skype for the Future of Journalism, but I got a bit distracted and went on Twitter. I received a direct message from one of my favorite followers informing me that Tila Tequila held a contest for her fans/army to make videos protesting "Piggy Perez."

I don't know if anyone remembers back when Tila & Perez their twitter war, but during that time Perez told Tila that he would never write or speak of her again. He has kept his word, but Tila seems determined to get some attention from Perez. She will do ANYTHING she can to get his attention.

And, her latest stunt is just cruel. For someone who promotes positivity and claims that she is not a hater, she seems to be advocating the hatred of Perez Hilton. Especially by continually calling him "Piggy Perez."

"TilaOMG: Posting up winner for PIGGY PEREZ PROTEST CONTEST later today on Piggy going DOWN! xxox"

Wait, what? A CONTEST? Really? She goes so far as to hold a CONTEST? Honestly, I used to have some issues with Perez, and even wrote an editorial about how upset I became when he called himself a columnist, but the more Tila hates on Perez, the better he looks to me. This is because he has NOT spoken of Tila or responded to her in any way, shape, or form. She talks about him on her site on a daily basis and is always saying she will "dethrone" him.

Tila's Rot Spot's most recent entry "Special Pets" by Rotty discusses Tila's attack on Perez Hilton for being a "pedophile" and ends with :

"So even though I am no fan of Perez Hilton I can certainly tell you that if ANYONE should or will be spending time in ol' county it would certainly be Titla Tetwatla!!"

So, I decided that after reading TRS & Twitter I would go to and see for myself what this whole "contest" was all about.

First I saw that there were two "Hater of the Week" posts done within 24 hours of each other, and I wonder if I was misinformed. I thought that weeks were 7 days long, and a "something-of-the-week" could only happen once a week. She posts:

"Listen up TILA ARMY! So for the past 5-6 years Piggy Perez has built his career off of talking shit about people, and making their lives miserable and he’s always trying to ruin celebrities careers. For years, he has been sitting on his fat ass talking shit about people who are better then him so he has been SPEWING HATE and DEGRADING celebrities who has never done anything wrong to him. Well guess what? NOW IT IS TIME FOR PAYBACK!!! I am doing this for ALL THE CELEBRITIES PIGGY PEREZ HAS HURT AND KARMA HAS CAUGHT UP TO HIM, because as you all know, Miss Tila reported that Piggy Perez May face up to 15 years of Jail time for posting up Miley Cyrus’ upskirt pictures!!! Seeing how she is still a minor, that is AGAINST THE LAW! Not only is he possibly facing 15 years in jail, one of his BIGGEST ADVERTISERS DROPPED HIM! OUCH! We here at OMG has found out the major advertiser that was advertising on his site was the people affiliated to ABC! WOW THAT IS A HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE! All this drama with Piggy Perez, well I call it KARMA!

Now about my contest. This is going to be FUN and will raise A LOT of awareness in this industry!"

And then there is a cut where she continues to speak all about Perez. I don't understand how she can yell point and laugh at Perez for losing advertisers when her entire site doesn't even have a single advertisement on it. She just made a long blog post a few days prior basically begging for advertisers. The only ads she has are ads for HERSELF.

"Now about my contest. This is going to be FUN and will raise A LOT of awareness in this industry!!! PIGGY PEREZ MUST NOT GET AWAY WITH ALL THAT HE HAS DONE THESE PAST YEARS! From mocking Michael Jackson’s death, to calling my BFF Will.I.Am a “THUG” and a “FAGG*T” yea way to go PIGGY! Ugh! He needs to be blacklisted from Hollywood, as he is already slowly being blacklisted already!"

How on earth is this going to CREATE AWARENESS? Honestly? I know that it's difficult to prove defamation for public figures/celebrities, but I am pretty sure this is Tila openly encouraging others to defame Perez. She claims he is an ADVOCATE for child porn. I am pretty sure that isn't a true statement, and I am also quite sure that she is maliciously attempting to get everyone on board to hate Perez. This is truly sad.

I continued to read on. She claims that this contest is all about FUN... I read on and learned about the rules of this FUN contest:



Is this a joke? Seriously? This has to be a joke. Tila is HOLDING A CONTEST for people to defame and ridicule Perez while at the same time talking about how much BETTER she is than him? Honestly? This is sad. Tila does not care about the pedophile charges - Tila cares that it is PEREZ HILTON.

Miley Cyrus said that she was wearing underwear in the photo that Perez posted, and since Tila has ALSO posted photos of Miley in her underwear.. should she really be doing this?

The ALL-CAPS seems so obsessive:


EVERYDAY? She is going to post a video of someone saying mean things about Perez on her site EVERYDAY? What on EARTH is this going to accomplish. Well, apparently, it is going to accomplish showing "the entire industry" that "nobody likes Piggy anymore."

