Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Steven Slater - why Jet Blue former flight attendant was wrong

Busy Lufthansa flight-attendants in kitchenImage via Wikipedia
Flight Attendants are the ones we count on 
Unless JetBlue CEO David Barger has a change of heart, his flight attendant Steven Slater is out of a job.

And while Slater may be richer from it, what's disturbing is that his act of total self-absorbtion is being hailed and celebrated around the country.

Not here.

When you're assigned an exit row seat, the flight attendant asks you if you take responsibility for opening the door and going through the safety steps necessary if the plane gets into some kind of water accident. I always answer "yes" with gusto.

The job of a flight attendant is to answer the call with gusto on every flight. Yes, I understand that packed planes, cut budgets, and the unraveling of social civility have taken their toll on you, but it's far better to make that a union issue than to do what Steven Slater did: jump ship.

What Steven Slater did was all about Steven Slater and no one else. If that's the message flight attendants want to send, it's a sad year and decade for air travel.

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