Wednesday, September 01, 2010

99ers Letter to David Axelrod - White House

The 99ers' letter to David Axelrod, delivered to the White House yesterday by Connie Kaplan, was very strong in content. With millions of Americans in desperate need of a Tier 5 UI extension, it was time to take the gloves off, so to speak. The letter may seem threatening to some, but desperate times require desperate measures. Below is the text of this letter:

The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest Washington, DC 20500-0004

Delivered via Special Courier

Mr. Axelrod,

This letter is written on behalf of the 99er community. The purpose of this letter, is to bring to the attention of President Obama the wants and needs of the unemployed Americans who have exhausted all of their unemployment insurance. We have been humiliated in the newspapers, on radio and on television, being called lazy, drug addicts who live on handouts from our Government. A perfect example was the Glenn Beck television show recently, where he said he would be ashamed to call us Americans and even went so far as to single out one 99er, Connie Kaplan by name. We were grateful that MSNBC allowed Connie to appear on the Ed Schultz show to comment on the absurdity of Glenn Beck’s words.

The unemployed exhaustees have waited for 8 months now, to receive any type of help from our government. Although we understand that the Republican party has filibustered most all legislation, the Americans Want to Work Act cannot be a part of this game playing. The 99er community will have a very heavy impact on elections in November. If we cannot depend on the Democratic party, who we are constantly being told supports the American people, there will be no need to vote them back into office in November. Many Democrats are in a very close race right now, and the 99er votes will either make them or break them. Unless the Americans Want to Work Act is passed in September, we will make Barbara Boxer an example of our voting clout and she would be just one Senator we would yank out of office. Keep in mind there were 200,000 exhaustees in California alone as of July 31st and our numbers continue to increase weekly.

The united 99er community realizes that our most valuable asset is our ability to vote come this November. Millions 99ers and the families of 15 million unemployed can unite our collective vote to swing the upcoming election. For any one party to count upon our millions of votes based upon being the lesser of the evils, or to count upon our vote by blaming the other side will not be sufficient. The vote of the 99er community at large is up for grabs. Our community will show up in staggering numbers to vote this November for whichever party has the intelligence and foresight to step forward and help us first. In short, whomever wins our allegiance.

President Obama needs to get involved and in touch with the 99er community by holding town hall meetings and speaking to us directly. These meetings could be held online. The 99ers are angry and our votes will show it in November. No Democrat is safe at this point and a great many 99ers that have already changed their affiliation to Independent, as a direct result of the lack of compassion and urgency thus far to help the 99 community.

The Americans Want to Work Act (HR 3706) needs to be amended to cover all states no matter their UI percentage, passed and signed into law before Congress goes on their October recess. If this is not accomplished, there will be millions of 99ers who will vote with their anger against those that continue to make us suffer. Our lives can no longer be toyed with, we are losing thousands of hard working Americans to homelessness, starvation and suicide daily. This is a national emergency and it is time to treat it as such, or pay the price in November.

Discouraged American voters,

The 99er Nation


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    We need a tier 5 extension "NOW", we are dying daily!! Help!!!!!! Please!!!!

  2. I couldn't have said it any better!!

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    A Tier 5 and possibly a Tier 6 will be needed as a stablizer/emergency aid to our economy! These are not times to argue over reasons....People, our citizens are in sincere need of economic assistance to get through this recession! To pay rent, bills, purchase food! This is a real American crisis......Millions of voters Unemployed and asking for help is a powerful group of people! having to beg for an Extension to Unemployment Benefits in the midts of the worst economy and NO JOBS Market in recent history! Pass the Extension(s)!! It is simply the right thing to do!!!! Do it NOW......Please! Americans Really Do Want To Work, right now their are NO JOBS!

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Excellent article. Why has Obama not mentioned unemployment or the words 99ers. I find that very strange. I have 50 people in my family that will vote this year. We have strength in numbers. You can bet we will vote them out!