She is almost 30 years old, and she is doing this?
I can't even understand why anyone would do this.

This contest is not a protest or any way to get awareness of child pornography. This contest is her way to make herself feel like people like her more than Perez.


Tila. You have done exactly the same things he has done if not to a farther extent. At least Perez doesn't post all about himself all the time. He actually goes out and does interviews and *gulps* I never thought I would be defending Perez.

"Ok everyone, we can GET THIS FUCKER! START SENDING ME YOUR VIDEO’S NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seriously? I think that there is a limit as to how many times you can attack someone in a single post. And, for the "TILA ARMY" who reads my posts. I have mentioned numerous times that I do not "hate" Miss Tila. I actually was one of her fans back in the days of "Shot of Love," and I still LOVE her song "Paralyze."

"Change Tila" left a comment to Tila saying:

"Talk shit about celebrities? LIke who? Megan Fox? Paris Hilton? Gaga, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, the Kardashians, etc... the list goes on and on... Oh wait a minute... YOU DO THAT TOO! But guess who he doesn't talk about? YOU! That's because you're not a celebrity. You're a hypocrite. And you know what else? Maybe someone reading this will forward the pictures of young Paris Hilton your posted, as well as the panty shorts you posted of Miley to the D.A., as well as the pics of you wearing next to nothing and videos of you stripping, as well as the info of the main demographic you're targeting... minors!
But there are some who agree with Tila. Like the comment posted by "TamaraJadee:"

"what perez did is so wrong. all he ever does is degrade innocent people and ruin their careers. tila is on the celebritie's side because she knows what it's like to go through that. i say perez should go to jail because what he id was absolutely horrible and disgusting. his a theif, a liar, a fake, and a pedophile."

I had to make this blog post; which interrupted my writing of my skype blog post, because it shocked me.

Miley Cyrus isn't pressing charges against Perez, and she sure as hell doesn't need help from Tila Tequila to make Perez "pay for what he did." Miley says that she wants to move on, and that shows that the 17-year-old is more mature than our 28-year-old Mogul.

---Nikky Raney

p.s. you may have missed my latest youtube video where I directly address that I do NOT "hate" Tila.

Koman Coulibaly: USA Slovenia World Cup ref linked to BP Oil on Twitter

To say that Koman Coulibaly - the World Cup Soccer referee for the USA v. Slovenia match who made the now infamous non-call, call, eliminating what would have been the United States go-ahead score for a 3-2 win - is the most hated man on Twitter is a massive understatement.

Koman Coulibaly
Koman Coulibaly's repeatedly linked with British Petroleum on Twitter, with the tweet most repeated that he took BP money to make the anti-USA call. Considering the wave of anti-BP sentiment in the United States, it would be excused if some actually believed BP were getting back at the USA in the wake of the Gulf Oil Spill.

But, on second thought, it could be said BP stuck it to the USA twice. If, of course, such news as a BP payoff were true. As of this writing, it's not true.

Here's a sample of the tweets, and there are a lot of them:

Rumor has it BP paid off idiot referee Koman Coulibaly to distract everyone from the oil spill. #WorldCup #BPcares
about 3 hours ago via web
Top Tweet 100+ Retweets

In a historic first, FIFA referee Koman Coulibaly accepted today's Man of the Match award for his defensive efforts for the Slovenia squad
about 4 hours ago via web
Top Tweet 100+ Retweets

I think Koman Coulibaly should be happy his awful call went against the U.S., rather than, say, Colombia.
about 4 hours ago via web
Top Tweet 100+ Retweets

Rumor has it BP paid off idiot referee Koman Coulibaly to distract everyone from the oil spill. #WorldCup #BPcares
about 3 hours ago via web
100+ Retweets

IRONY ALERT: Koman Coulibaly, the referee who didn't award that last goal to #USA was born on 4th of July, 1970. #worldcup

That last tweet is true. Koman Coulibaly was born on July 4th 1970, US Independence Day. With that bit of information, it's only appropriate the USA call independence from Koman Coulibaly's bad call.

USA vs. Slovenia World Cup - fire Koman Coulibaly!

Landon Donovan leads comeback
If there was any question World Cup Soccer was not popular in America, those questions were put to rest Friday. The USA, with star Landon Donovan at the helm, battled a game Slovenia team that many had to search for on the map, to a 2 - 2 tie. But the World Cup Soccer match score should have been "USA vs. Slovenia: USA 3, Slovenia 2."

That the USA's third goal scored by USA sub Maurice Edu, after Landon Donovan's initial kick, wasn't counted by referee Koman Coulibaly, who called a mysterious penalty accusing the USA for being offsides when there was no evidence to back such a claim, has sent many Americans into an angry lather.

I overhead one woman say to another at Merritt Station, an Oakland cafe, that she wasn't even a fan of Soccer and didn't start paying attention to it until today's game. She was so upset over the non-call, call, it was all she talked about to her friends.

