Showing posts with label robert kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robert kennedy. Show all posts

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hillary Clinton "RFK June Assasination" Comment Raises Obama Safety Concerns

Hillary Clinton "RFK June Assasination" Comment Raises Obama Safety Concerns

UPDATEL: Clinton Blames Obama for her gaffe

It was as shocking as it was sudden. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, then top campaigner against and now only the challenger to Senator Barack Obama's run for the Democratic Nominee for President of The United States, has made what in my estimation is the largest mistake of her candidacy, and yes, even larger than her comments on Martin Luther King where she said "It takes a President.."

Today, Senator Clinton really stuck her foot in it, calling up the image of Bobby Kennedy's Assasination in 1968 as a historic reason for her to stay in the current Presidential Election race. This Talking Points Memo video captures Hillary Clinton at the Argus Leader editorial board interview, May 23, 2008 which is today and where she made the comments:

This has caused an outrage all over. I first listened to this, and turned around and looked at my Mom, who's visiting, and she said "She's gone crazy." Over at the Huffington Post, the comments below Sam Stein's article are not supportive. I took it as this: she's waiting for someone to kill Barack Obama.

Senator Obama has been compared not just with JFK, but with RFK, as my video here shows.

Now, I'm hearing Clinton supporter, former aide, and CNN Contributor Paul Begala trying like heck to put lipstick on this pig, and it's not working at all.

This has spread like wildfire. Clinton's comments are on five videos on YouTube in just the last hour. is calling for Superdelegates to make their decision now, based on the Clinton error, and the fact that Obama's only 56 delegates from the magic mark.

It's caused a firestorm over at DailyKos, and the -- as of this writing -- 1,400 + comments are overwhelmingly negative. Ann Kornblut over at Saddlebrook Democrats linked her statement with Governor Mike Huckabee's words that someone was aiming a gun at Barack Obama, saying "shame on you" to both.

She's right.

I wonder what's in her head to come up with that comment? I wonder if she's daring to think that someone will try to kill Senator Obama by June? There's something dark back there in the deep recesses of her mind and it's not good in my view.

It was a terrible statement for which she apologized:

But for me, it's not enough. Michelle Benard on MSNBC's right: Clinton's comments have cemented her terrible relationship with the African American community, perhaps for good.

Stay tuned.