Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chrissy Lee Polis - McDonalds Beating Victim Baltimore Speaks

Here's a major update in the case of the "Violent Beating In McDonald's Baltimore County Restaurant:" Chrissy Lee Pollis, the beating victim, is alive and well, thank God, and talked to the Baltimore Sun via video on Saturday.

Polis confirmed that the beating actions in the video, and by the 14-year-old girl, and the 18-year-old-girl were a hate crime against her. It really more seems that it was because she was talking to "their men." You have to listen to the video, and remember that we're talking about teenagers who are 14 and 18 years old.

"Well, by the time I got there, the guy told me I needed to order something if I was going to use the bathroom," Polis said, "but I was there, really to use the bathroom. A guy approached me, asked me how I was doin. So I said 'Not now.' So I went to go and use the bathroom, and come out and the girl spit in my face, and said 'Are you trying to talk to my man. 'No, I didn't know that was your man at all.'

Chrissy says the other girl came up and spit in her face, and started 'ripping my hair. Throwing me on the floor.' And that's when the beating started that was captured on video.

So, according to Chrissy's statement, the girls didn't call her race names, or refer to her being a trans-sexual, so this blogger's confused. Emotions aside, thinking cap on, it looks like there were two violent teenagers who were just looking for a fight.

The McDonald's employee named Vernon "Charm" Hackett is reported to have "taken credit" for filming the beating, said that the woman we now know as Chrissy Lee Pollis was a "man," so from that perspective, it does look like some one of the three: the two girls and Hackett, at some point knew she was a trans-sexual, and that was used as additional motivation for their actions.

But their original motivation was teenage girl jealously. Still, regardless, it was ugly and both should be prosecuted.

McDonald's Employees Just Stood There

In the video statement, Chrissy Lee Polis says that the McDonald's Employees "all sat their and watched. They all sat there and watched." Ms. Polis says that one of the girl attackers (though it's not clear because her words come as she's talking about the McDonald's Employees) prevented her from calling the police.

McDonald's Restaurant At Fault

The bottom line, is that McDonald's Restaurant is at fault for this, and there's no getting around it. The employees of the McDonald's store just sat and watched the incident unfold, and then the camera guy tried to warn the girls the police were on their way.

This is outrageously bad for a corporation to have employees who would even think to act like that.

The Racists Come Out - Go Away

Equally offensive are the racists who come out and leave stupid comments containing their psychotic ideas about African Americans. In the case of my YouTube channel, I have proudly blocked and banned people, and not to curtain their speech because I disagree with it, but because the speech in its way is as verbally abusive as the two girls were physically abusive to Chrissy Lee Polis.

Two wrongs do not make a right, and as Martin Luther King said, an eye-for-an-eye leaves us all blind.

The good people of America have to stop hiding and take back their country from the bad people, like the racists and the girls in the video. We have to say 'Enough Is Enough; and mean it. I certainly do.

Beyond Race And Color

This incident reflects a problem with the teenage demographic that goes to McDonalds, and it touches all races. Moreover, it seems - seems - that women, really teenage girls, are far more involved in these violent stories than boys.

This is but a snap-shot of a problem that impacts American schools, and where teenage girls are regularly involved in sexual activity at school, and in some cases right in class. So, the problem is beyond race and has come because of the rise of single-parent families and not enough good job opportunities for them.

Moreover, I've noticed that when black and Latino teenage girls were having kids at rates that were gaining notice, it was a "problem in the black and Latino community," but when white teenage girls do it, they have TV shows called "Teen Mom," and the girls wind up on the cover of gossip magazines like Star and US Weekly.

All of this rhetorical crap masks the real problem of teenage violence and sexual activity. And now, it's out of hand. My fear is the racists will try and stop us from getting to this real problem.

Something's really screwed up. But the racists need to stay out of this, and go home.

Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I'm confused Zennie. So the anon racists actions on YouTube are equatable to the voilent actions of these teenagers in committing a hate crime? Usually I agree with you, but you are way off base on this. You cannot let the actions of a few internet trolls get the best of you. Grow a damn thicker skin. These girls need to be put away for a long time for their actions, and you are somewhat trying to soften their actions in light of what you see as a personal attack on your race. Shame on you.

  2. Max. Visit my YouTube page and see. And then ask yourself how you would feel if you were black. The one thing is I do NOT tolerate racism and I really will not put up with it. I don't care what you say. Enough is enough.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Right, so just because you think I am not black I have never experienced racism? You don't know me or even what race I am. Its YOUTUBE, they don't moderate their own comments. You could post a video that has one minority in it, no matter what the content of the video is, and trolls will be all over it. All you are doing by drawing non-existent parallel's between two different things is giving the racists what they want and setting back the advancement of dialogue.

  4. Advancement of dialogue? That's a joke. My rule stands. I don't care. Go enjoy Easter. This is my job, not yours.

  5. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Zennie, I applaud your commentary. I truely believe in the adage "the way evil wins is for good people to do nothing". The Mcdonalds videos are proof of that. Whats needed is a nationwide boycott of mcdonalds until they hire security for their late night establishments. You are right this doesnt appear to be racialy motivated. But, it appeared that the girls were friends with the camera man, (they didnt want cops but they allow someone to blatently film evidence?) and obviously he warned them to run away, like a lookout would. I do think that the real reason behind it was the girls transgender identity however. The statements were obviously a ploy to manufacture a reason to fight, but, it took place in chrissy's neighborhood. I think the mcdonalds employees didnt help because they 1)knew it was coming 2) approved of it. The whole ambush looks like a pre-meditated assault. ~Rob Rock

  6. Anonymous4:50 AM

    I also think the cameraman was fired for mcdonalds to try and limit liabilities and for damage control, rather than to actually punish the man. One more thought, when the man took off the lens cap of the camera, his hand looked white, was he white? ~Rob Rock

  7. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I totally agree with you Zennie, if you didn't delete and ban those comments your channel would be nothing but a festering swamp of hatred and racism. The people making those comments have the mental maturity of a kindergartener and should be treated as such. I don't see how such vileness can be seen as any kind of valuable dialogue.


  8. Anonymous1:16 PM

    It is not part of thier job to protect the customers. I have defended an attack victim before and I am ashamed to say, it took me awhile to respond.

    It was very frightning! I had to step out of myself and close my eys and start yelling even then I shaking. Wha happen to Chrissy was so wrong and I hope she is okay, I know she must be emotionally hurt as much as she is physically.

    Some might have known she was transgender and thought it was funny, some would not help because men usaully do not break up girl fights, some might have been afraid but unless thier contracts state tehy are to break up fights it is not thier job.

    As gentlemen they should have said to each other you take the one of the right I will take the one on the left or came up with some sort of plan.

    If the older lady and manager never stopped them these evil girls would have killed her all while they recorded it. If they had the courage to tape it they could find the courage to help stop it.

  9. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Sigh... if only I could have been there. I would have taken those two bitches and slammed their heads into the wall. Then I would have taken that employee's camera, filmed his face while I beat it to a pulp, and shoved it up his worthless ass. These scum don't even deserve to be alive.

  10. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "it seems - seems - that women, really teenage girls, are far more involved in these violent stories than boys."

    This is an absurd assertion leading to an equally absurd conclusion.

    Do you have any data to back your assertion up? If not, will you admit its purely your own prejudice?

    Well, at least you've learned to stop using the term tranny.
