Tuesday, August 05, 2008

John McCain Offers Wife For "Miss Buffalo Chip" Topless Beauty Contest

John McCain Offers Wife For "Miss Buffalo Chip" Topless Beauty Contest

(No, that's not her)

You're not going to believe this, but Senator John McCain, speaking at the annual biker convention the Sturgis Bike Rally said

“I was looking at the Sturgis schedule and noticed that you have a beauty pageant and so I encouraged Cindy to compete,” McCain said to cheers from the (mostly male) crowd. “With a little luck, she could be on the only woman ever to serve as both the first lady and Miss Buffalo Chip.”

You don't believe it? See this video; it's all there:

What is so troubling is that this is the first time in my life, I've seen the role of first lady be reduced -- REDUCED -- to that of topless beauty model. That's what the Miss Buffalo Chip contest is about.

It's an insult to anyone with a level head. It's an insult to the inititution of the President of The United States, and an insult to all American ideals.

Senator McCain should appologize to his wife and America. Moreover, I can't believe Cindy McCain just stood there and waved her hand to the crowd.

Oh, and then the crowd yells "Show us your boobs!" It's in the video!

I can't believe I'm writing this. But it happened. What a disgrace.


  1. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Where is the scalding brimstone and fire outrage from Mr. Bible, religious expert Dr. Dobson, The Fix News blowhards and the hard right conservative commentators? Are they too proud of the experiences and stellar judgments of their shriveled up buffoon and sexist standard bearer to their conservative Republican Party. Where’s PUMA and all those Hillary voters for John McCain the wife abuser and cheater in chief. Why does most of the press insist on closing McCain’s closet door whenever he purposefully opens it for us all to rummage in horror? The double standard stench is so putrid, if it was Senator Obama, they all would be saddling up their front pages and blowing away in a crazy cacophony about how undignified and immoral he is. Thereafter, they all would offer up their opinions on how deep into the scum Mr. Obama had sunk his campaign and the honor and respect of his family. Now who (THE PRESS) is in the tank with forgiving love for who (JOHN MCSHAME)?

  2. Ya think you're overreacting just a bit? Or do you seriously think that John McCain wasn't joking a bit?

    Get a sense of humor and try dealing with maybe slightly more relevant issues, babe.

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Babe? How about we deal with the relevant issue of sexism?
    Not only is McCain offering his wife for a
    semi-nude beauty contest it's named after
    Buffalo S _ _ T!
    This man is running for PRESIDENT, not the most popular old dude at the rally.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    With all the other blatant ignorance he has shown us pertaining to RELEVANT issues, what makes us think he had ANY idea that this was such a scantily clad beauty contest?

    I do imagine that she knew, and that is why she just smiled and waved.
