Showing posts with label ai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ai. Show all posts

Sunday, December 02, 2007

ASIMO - Honda's Robot Experiment Has Evolved Into Running Entity

What you're about to see is ASIMO -- Honda Corporations 20-year old experimental robot project which is at the point where the latest version can run up to four miles per hour. The video below shows the ASIMO robot in running action, and there are no wires.

Reportedly Honda's designed this robot to be used to help people, and the ASIMO website seems to imply this. But as ASIMO has reached this stage of development, the question of what would happen if ASIMO got into the wrong hands must be asked. Could this robot be used to deliver explosive devices for terrorists? How can one protect the technology from getting into the wrong hands?

Scary stuff, where we're aheaded.