Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Megan Fox's thumb in Motorola Super Bowl Commercial causes buzz

Megan Fox is an even bigger star after starring in her first Super Bowl commercial, this one for Motorola. If you haven't seen it, the Super Bowl commercial has Megan Fox playing herself in an outdoor tub filled with bubble water. She uses her thumb to work a Motorola phone, and wonders what would happen if she sent out a picture of herself using the phone's "Motoblur" feature. The result is funny (and you can vote on it too)

But some contend the thumb in the video does not belong to Megan Fox. This blog Pinay Chicken has the explanation:

It seems that Fox has a condition known as brachydactyly, the condition of having too short fingers and toes. Now, Megan Fox's thumb is again in the news because of the Motorola commercial she did, apparently there was a thumb switch that happened, what i mean is that someone else's hand was used in the close up shot of the Motorola phone as it is being used. Watch the video below and see the commercial, see if you notice the "thumb switch". There are also still pictures below (the video) which shows clearly a sexy thumb, which do not look like Megan Fox's thumb.

Is it her thumb? Or was it planned that way to gain more Internet buzz? After the whole Emma Watson hidden leg deal, only time and tide will tell.

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