Thursday, June 10, 2010

Carly Fiorina blasts Barbara Boxer's hair and Meg Whitman on hot mic

The Internet is abuzz with Carly Fiorina' gaffe about U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer's hair and Fiorina's comments about Meg Whitman going on Fox News' Sean Hannity Show.

In the video below, one of many copies making the rounds on YouTube, Carly Fiorina, the Republican GOP representative in the race for the Senate seat currently held by her Democratic challenger Barbara Boxer, talks on a hot mic about Meg Whitman (the Republican GOP representative in the California Governor's race against Jerry Brown) making a "bad choice" in going on Fox News' Sean Hannity Show, saying "You know how he is" and saying that Sean's "not an easy interview" (Come on, Sean Hannity's a lightweight.) But then the former Hewlett Packard CEO sounds really catty in blasting U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer's hair for being "so yesterday."

The number one television lesson is that when a mic is placed on your, assume it's hot. Period. When I've appeared on national television, that's the rule I always follow. Someone is always listening to you and Carly should know that. What the video shows is an error in judgement, but nothing more than that.

If liberal men start blasting Carly for making the "hair" comment about Barbara Boxer and press the point, the criticism will morph into a counter charge of sexism. It's said that women dress for women, so from that perspective, and I'm a liberal, Carly's statement is natural. But what can be questioned is Carly's judgement - does she know when to keep her mouth closed, and why? That's the issue.

Now, will Meg Whitman blast's Jerry Brown's hair?

Stay tuned.

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