In a release yesterday on Google's official blog, "Some weekend work that will (hopefully) enable more Egyptians to be heard" Google announced they've already put a workaround in place for the "internet shutdown" stifling the flow of information coming from Tahrir Square and other protest sites in Egypt.
This really shines a light on the concept of an "internet kill switch" in the U.S., which Congress is actually considering again. The bill has not been re-introduced, but reportedly it's being "floated" by Maine Senator Susan Collins who was on the right side of efforts to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and she assures reporters it wouldn't have the same sweeping impact as Mubarak's current information blockade in Egypt. I'm skeptical, Senator, of attempts to control the flow of information.
I applaud Google's rapid response, but what if I wanted more specifics? What if I want to search on a hashtag related to Tahrir Square, for instance, which is trending now on Twitter?
Although you never know what will change if such a bill moves forward, in its current form there's no provision for judicial review if and when the administration shuts down the internet. I'm not worried that Obama would prevent us from learning about Tea-Baggers rallying to whine about taxes, but moving forward it's important that we not create laws that disturb and undermine the balance of power deliberately crafted into our Constitution during this country's formation, (even if judges and courts funded by taxes are arguably a socialist approach to conflict resolution.)
There's a lesson here, about restricting freedom of speech when people want to exercise their right to assemble peaceably, and most of us outside of the U.S. Capitol want to see that freedom restored to 80 million Egyptians and remain protected for 300 millions U.S. citizens as our Constitution mandates.
Thomas Hayes is an entrepreneur, former Democratic Campaign Manager, strategist, journalist, and photographer who contributes regularly to a host of web sites on topics ranging from economics and politics to culture and community. You can follow him as @kabiu on twitter.
"Like many people we’ve been glued to the news unfolding in Egypt and thinking of what we could do to help people on the ground. Over the weekend we came up with the idea of a speak-to-tweet service—the ability for anyone to tweet using just a voice connection."The engineers created a service that not only tweets the message using the hashtag #egypt, but allows for dialing in to collect/hear tweets, too, using the same phone number.
I applaud Google's rapid response, but what if I wanted more specifics? What if I want to search on a hashtag related to Tahrir Square, for instance, which is trending now on Twitter?
Although you never know what will change if such a bill moves forward, in its current form there's no provision for judicial review if and when the administration shuts down the internet. I'm not worried that Obama would prevent us from learning about Tea-Baggers rallying to whine about taxes, but moving forward it's important that we not create laws that disturb and undermine the balance of power deliberately crafted into our Constitution during this country's formation, (even if judges and courts funded by taxes are arguably a socialist approach to conflict resolution.)
There's a lesson here, about restricting freedom of speech when people want to exercise their right to assemble peaceably, and most of us outside of the U.S. Capitol want to see that freedom restored to 80 million Egyptians and remain protected for 300 millions U.S. citizens as our Constitution mandates.