We each receive emails and visit websites that are very anti-Senator Obama. Below is an email you can use to refute the negative and put these people on the side of Change.
I caucused in Iowa and because of that effort, and the effort of other Iowan's supporting Senator Obama, his road to the White House began. This is a man I believe in and believe that he may not be able to "Change" all that he wants, but his positive attitude, professional demeanor and honorable character will strengthen our country. Please feel free to use this (below) to help grow and strengthen Senator Obama's election campaign:
Your future, our future depends on the upcoming Presidential election. I understand your concerns over Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama and your need to feel you must support a candidate other than Senator Obama.
The road to the White House is long and arduous but can be made easier by a unified Democratic party. If we are divided amongst ourselves our future is in peril. We are one in the same – democrats, republicans and independents. We all want a stronger America, a renewed face in the eyes of the world of leadership, compassion and fairness. A new direction. We are all united in the fact that we did not receive this under President Bush’s administration.
There are rumors about Senator Obama’s past. I urge you to check each rumor out – there are several sites which are excellent sources:
SNOPES: http://www.snopes.com
MEDIA MATTERS: http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/
COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW: http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/
FACT CHECKER: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/
POLITIFACT: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/
FACTCHECK: http://www.factcheck.org/
TRUTH OR FICTION: http://www.truthorfiction.com/
I truly believe Senator Obama offers a path to unity, truth, a strong democratic party and a new direction for the United States. Please come join us and help stop the division. United We Stand, Divided we Fail. I invite you a visit our web site at http://www.barackobama.com and help reshape the future.