Amy Adams in Leap Year |
As I write this blog post, I'm about 40,000 feet up in the air on the way to Atlanta, by way of Chicago. It's something like 1AM PST Saturday morning.
The plane is a United Airlines Boeing 777 bound for O'Hare and I'm in seat 24 B. I've had much better seats and much worse seats. But the worst is the movie I just saw called
Leap Year with Amy Adams.
Leap Year is one of those romantic comedies I wouldn't pay to see unless I were dragged to do so or held captive on, well, an airplane.
Leap Year is not a bad film. Amy Adams plays her role as a woman caught between what she has and what she needs very well. But the problem for me is that like most films of its type, I'm compelled to like it but feel angry after I see it.
When you watch a film you place yourself in it in some way. You can't help it. You think of yourself as one of the characters. It helps if the person you think of yourself as looks like you. In Leap Year's case, I wanted to put myself in the role of Matthew Goode, who plays the Irish taxi cab driver that develops a connection with Amy Adams' character so much she dumps the white doctor guy she originally wanted to marry.
Take this
scene for example...
I think racial couples are cute. As a black women I love to explore the opposite race and gender.Inter racial dating is looked at so differently from many people. As a black women I am open to dating white men and think white women should date black men.btw found a site in which you can post your opinons..http://opinion.ezwingame.com/topics/are-you-against-black-and-white-interracial-romances?referfriend=barbara.smith183
ReplyDeletecmon man.. you were just thinking about pinning Amy's ears to her head and painting that cervix.