Two days ago, I reported that the news of a 4-year old suspended for rubbing his head in the chest of his teacher's aide at the La Vega Primary School after she gave him a hug was actually a racial issue and I speculated that the boy was black by the name of his father, DeMarcus Blackwell.
Well, I was right about that. Here's a link to the story and a Windows video that is a television news cast on this stupid matter:
This story has received a ton of coverage all over the Internet and from bloggers like The Volokh Conspiracy and Blonde Sagacity , and rightfully so. I'm trying to find out what the latest news on this is.
I was also trying to locate photos of any of the La Vega people in charge and in an effort to test my hypothesis that they are all White, including the teacher's aide. I didn't yet, but I did find their webpage. It has the emails of the principal Elicia Krumnow, and two other administrators. The only photo I located was of "Golden Apple Award Winner" Karen Musselman, who's worked there for eight years, and yes, who's White. She's pictured here.
My point here is that if there was an administrator who was Black in the ranks, this matter would not have unfolded in the way it did. It's really terrible that American society can still be such that it's predicatable in this way, but it is. This is basically a story of a kid being excluded for a simple innocent action; what is racism but a way to exclude a person from participating in mainstream society?
I'm still wiling to bet that if the boy was White it would be far less likely that this would have happened; that's sad. I'm going to lay this bet: the teacher's aide is Whte and female and has a complex set of problems: how she reacts to displays of affection, sex, and black men, even as boys, and that with all three, she's conflicted. Thus, this action, this stupid action that we are all informed of thanks to the Internet.
If you want to call the school and issue a word or two about this matter, here's the contact info:
Elicia Krumnow, Principal
La Vega Primary School
4400 Harrison
Waco, TX 76705
Phone: 254-799-6229
You can also contact the Board of Trustees of the La Vega School District:
Mildred Watkins - President
Rodney Outlaw - Vice President
Dr. Tamra Walthall - Secretary
Henry C. Jennings - Assistant Secretary
Phil Bancale
Randy Devorsky
Kevin P. Harris
c/o La Vega Independent School District
3100 Bellmead Drive
Waco, Texas 76705
Phone: 254-799-4963
Fax: 254-799-8642
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