From 8 rescued miners to 9 rescued miners!
CNN Live Stream: Chilean Miners Rescue update. Mario Gomez, the oldest of the trapped Chilean Miners at 63 years old, prayed as the World watched after he got out of the Fehnix capsule that brought him from 2,700 feet below the Earth in Chile.
Mario Gomez makes it nine of the Chilean Miners rescued of 33 trapped down there. The other good news is that of nine trips, the system is working well with no malfunctions or delays. As of now, it's 4:52 AM PDT.
The World Keeps Watching The Rescue
This event has captured the attention of the industrialized World, as something is being done that, when the Chilean Miners were first discovered, some thought could not be done. But the World's experts pulled together and threw cost out of the window to rescue 33 trapped common people. People no one knew until now.
That's what's so cool about all of this. It's so great to watch the World come together around the common good of saving the lives of people we don't even know.
A miracle is happening