Showing posts with label fcc and cnn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fcc and cnn. Show all posts

Sunday, June 01, 2008

CNN Trying To Fix Democratic Election For Clinton; Obama Ahead in Popular Vote

I'm watching CNN's telecast of the Puerto Rico vote and they're -- Wolf Blitzer's -- trying to fix the election for Senator Clinton. The reality is that we count all votes of the 48 state and we have two that broke the rules. Plus, you can't just "give" votes cast in Florida and Michigan because the election was tainted. The DNC Rules Commitee established that.

Thus, the real popular vote tally is this:

Obama - 17,601,742 48.3% Clinton - 17,325,334 47.6%

Obama +276,408 +0.7%

That shows Obama ahead and it includes all of the caucus states, including Washington. The bottom line is that you can't just exclude states that have had fair elections and played by DNC rules -- that's 48 states.

CNN's trying to fix the news and public opinion by presenting what are in fact false scenarios. Frankly, I think the FCC should investigate CNN's actions, and those of the other networks as well.

Oh, and Terry McAuliffe is real wrong because to be frank, the four delegates were not -- not Senator Clinton's to begin with. Terry, the Michigan election was against DNC Rules, how many times do you need to be reminded of that? She did not win those delegates "fair and square."