Tuesday, March 02, 2010

John Mayer back in the Twitter media swing after N-word issue

After literally checking out for a while, singer John Mayer, known for many multiple tweets in a single day, is back in the Twitter swing after the N-word issue.

 As you may recall, John Mayer knocked back scotch during a Playboy Interview and let loose with a blast that included use of the N-word as well as how John Meyer wasn't attracted to black women, and in graphic terms how he felt about sex with Jessica Simpson.

The resulting negative public reaction was so hard for John Mayer to take he issued an apology on Twitter, then stopped tweeting. He sent exactly two tweets in eight days between February 14th and February 21st. But by February 27th, John Mayer started tweeting many times a day again. Here are some of his most recent tweets:

Grand Rapids, MI and Throbbing Springs, PA are the two cities in the US that sound the most like water parks.
about 21 hours ago via Twittelator
Two Krispy Kreme doughnuts, good. Three Krispy Kreme doughnuts, bad.
about 21 hours ago via Twittelator
If you want to look real smart on a plane, take out the day's crossword puzzle and fill it in as fast as you can with gibberish...
about 22 hours ago via Twittelator
How can you watch Jersey Shore for 9 hours and then act like you only listen to Beethoven's fifth? Okay. Point made. Night.
9:52 PM Feb 27th via Twittelator
Stop telling your friends you detest the ke$ha song and then dancing to it at home. How about some accountability, people?
8:56 PM Feb 27th via Twittelator
Though I must add I tried brushing with a bottle of Jack and I chipped a tooth on the glass. Where might I remit an invoice?
8:48 PM Feb 27th via Twittelator
Dear Ke$ha, you have won me over with your tricks and charms and I must tell you I really like your song.
8:46 PM Feb 27th via Twittelator

Who's Ke$ha? Ke$ha's a newcoming female singer - not African American, alas - behind the hit album Animal, that's apparently got the attention of John Mayer and perhaps his animal side. He tried brushing his teeth with "a bottle of Jack" - one wonders what he said after that episode?

Yep. John Mayer's back. This after he said he was going to basically stay out of the media just weeks ago. Remember that? Remember how sorry Mayer was and how he didn't mean to hurt anyone? I believe him, but man, that whole bottle of Jack thing makes me wonder.

Maybe he was kidding or just referring to a line in one of her songs. Or maybe he wasn't kidding, and referring to a line in one of Ke$ha's songs?

Stay tuned.

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