Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lady Gaga and Beyonce The Telephone's new make-up soda can look

Lady Gaga and Beyonce's music video The Telephone has done something no iTunes sound release could ever have achieved. (Take that Justin Bieber!) A new make-up soda can look.

In the music video for Lady Gaga and Beyonce's The Telephone, Lady Gaga wears a an "up-do" that consists of soda cans while in prison.

In this video by serenaverbon on YouTube, Serena and her cousin Robin show how to create the look, and in the process have built the foundation for the propagation of a new Lady Gaga-endorsed fashion trend.

On her Twitter page, Lady Gaga gave the video the official Gaga cyber thumbs-up with this tweet: "Soda-do, How to." GENIUS little fashion monsters.
about 17 hours ago via web

Jasmin Malik Chua at Ecouterre was the first online to point to the style and wrote "If Lady Gaga has a passion for trashion, she’s managed to keep it on the down-low." Until now. The prison-inspired look seems right for these economically challenged times and could morph into a form of protest against an economy that's slow to produce jobs.

The "Make-up Soda Can Look" could serve as a perfect statement mocking governments like the State of California that spend more money on prisons than for education. If California's becoming a police state, the "Make-up Soda Can Look" might well become the fashion statement that reflects it.

Unless you doubt Lady Gaga's ability to influence fashion trends, just look at this video-blog I created after I passed by the crowd at Lady Gaga's San Francisco concert last December:

In the video-blog many of Lady Gaga's fans were obviously inspired by Lady Gaga in their dress. But while that was for a Lady Gaga concert, my bet is the "Make-up Soda Can Look" will find its way into everyday society.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Great discussion! Thank you!

    I'm hosting a discussion of "Telephone" on my blog, and I'd love for you to join us!

    Observations and Discussion of "Telephone"
