Saturday, February 20, 2010

Max Lager's in downtown Atlanta's like "Cheers"

I first discovered Max Lager's "American Grill & Brewery" when I was trying to find a place to meet up with a friend in Atlanta about, oh, 4 years ago. It was a large, yet homey kind of establishment with great food and a lot of beer.

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This time, I decided to return to Max Lager's, and I'm really glad I did. I met the owner, Alan LeBlanc who's in the picture with me, and the person who took it, Chris Merle, is fron Tucson, Arizona and was in town for a programmer's conference. If you're guessing that we talked about Star Trek, you're right. I can't imagine what in this post would ever give that away?

Max Lager's reminds me of the fictional bar "Cheers" where everyone knows your name, and you're always glad you came!

Cool place. Nice time. G reat food.

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