The 3rd USA Goal 
Watching the game from The Steps of Rome in San Francisco's North Beach District, my friend Beth Schnitzer texted that the refs "stole the game" from the USA. A Facebook group called "Fire World Cup Ref Koman Coulibaly NOW!!!" has started and is gaining members. And a person unknown to many, World Cup Referee Koman Coulibaly, is now as well know to USA Soccer fans as Former NFL Ref Fred Swearingen - who made two very bad calls in two NFL playoff games - is to Oakland Raiders and Dallas Cowboys fans.

Who is Koman Coulibaly?

While Koman Coulibaly is not known to the casual American soccer fan, Coulibaly's well-known in World soccer circles. Koman Coulibaly has been a referee since 1993. According to The World Referee, Koman was selected for the Africa Cup of nations in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010. In 2010 Coulibaly was selected for The World Cup. while Koman's resume is impressive, that does not mean he's incapable of a mistake. This was a huge one.

As the video above shows, while Koman Coulibaly called an offside on the USA, there was no evidence of such. Moreover, the USA's own players were not told officially just what the call really was. Nothing. Zip.

The outcry against Mali-resident Koman Coulibaly is so loud, it has resulted in a brief revision of his Wikipedia page to read "Scientifically proven the worst referee of the century. The worst" according to The Sporting News, with a screen shot of Koman's Wikipedia page.

The non-call, call cost the USA a World Cup win. Now, the USA must beat Algeria and hope that England defeats Slovenia.

FIFA website fix?

You'd think the comments on FIFA's website about the USA v Slovenia match would reflect the outrage expressed by many Americans, but not one as of this writing concerns the call. I've got to believe FIFA's eliminating any comment that would call the outcome into question. That's the only reason for such a development and that's outrageous in itself.

Instant Replay for World Cup

The World Cup Soccer system and contest should have an instant replay provision.  These matches are too important to the World to allow games to be marred by such developments as the one today.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Alley Oakland and the apartment fire next door

If you live in Oakland, or were just visiting from San Francisco on Wednesday night, perhaps you saw the flames coming up from a building on Grand Avenue, just up the street from the Grand Lake Theater.

What happened was an apartment unit at 3323 Grand Avenue and in the same building as the famed bar and grill called The Alley, caught fire. While the flames rendered the renter of the unit without an apartment, the good news is The Alley is still open, operating, and undamaged. It's a blessing because the fire could have spread to The Alley itself; it did not.

How the fire started is not certain, but sources told this blogger, who visited the establishment last night three hours after the fire, the unit was owned by a patron who allegedly has a drinking problem and was drunk before the fire started.

Once the fire was discovered patrons of The Alley worked with others who lived in the building to quickly put out the fire. All that remains is for fans of The Alley to come down and buy a drink or two and celebrate that it's still with us.

The Alley is at 3325 Grand Avenue in Oakland, California. It's known for Rod Dibble at the piano.

World Cup Soccer Scores: Mexico beats France 2-0

There was a growing sound outside the San Francisco Restaurant where I was having a meeting.

Fans of Mexico, watching the World Cup Soccer match against France on a big screen in front of San Francisco's City Hall, were going totally nuts as their FIFA Soccer team made their first goal to tske the lead Thursday.

Mexico eventually won, upsetting the higher-ranked France team 2-0, giving a new look to World Cup Soccer Scores, giving them 4 points, placing them into a Group A tie with Uruguay and setting up what should be an epic battle, while pushing any hope France had for a World Cup out of the window. Here's France second and final goal of the match:

Mexico, ranked 17th versus 9th for France, reportedly missed four goal attempts before connecting for the fifth time. The Christian Science Monitor reported that France's offense was "slow to develop" and were out-hustled by Mexico.

With matches like Mexico - France, it's becoming harder than ever to predict the World Cup Soccer winner.

Don Perata Interview - Oakland Mayor's Race

Of all the candidates in the Oakland Mayor's Race, Former California State Senator Don Perata, a Democrat, is the one who has the mosts: most experienced, most talked-about, and most controversial.

Don Perata 
Don Perata's controversy and scandal has been so well-reported it seemed the East Bay Express' Robert Gammon paid his bills from it. Indeed, Perata's controversies have clouded his ability to explain his case to be Mayor of Oakland, which is what this video interview is about. This video interview is Perata's platform, just as I've created for every other Oaklander running for any office.

I've known Don Perata for at least 17 years, and have seen a different side of Perata than what's painted elsewhere. When I was a columnist for The Montclarion, Don Perata was an Alameda County Supervisor, and before that he was a school teacher. Then, as I worked for the last two Mayors of Oakland before Ron Dellums, Perata became California Assemblyman, then California Senator. Over that period of time, Perata has always been a friend.

