Friday, January 22, 2010

Scott Brown win upsets Hitler; same as Sarah Palin, Megan Fox news

A couple of days ago, Hitler learned that Massachusetts State Senator Scott Brown won, but his reaction was the same as for the news that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin resigned last year. Well, there's one twist: Hitler blames Scott Brown's victory on President Obama. Of course, Hitler gets upset about a lot of things, like Sarah Palin resigning or Megan Fox rejecting him.

At the time of the report on Scott Brown, Hitler was in a meeting explaining he needed 60 votes to pass Health Care Reform.

Then on the news of Scott Brown's win, he gets pissed, saying that Obama was supposed to be a genius, the Republicans were supposed to be finished, "a regional party confined to the South", and he had a Supermajority. "Coakley had a 30-point margin!", Hitler screamed. Hitler became so upset over the news that Scott Brown won, he kicked all of the Blue Dog Democrats out of the room!

"Health Care was supposed to be done by August!", Hitler screamed. "Now it drags on forever, like Stalingrad!" Then later Hitler says he should have "stuck with Hillary."

Now, for those who have been paying attention, Hitler is supposed to be Nevada Senator and Democratic leader Harry Reid, he of the recent "Obama Negroid" controversy.

Here's the video:

And here's Hitler's response to the Sarah Palin news of last year:

And this is Hitler's reaction over the news that Megan Fox dumped him:

It's not over. We'll hear more about Hitler as 2010 drags on (film clip from the 2004 German film Downfall).

Stay tuned.

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