Showing posts with label push polling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label push polling. Show all posts

Monday, October 20, 2008

Push Poll

I received the following email and am reprinting all of the info here, with permission. It's instructive to see what's really happening. Note: the respondent does not really believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim (but as Colin Powell says, so what if he were?). Several groups, listed below, are calling for a return call campaign to jam the phone lines of this push polling organization.

Dear friends,

I just received a presumably McCain push poll on my cell phone. The push poll was as follows:

* Push Poll (PP): Are you intending to vote in the 2008 presidential election?
o Me: Yes
* PP: Do you intend to vote for John McCain?
o Me: No
* PP: Do you intend to vote for Barack Obama?
o Me: Yes
* PP: Do you want a strong President who will manage the economy?
o Me: Yes
* PP: Did you know about Barack Obama's affiliations to Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac and that most of his contributors are Washington lobbyists representing the corrupt firms that caused the financial crisis?
o Me: Yes
* PP: Does this make you less likely to vote for Barack Obama?
o Me: No
* PP: Did you know about Barack Obama's affiliation to terrorist Bill Ayers and to the fraudulent voter registration organizationAcorn?
o Me: Yes
* PP: Does this make you less likely to vote for Barack Obama?
o Me: No
* PP: Are the values of the candidates important for you in this election?
o Me: Yes
* PP: Did you know that Obama is a muslim?
o Me: Yes
* PP: Does this make you less likely to vote for Barack Obama?
o Me: No
* PP: We are going to ask you a series of questions about your demographics. Is this ok? o Me: Yes
* PP: What is your age?
o Me: 34
* PP: (Inaudible)
o Me: (Silence)
* PP: Thank you very much for taking time to answer the survey of the Political Action Committee for Change (not sure, if this was the name or not). This is an independent survey and is not affiliated with the political campaigns of John McCain or Barack Obama. (End of call)
The number was registered on my caller ID as the following: 703-263-2155, Let's call this number and shut it down! :-)

UPDATE:You should read the comments on my blog entry in at * Someone named NH Flaming Moderate ( claimed to have been called from that number today, but she was unable to answer because she was at a soccer game.

* Another person named Ballerina X ( claims the caller ID read "Perry Elaine."

* Another person named jgilhousen ( claimed the location was "Herndon VA" and said that "there are several marketing/political research companies there, any of whom could be the culprit." Another person says the caller ID read: PUBSRV 2008.

* Someone named Msanger ( received the same exact call in Georgia at 4.30 pm Saturday.

* If you google Elaine Perry, she does voice overs: Also, there have been twelve complaints registered against this phone number online: * * these lists of complaints, one person who answered the calls said they were repeated calls by the Huckabee campaign.

The Mormons for Obama on Yahoo Groups have organized a concerted effort to call the number en mass. They said they were initially getting a voice mail but now are actually getting a busy signal.

Someone in the Feminists for Obama Yahoo Group wrote:
All I could find out about that number is that it is a verizon phone and it is in Centerville, VA. If you want to find out the persons name and address, you have to pay 40 bucks. I tried calling and it just kept ringing. You may want to check with verizon though.

A fellow Truman Scholar wrote me 15 minutes ago to say:
Based on other comments I've found online, I think this is the organization that pays for those calls: