Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chris Nolan Academy Awards Snub Ignites Twitter - Inception Director

Chris Nolan, the producer and director of Inception, a terrific scf-fi movie starring Leonardo DeCaprio about how a specialist takes over a person's dreams and inserts new ones, was snubbed in the nominations for "Best Director." The slight has caused Twitter to explode in protest, and "Chris Nolan" has been a Top Trend Topic on Twitter for four hours, or since 6:30 AM PDT (It's now 10:24 AM as of this writing.)

What's confusing is that while Nolan's not up for Best Director, Inception is one of the Academy Awards Best Picture and Best Screenplay candidates.

Why is this? It may be that, while Inception is certainly an original work, it's also about 24 minutes longer than it should be.

The climactic ending scene featuring the cast working to get out of a "dream hole" five layers deep as the truck they're in is in free fall from a bridge to the water below, could have been cut down in some way. That may be the issue, but even then, it's a small one that reasonable people can disagree on.

Still, some of the Twitter tweets are worthy of awards themselves:

PosterRev Poster Revolution 
Guess Chris Nolan didn't plant the idea inside The Oscar's board members' mind to nominate himself as the Best Director. #oscars
1 hour ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply

colliderfrosty Steven Weintraub
don't understand how Chris Nolan didn't get a nomination for directing INCEPTION. Did they see the movie?
4 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

NotChrisRock Chris Rock
It's okay though, Chris Nolan is the director the Academy Awards deserve, but not the one it needs right now #TheDarkKnight
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

feliciaday Felicia Day
by murat__bal
Chris Nolan didn't get a director nomination?!! ARE YOU KIDDING?!
13 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

bookshopgirl212 Celia Tallis
Feels like Chris Nolan catched the Hitchcock curse-- oh well. he at least was nominated a few times.
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

daviddimiele David DiMiele
by chfiv10
Wouldn't wanna be an Academy voter right now. Chris Nolan is coming for your dreams.
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Oh, and here's mine:

zennie62 Zennie Abraham
Alert: Chris Nolan to hijack dreams of American TV audience on #Oscar Academy Awards night. Inception to win Best Picture, Best Director
7 seconds ago

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I don't get how a movie like an Inception, which was clearly one of the most original films of the year, can be directed for Best Picture along with NINE other noms and Nolan gets nothing? OK...I was actually searching online while watching TV using my Logitech Revue with Google TV (I'm a DISH customer/employee) and came across this post in between commercials. Still just a bit of a shock that he wasn't nominated. He should been guaranteed at LEAST a nomination from the revolving hallway fight scene alone.
