Friday, October 24, 2008

Yes on 8 v. No on 8 - Oakland, CA Political Culture War


  • This is a video capturing two warring factions - Oaklanders in support of "Proposition 8" which would make Gay Marriage illegal, and those in opposition to the measure.
  • On CNN iReport


  1. I want to thank Zennie for covering this. The same Yes on 8 people are going to different street corners in Oakland. If people in cars voice that they are voting NO, the Yes people yell obscenities at them, I've also seen them charge people with signs and even chase a woman down the street. Each time people in the neighborhoods rally with their NO on 8 signs to counter them because they don't want this hateful behavior in their neighborhoods. These same people that you see here in the video called me a filthy faggot many times. I'm by the way a gay women, but they were calling everyone with a no sign the same thing. It's sad that they are teaching this to their kids.

  2. Thank you for posting about this. I passed by both factions the other day and later made the mistake of trying to talk to the Yes on 8 people. I wrote about the experience in my on blog here:
