I'm in Georgia as I write this having flown most of the day from San Francisco to Chicago to Atlanta. So just when I think I've only got to pay attention to my Cal Stanford Big Game videos and my Oakland sim, I have this CNN-and-
SFGate-reported news of a BART officer smashing the face of a drunk man by the name of Michael Joseph Gibson into a window on the West Oakland BART Station platform.
So I immediately went to YouTube and found this video:
I think that the way in which you structured the survey question concerning the BART incident, makes it impossible for anyone to respond with the basic conventions of reason. For starters the question itself rests on an assumption that, thus far has not been proven. For example, you asked, "Was the BART Officer out of line in smashing Michael Joseph Gibson's head into the glass at West Oakland BART Station?"
ReplyDeleteHowever, the "...smashing Michael Joseph Gibson's head into the glass" portion assumes that this action was intentional. My interpretation of the video does not allow me to conclude that the officer's intent was to smash the guy's head through the glass.
But, there are other questions that I believe do allow us to respond with reason:
1.) Do you think this incident should have been handled differently? Why or Why not? How?
or a Yes/No question
2.) Do you believe that the officer intended to smash the guy's face through the window?