To my mind, the next logical place for Perata was Congress and the Senate, so I was shocked that Perata instead ran for Mayor of Oakland and not the Senate. (That takes nothing away from U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer; it speaks to Perata's overall experience.) That was why I did not come out and immediately support Perata for Mayor. Don Perata as Mayor was just different from the World view I have of Don Perata.

A long talk with Perata

Because of our history, Perata and I talked a his campaign office for 31 minutes on camera, and 40 total off of it. We could have talked for three hours. What follows is a summary of the total interview, which is in the video above.

Why did Don run?

We got right to the question of why Don Perata is running for Mayor of Oakland. "I've always wanted to be the Mayor of Oakland," Perata said, "it's kind of ironic. The last thing i'm gonna do politically is be elected mayor of the city. It's just because I love the city. I think it's got, unlike the State of California, which am now persuaded is not governable with its current structure, Oakland is. It's large enough to make a difference; small enough to get your arms around. And I can. I'm in a position in my life right now where I can do it."

Perata also points to the murder of four Oakland police officers by Convicted Felon Lovell Mixon in 2009 as the other reason why he decided to run for Mayor of Oakland.

Why is California ungovernable

Perata's statement is based on the loss of tax revenue due to the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978. Prop 13 reduced California property tax rates, which were as high as 16 percent in some counties, to a uniform 1 percent state wide. The resultant loss of revenue has wrecked California's public service and education system for the last generation.

Perata also points to the 2/3rd majority needed to pass tax and revenue initiatives, which he says gives "one third of the population control over the future of the state." He says 18 to 20 percent of the California electorate can control what happens to the majority.

Perata's disappointed in California GOP Governor and Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger, who Perata says came in from the "outside" and "unprepared" "kinda like Meg Whitman," Perata said. Whitman is the EBay chief who's the GOP representative running for Governor of California against Jerry Brown.

Perata, of course, supports Jerry Brown, and talks as if he thinks the election will be a cake-walk for Brown, saying "I hope Jerry can fix the place. He certainly knows Sacramento. He proved in Oakland when he was Mayor that he could certainly feel the pulse then act on the pulse. But I'm telling you, it's a killer."

Don Perata on The Mayor of Oakland as a "black seat"

I do not duck from racial conversations and am delighted that my practice upsets some people, but race is a part of life that can't be ignored and is always there in our face. Oakland, for years, has been considered a "black town" and because of that, it was thought that the Mayor of Oakland should be black. Oakland's history until the 70s was that of a small town ran by a few white business men and blacks were in the background.

All of that changed when Lionel Wilson became Oakland's first black mayor in 1976, taking office in 1977. Given Oakland's mostly black demographic at the time, and the passage of the Civil Rights Amendment the decade before, and the overall more intelligent evolution of race relations in America, Wilson's rise was logical.

But Oakland's population has changed and is moving toward that perfect racial balance I predicted would happen in The Montclarion in 1994. Institutional investor racism, which caused development dollars to leap-frog Oakland, relaxed when Jerry Brown was elected Mayor of Oakland in 1998.

Since that time, and Brown's effort to develop more market rate housing units in Downtown Oakland as part of something called "The 10K Project," Oakland's population has been altered dramatically. So much so that, again, Oakland faces the prospect of having its second white Mayor in three terms. I asked Perata if the idea that some in Oakland considered the Mayor's office a "black seat" gave him pause, because blacks may not know the white Don Perata.

Perata said "I've been white all my life....Three out of the last four Mayors have been African American. And I think people will speak to that, themselves, whether or not they were happy or disappointed. I've found - and I've represented Oakland my entire career - I've never found that anyone asked first what color I was. They wanted to get something done. They really want: don't con me. Don't push me off. I don't care if it's your job or not. I elected you; I want your help. It's never, ever, and I've told my staff that; if someone calls, has a problem, help them solve it."

How has Oakland changed?

Don Perata says the good side of Oakland's change is that "it's become more pluralistic. We have a lot more of an integrated community." The bad side of change is in education, something of concern to a person who was, for 16 years, an educator. Perata blames Prop 13 for an edcuation system that he says "is failing us." How does Oakland fix that?

"I do not think there's a political will to fix Prop 13," Perata said. He points to the action of what he called "Devolution": sending revenue raising power for education back to California cities and away from Sacramento. Perata thinks Oakland's historic generosity will cause it to pay more for education. Don says the job is to convince the Oakland Hills people to help those in the flatlands.

Maintaining Oakland safety

Don Perata quotes Woody Allen, who said "half the part of life is just showing up." Perata applies that view to his belief that the Mayor of Oakland must be out to show up where crimes have been committed to show Oaklanders that the mayor cares. "When we had the takeover robbery as we did in Piedmont Avenue. The Mayor goes in with his staff to show that Oakland is a safe community..You go where things are happening to show that the Mayor cares...This is a city in dire need of leadership."

On the Leadership Vacuum in Oakland

In one of our many inteviews, Oakland City Attorney John Russo said there was a leadership vacuum and that Don Perata and Jean Quan recognized that. We picked up on Russo's claim that essentially, there's no run running the City of Oakland and getting the City Council to do anything is like herding cats.

Perata says the Mayor of Oakland must set the pace and can do so because its a strong mayor system that was installed by Jerry Brown. The Mayor is accountable: "You appoint all the department heads...You prepare the budget...You have to have; politicians are lousy at forward planning, but that's what we have to do."

Don Perata said he'd talk to the Oakland City Council more often, which he says is something Jerry Brown did not do when he was mayor. "Then you can communicate the plan for this administration," he said. "We're not going to have seven districts where they are sovern and they can say 'this project is not going into my district.' Those days are over with," he says.

Perata disagrees with Greg Harland on Police salaries

Mayoral opponent Greg Harland thinks Oakland police and fire officials make too much money compared to other cities and the only way to control the budget is to reduce their compensation. Don Perata says that its important to have well-compensated police officers to keep the city safe. He disagrees with the idea of reducing police and fire compensation, although he did not mention Harland by name; I did.

Perata pointed to the current Oakland City Council public meetings on the Oakland budget as a sign of the City Council not wanting to address the budget problem head on: It's a little late in the game to be having budget hearings," Don said. "I think that what they're doing right now is an avoidance tactic. I think they don't want to make a decision, so have a lot of meetings. They should have been working on this thing for the last 10 months. They got concessions - good concessions - from police and fire a year ago. We knew, when those were made,they never bothered to have any ongoing discussions. Then they start jamming people from the dais. And I'm getting a little tired of picking on the guy that does the work."

The impact of Carjacking on Perata

I asked Don Perata how being carjacked effected him. In December 2007 Don Perata was the victim of an attempt to take his car while he was in it at gunpoint - a practice called carjacking. He was unharmed, but the experience was a traumatic one. "I haven't changed the way I drive or where I drive. But it was a life experience. This kid went on an eight day crime spree. I was the only guy he didn't shoot at." Perata says it resonates with people who say it can happen to anyone.

I think the incident helped to frame Perata's emphasis on safety, because from my question he launched into a talk on the need to control the parolee population in Oakland. Oakland has about 6,800 parolees in Oakland according to Perata. He wants the population to be controlled and "we have to help them adjust and adapt" to society after jail.

Perata on Economic Development and cocktails

Perata thinks helping small businesses like restaurants thrive is the key to Oakland's economy. He pointed to restaurants as one example, stating that Oakland needs more waiter and waitress and bartending jobs that they provide. But humorously, Perata informed me that he "loves my alcohol" and that his favorite drink was whiskey (Wild Turkey) and an Old Fashioned, something of a preference I share with him. Don Perata says it's no trick to mix a good drink; having more restaurants provides the chance for more bartenders to be employed.

Perata wants to have walking beat cops to help restaurants, which, if you think about it, goes back to his concern for safety in Oakland.

Sports in Oakland

Don Perata and sports in Oakland share a long history, the recital of which, in this segment, is so extensive it would be unfair to other candidates to give a full view of it. Perata was one of the first elected officials to work to bring the Raiders back to Oakland and has a long standing and good relationship with Oakland Raiders Manager of The General Partner Al Davis. Perata has long been a pro-Oakland sports fan, so I asked him about the Oakland's A's efforts to leave the city.

"I've been dismayed," Perata said. "I don't know who's right or who's wrong, but I know when you start actively going to another city and doing press conferences and things of that nature, that's out of bounds." Perata said that Oakland is a city with a rich sports tradition, "We should not have a team taken from us." But that does not mean Perata thinks we have a blank check to build a stadium.

Both Perata and I were surprised the San Francisco 49ers won the stadium vote. He thinks it's going to be hard for Santa Clara to afford to build an NFL Football stadium.

Ending the Coliseum Joint Powers Authority?

Don Perata said something that was music to this blogger's ears: changing the awfully managed and terrible Coliseum Joint Powers Authority. The "JPA" as, it's referred to, was established in 1996 really as a legal seat for the issuance of the $290 million in bonds that paid for the upgrade of the Oakland Coliseum to cause the Raiders to return to Oakland.

Oakland Councilmember Ignacio De La Fuente directed an effort that resulted in the expansion of the JPA from two people, the Oakland City Manager Craig Kocian and Alameda County Supervisor Susan Muranishi, to eight elected officials, 50 percent city and 50 percent county.

During that process, De La Fuente engineered the ugly ouster of then-President and Peerless Coffee Boss George Vukasin, Coliseum head Bob Quintella, and a great staff of operations people.

With that, the days of the Coliseum being ran as a private corporation were over and replaced by the hyper-political and massively secretive and inefficient organization that presides over the Coliseum today. An organization which hired SMG to run its operations under a maintenance-deferred contract that has not been completely reviewed by the Oakland City Council yet, as of this writing.

Perata wants to change the JPA from its current form. "I we have to get out from under that," Perata says. "We can still own it," but he favors a private ownership structure.

Perata on The Golden State Warriors and San Francisco

The Golden State Warriors are for sale and some media type have been beating the drum for the organization to move to San Francisco. While the reality is that's not going to happen officially, there's enough talk about it to have some Oaklanders concerned. Perata said "If I were in Sacramento right now, and they were talking to San Francisco like they're talking, I'd figure out some way to womp um." San Francisco, he says, does not have the corporate base they used to have. Perata thinks we have to fight for what we have and start talking to the 49ers owners, the Yorks, about having the 49ers share the Coliseum with the Oakland Raiders.

The Mayor's Office under Perata

Perata says he and his staff will spend time in the community. He wants the best department heads working in Oakland. He wants to be a mayor who's, as he says "present." He wants to know every morning what his department heads are going to do every day. There no chance of Robert Bobb returning to Oakland because, as Perata observed, he's outgrown Oakland and become a celebrity in his work to fix the Detroit school system.

Again, Don Perata and I could have talked for three hours. For the entire conversation, make a good meal, mix a stiff drink, sit back, watch the video, and make your own decision on Perata for Mayor of Oakland. His website is

Greg Harland Interview - Oakland Mayor's Race

On Monday, Greg Harland, a candidate in the Oakland Mayor's Race, was kind enough to open his Oakland Hills home to talk about why he's running for Mayor of Oakland and his view of how Oakland needs to be changed. The full 23 minute interview is on video above; what's presented are some highlights of our discussion. Again, the style of this blogger is to give a candidate a platform, not to attack them.

Greg Harland is a mild, smooth, white, bespectacled business man who grew up in Oakland, California for most of his life, since 7 years of age. Harland graduated from Oakland High School, class of 1964. He lost his father, a pilot on the USS Yorktown, in a crash at Alameda Naval Air Station when he was a boy. Harland grew up from hard times that he's reluctant to openly talk about, to, with the help of friends, the business entrepreneur he is today.

Why run for Mayor of Oakland?

Harland got the idea to run for Mayor of Oakland while sitting at the dining room table talking to a friend. He said "I wish I could run for Mayor of Oakland," and the idea grew from there. Eventually, his wife, who resisted the idea, slowly came around to supporting his desire to run.

Harland mentioned that Don Perata being the front runner in the Mayor's Race at first scared him into the idea of not running, then after some sleep that night, he woke up and changed his mind.

Harland wants to change Oakland

"From the time that I first came here, Oakland really hasn't changed a lot. Three things remain constant: there's always been high unemployment, high crime, and we've never had a full staffed police force. Those are three things that I really want to change."

Harland says Oakland has to start with a balanced budget, which he believes can be done by decreasing "police and fire compensation." Harland wants to renegotiate contracts with police and fire down to a level that's "healthy" for the sustainable future. Harland, who lives not far from California Governor Candidate Jerry Brown, says Oakland pays its police officers at rates higher than cities like Los Angeles.

Hardland says decreasing the unemployment rate can be done by "bringing jobs to Oakland" and points to the Enterprize Zone program as a "valuable tool" to do that.

The Enterprize Zone is a program established 20 years ago in Oakland and has various tax reduction programs designed to encourage manufacturers to build facilities in Oakland. It's a program that goes back to the time I was an intern with the Oakland Redevelopment Agency, and another Oakland Economic Development staffer, Heather Hensley, worked on the establishment of Oakland's Enterprize zone.

Greg Harland says Oakland can draw solar energy business to Oakland using the Enterprize Zone and claims Oakland lost 5,000 jobs to "companies that wanted to come here" but were not sold on Oakland using programs like the Enterprise Zone.

Harland paints a picture of people who have "chronically" used Oakland's resources without paying back in tax revenue. Harland says this has been a problem, or "these people" since he has lived in Oakland. Harland thinks bringing more jobs to Oakland that they can do is a way to solve that problem.

What Harland has learned about Oakland

A person running for any office in Oakland learns something about the City they didn't know before. In Harland's case he says it was how "dysfunctional" Oakland's City Hall was. "It just seems crazy. I don't know what they are doing or what they are thinking about."

"I think the citizens are ready for a change," Harland says. His campaign slogan? "Restoring the city to the people."

Greg Harland's website is at

Dog lovers versus cat lovers: does your preference reveal your personality?

Most of us recognize the most divisive issues in America today are racial, cultural, political, religious, financial, and gender related, amongst others. Yet in spite of the ever widening differences among us, isn't it ironic that we will vehemently describe ourself as either a 'dog person' or a 'cat person'? Or perhaps you're neither, but certainly you've developed opinions about what these seemingly polarizing preferences reveal about a person's personality.

