Showing posts with label obama minute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama minute. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AN OBAMA MINUTE - 10/6 @ Noon

Check it out.  This is the power of grassroots organizing at its best.  A group of people from across the country have come together to bring back the Obama Minute.  Here is it's fundamental message:

Come join us and kick off the the last month of this campaign with a bang!  

Imagine all of the things you can do in a minute - nearly boil an egg, lie about weapons of mass destruction, make out on a first date, ignore a national travesty (Katrina), break a leg, minute rice, change a bulb, read someone's mind, lose $700 Billion, RAISE $1 MILLION  and support Barack Obama in an Obama Minute.  Oh and get those clowns out of office!

The first Obama Minute, in April, raised over $250,000 from 5000 people.  This time 4300 address books and more are being leveraged. 

It is about One Moment and One Strong Voice.