A lot has been written about Rebecca Manns, the University Of Louisville Cheerleader who was kicked off the cheerleading squad for a large set of photos of her naked that were spread around the Intenet. Rebecca and her parents have been lobbying to get her back on the team. But maybe she should just chuck that effort and go into the porn industry.
TIME OUT! Check out the news on the Miami Super Bowl Party! And wonder how Rebecca would look in any one of the Hybrid Cars out there? Check them out!
That's what Courtney Simpson did. She's the Arizona State Cheerleader who was pushed off that colleges Cheerleading squad for using her cheerleader uniform in of all things a porn movie. The info on her is...
"On December 2, 2005, The Arizona Republic[2] reported that Simpson, who was an Arizona State cheerleader on the 2004-2005 squad was kicked off of the team in the spring of 2005 for undisclosed violations, before she began her career in the adult industry. However, Simpson herself says that she was never kicked off the squad, but instead she claimed that she "couldn't go to [cheerleader] camp with the team as my mom had found out I got drunk or something and she was scared for me to go to camp with them".
It was reported that Arizona State University officials are looking into any legal claims they might have in relation to a "trademarks and intellectual property" for the use of the Arizona State uniform. However, Simpson has said that that the film's producer, Gina Lynn, ultimately decided to change the uniform's appearance on the video's box cover so the initials said "USA" and not "ASU", and also to blur out the uniform during the time she wears it on-screen.
Since starting her career she has done many porn films becoming a very busy and popular performer. Some of these titles include Barely Legal 58, Black Dicks In White Chicks 11, Ass Whores From Planet Squirt, Double Play 3, Gag Factor 20, My Girlfriend's Whore Friend, Young And Nasty 2, Max Faktor 14"
Now, I know that Rebecca didn't mean for this kind of PR to become associated with her name, but in a pornified America, that's what happened. She might as well cash in.

She could have a website, or a blog, or video-blogs. The imagination runs. She could make it so she could do movies without really doing anything sexual in them. It could be left to the imagination.
And boy it does run!