Dog people, for example, are truly puzzled by a cat person's affinity for an animal that provides seemingly little open affection or cooperation. They question the value of a pet that resists performing the sorts of tricks that dogs do, and appears aloof or opportunistic at best, towards their owners. And though most dog lovers will recognize cats as lower maintenance pets, they question the value of an animal that will silently sneak up behind you, lash out at you unprovoked, and never, ever, risk their own lives for their owner the way a faithful dog might.

Cat people, on the other hand, scoff at a dog's blind devotion to their owners. They see the eager willingness of a dog's obedience as a sign of inferior intelligence to a cat's clever independence. To a cat person, dogs are desperate for attention of any kind, are willing to beg shamelessly, and are too easily willing to forgive human transgressions. They know a cat's affinity for their owner is earned, since it is not instinctual, unlike a dog's need for social contact.

So that said, which do you prefer, and why? For the first time, recent research on this topic (see article reposted below) reveals personality traits that are common amongst dog people and cat people. (If it isn't clear to you already, this author is a self-proclaimed cat person.)

Research Shows Personality Differences Between Cat and Dog People

AUSTIN, Texas — There really is a difference between "dog people" and "cat people," according to new research from a University of Texas at Austin psychologist.

In a paper to be published later this year in the journal Anthrozoös, Sam Gosling finds that those who define themselves as "dog people" are more extraverted, more agreeable and more conscientious than self-described "cat people."

Fans of felines, on the other hand, are more neurotic but also more open than their canine-loving counterparts.

"There is a widely held cultural belief that the pet species—dog or cat—with which a person has the strongest affinity says something about the individual's personality," says Gosling, who conducted the study with graduate student Carson Sandy.

Yet numerous studies that have tried to tackle this question in the past have failed to find convincing evidence for consistent differences between the two kinds of pet lovers. Gosling's paper is the first to provide a clear portrait of what cat and dog people tend to be like.

"This research suggests there are significant differences on major personality traits between dog people and cat people," he says. "Given the tight psychological connections between people and their pets, it is likely that the differences between dogs and cats may be suited to different human personalities."

As part of the research, 4,565 volunteers were asked whether they were dog people, cat people, neither or both. The same group was given a 44-item assessment that measured them on the so-called Big Five personality dimensions psychologists often use to study personalities.

According to the findings:

* Forty-six percent of respondents described themselves as dog people, while 12 percent said they were cat people. Almost 28 percent said they were both and 15 percent said they were neither.
* Dog people were generally about 15 percent more extraverted, 13 percent more agreeable and 11 percent more conscientious than cat people.
* Cat people were generally about 12 percent more neurotic and 11 percent more open than dog people.

This article was respectfully published by Dr. Christina Villarreal, clinical psychologist in private practice in Oakland, CA

Gosling, a professor in the Psychology Department, is a leading authority on human personality. He is the author of "Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You" and recently made international headlines with his findings that people's Facebook pages reveal their true personalities, not their idealized personalities.

For more information, contact: Gary Susswein, College of Liberal Arts, 512 471 4945; Sam Gosling, 512-471-1628.

Tila Tequila's Army Will Put Hitler's Army to Shame with the help of God -- by Nikky Raney

My friend Andrea and I have made a youtube vlog entry that will explain the headline.
Tila claiming she will outdo Hitler's army. Tila's claims of Rihanna and Katy Perry signing their souls to the devil. Defamation and lies. Tila and her blasphemy. And the fact that we don't hate Tila. So watch it, it's seriously entertaining & worth the watch.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tech News: E3, Microsoft, XBox 360, Call Of Duty, Gears Of War, Kinect, etc. - John Draper

Microsoft kicked off their press conference at this year's E3 with a demo of Call Of Duty: Black Ops.

Mark Lamia, Studio Head of Treyarch, took the stage to show the game play demo of the new Call Of Duty game.  He begins the demo crawling through tunnels burrowed in the ground, climbing over the dead bodies of fellow soldiers hacked to pieces.  Following his partner through the tunnels, he turns the corner to see his leader stabbed in the throat by an enemy.  Then he emerges in an underground bunker where he is surrounded by the opposition.  The screen fades to white.  New scene:  His character finds an enemy camp in the jungle.  There is a firefight.  He then climbs into a helicopter.  An NPC (non-playable character) takes the controls and gets the chopper off the ground, then lets the player take over.  He flies through a lush green river valley, shooting down enemies and blowing up enemy bases.

The game looked fantastic.  Fast paced, great graphics, and very captivating.  Call Of Duty: Black Ops will be released November 9th of this year.  Here's the official trailer:

Don Mattrick, Senior Vice President of Interactive Entertainment at Microsoft announced a new agreement between Microsoft and Activision which will make all Call Of Duty add-ons and map hacks available on XBox 360 first now through 2012.

