Christina Villarreal, LaDona King

Christina Villarreal

Dr. Villarreal is a Clinical Psychologist and maintains a private practice in Oakland, CA. She has a wide range of clinical skills including adult, family and adolescent psychotherapy, forensic assessment (cognitive and personality assessment), surgery assessment (i.e. bariatric or organ transplant), chronic pain management, and supervision and instruction of doctoral students in clinical psychology. Please contact her directly for her professional services at

LaDona King

LaDona King is a tireless advocate for the U.S. unemployed millions. She has resided in San Diego County for 31 years, is a die hard Charger fan and loves Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Having been out of work for more than two years of desperate job hunting, gaps in jobless benefits and struggling to survive, she has launched her own Talk Radio Show called Jobless Talk where the unemployed call in to vent. You can follow her advocacy efforts on her web page Jobless Unite TIER 5 to SURVIVE !!!! at