Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter in Alice and Wonderland
This started on Twitter and as of this writing continues with the hashtag "RIP Johnny Depp", but the vast majority of tweets report that the story is a hoax. But even with that, a website URL has a fake CNN webpage that reports Johnny Depp died in a car crash in...2004.
This is a terrible hoax on Johnny Depp and CNN. Johnny Depp was very much alive and about to film Pirates of The Caribbean Dead Man's Chest, which was released in 2006. Angelfire is a web hosting service. It's hard to tell just who made the fake CNN page, which is so detailed that if you click on the CNN logo, it takes you to the CNN home page, just as a regular CNN webpage would do.
But the question is who and why?
Regardless, Crispin Glover reportedly ended the talk by calling Johnny Depp via cell. Depp responded: Nope. In France, according to NBC Chicago's Courtney Hazlett, who issued the news last Monday.
Stay tuned.
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