Kojima Productions then came out to announce Metal Gear Solid Rising, which focuses more on precision swordsmanship.  It's a new direction for the Metal Gear franchise, which previously was more gun-oriented.  Trailer:

Then came the demo of Gears Of War 3.  Cliff Bleszinski, Design Director at Epic Games, came out with some colleagues to show off the 4-player story-based co-op mode (I like to call it "hyphen mode" for short :P).  There were laser beams shooting down from the sky and giant snake/tree things popping out of the ground and giving birth to monsters.  It was amazing!  Bleszinski also said this Gears iteration would introduce a new game play mode which he called "beast." This is Beast Mode:

This was followed by a trailer for the mediocre-looking Fable 3.

Then a trailer for an XBox exclusive title from Crytek called Codename Kingdoms, which looked kind of like a video game version of "Spartacus: Blood and Sand."

After that Creative Director of Bungie, Marcus Lehto, emerged to introduce Halo: Reach.  This game looks great.  Spectacular graphics.  The screen was filled with crisp, clear, detailed images.  Not to mention *geek moment* SPACE BATTLES!

This is a clip from G4TV where Bungie shows off a game play demo of the new Halo:

ESPN announced an agreement with Microsoft to make over 3500 live and on-demand sports events available to XBox Live Gold members free of charge.  Some of the sports available will include college football, college basketball, NBA, MLB, and soccer.

Then came probably the biggest announcement Microsoft had up their sleeve, and the main focus of the rest of the conference:  XBox Kinect.

Previously code named "Project Natal," Kinect is a sleek receiver that hooks up to your XBox 360, circumventing the need for controllers.  XBox Live Corporate Vice President Marc Whitten said of Kinect, "This is what happens when technology gets out of your way."

Kinect responds to gestures and voice commands.  When watching videos or listening to music, a user has to simply say things like "XBox, play music" or "XBox, stop" to control playback functions.

Another feature will be VideoKinect, which is XBox Live's version of video phone.  You'll be able to have a live video chat with others on XBox Live or Windows Live Messenger.  You can watch videos together, and the camera automatically tracks your movement so you can walk around the room and remain on screen.  A built in microphone eliminates the need for a headphone.

The games that will ship with Kinect are:

Basically Tamagachi in HD.  In the demo a young girl played with a tiger cub named Skittles.  The cub interacted with her petting and commands to do tricks.  When she hid behind a podium, the cub looked around for her.  Cute but pointless.  Kids will love it.

Kinect Sports-
More interactive than WII Sports.  You actually use your whole body to play.  No mats, no controllers.

Kinect Joy Ride-
Cart racing and stunts.  Looks fun.

Kinect Adventures-
This one looks fun too.  Your character stands on a platform or float on what looks like a roller coaster and you jump, duck and dodge to avoid obstacles and move the platform.  The game takes photos and videos of you in action which you can post to the web.

Other games that will be available at launch time are YourShape: Fitness Evolved which is a full-body workout game and Harmonix Dance Central - a high energy full-body choreography game.

Kinect launches in North America on November 4th of this year.

Next was a preview of Star Wars for Kinect, which looks great, and is due out next year.

Then Bill Gies and Dan Greenawalt of Turn 10 Studios introduced Forza Motorsports for Kinect, which is also due in 2011.

Finally, the new XBox 360 Slim was unveiled.  It's smaller, sleeker design holds a highly amped-up CPU inside.  View the full specs here.

IGN shows you the new XBox 360:

To wrap things up, and this is one major reason I wished I could be there, Microsoft gave a new XBox 360 Slim to everyone in the audience.

That's all for Microsoft's press conference.  Stay tuned, because tomorrow I'll summarize the press conferences from Nintendo and Sony.

Chris Klein of American Pie arrested on DUI

Chris Klein
Pop Culture cult movie American Pie Star Chris Klein was arrested for DUI today, Wednesday morning. According to, Klein was found with almost three times the legal limit of alcohol in his system. Klein has his second DUI arrest in six years.

Chris Klein was traveling on the 101 Freeway at 3:13 AM PDT. TMZ reports California Highway Patrol Officers "observed (Klein) weaving from the #3 lane into the #2 and #4 lane westbound US 101 at Woodman Ave."

In other words, Klein was really toasted.

No "big hit role" since American Pie

Chris Klein's visibility as an actor surfaced with the surprising popularity of American Pie after it's release in 1991. Klein played a high school lacrosse player who falls for Mena Suvari's character in the high school coming-of-age flick.

Since American Pie, Klein's landed steady work, but no "big hit" film roles. That could change if and when Sam is released, but it's in the pre-production stage as of this writing. Sam is about "An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love with his best buddy, and learns what it means to be a woman."

Here's Chris Klein talking about his character "Oz" and playing in American Pie:

Klein's bail was set at $25,000.