Thursday, December 03, 2009
Tiger Woods scandal - Tiger Woods Voicemail Remix a new song
The Tiger Woods Scandal has sparked an online creative streak with content producers making jokes and photoshopped pictures. But this new song takes the cake. It's called
Tiger Woods Voicemail Slow Jam Remix
Tiger Woods Voicemail Slow Jam Remix
is based on the voicemail allegedly left by Tiger Woods for Jaimie Grubbs asking her to take her name off her phone before his wife called her. Produced by
, it was distributed via Twitter and
and blogs and now has gone viral.
MSNBCs David Shuster picked it up on
as has The Huffington Post, BoingBoing, and now my blogs! The video, created by Trevor Cushman with the video by Al LeVine, has this description:
Tiger Woods knows how to treat a lady right. Here’s a sexy song to prove it.
It's a creative mix of the voicemail, sultry music, and added voices. A combinations of the Tiger Woods sound with a little El Debarge thrown in.
Half Day Today is an LA-based New Media Organization specializing in comedy and viral videos. What I'm impressed with is the speed with which they turned out this remix, just about 24 hours from the release of the voicemail. Well done.
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book review
7:28 PM
I know tiger wood
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I know tiger wood