For most of my very existence, R. Crumb has expressed what an attractive woman should look like to me. As somone said in the great documentary "R. Crumb" he drew women "You couldn't push around."
All of the women he drew -- and liked -- were and are strong in frame and of mind. And there's the common characteristic of muscular, thick, powerful legs and calves and a wholesome body. Not at all skinny, but also never close to fat. R. Crumb's work and popular expression of female form is a direct and attractive alternative to the "Barbie Doll" look prized by modeling agencies.

Thank God for Dove's recent "curves" ad campaign. I'm sure R. Crumb approves of it. The Dove campaign shows that women who are "thick" and have muscle are as desirable, if not more so. So this I post for the record: I'm an R. Crumb kind of guy. Moreover, I'm not alone. I don't quite understand who desided that skinny was the preferred way, but I'm going to investigate that, soon.
Meanwhile, check out the Campaign For Real Beauty" website and learn why real women have curves.

Meanwhile, Kate On Sports has a great video blog called Women and Muscle that captures and focuses ons society's new interest in the "R. Crumb woman."
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