Showing posts with label presidential debate commission.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label presidential debate commission.. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What can we expect from the next Presidential debate?

So far we've learned about leadership style more than plans, policies, and specific substance of any initiatives because the moderators of the Presidential debates thus far haven't used their position(s) either to employ follow-up questions effectively -- or to correct misinformation before a participant has to waste their own alloted response time to correct an opponent while they SHOULD be addressing the original topic/question.

Can Schieffer out-perform Brokaw, or Ifill, and rise to at least the level of Katie Couric's follow-ups with Palin? All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

Will they give Obama long enough to actually go into detail, or will everybody have to go check his website if they want substance?

Would we learn just as much - or more - watching them play Scrabble or Syzygy and listening to real conversation, or will we get beyond talking points to hear them actually discuss why deregulation which McCain favored for Wall Street is just as dangerous for health care?

Will McCain show leadership, or be peevish, pouty, and petty?