Showing posts with label vlogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vlogs. Show all posts

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How To Get More Women to Be Video Bloggers

There's an idea out there that there are more male than female video-bloggers and an anecdotal scan would seem to confirm that. My video explains how we can change that by encouraging women to vlog, and protecting them from harm and harrasment online to the extent that's possible. Here's the iReport version .

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why Are Newspapers Dying? - O'Reilly Broadcast

Why Are Newspapers Dying? - O'Reilly Broadcast: “The emergence of the Internet proved newspapers' most challenging competitor, and the one that ultimately may have managed to do the newspaper industry in altogether. Most newspapers, from the veritable New York times on down, launched their own websites, reasoning that this was simply another medium in which to publish their own writers, but this viewpoint may have been somewhat shortsighted.

In 2003, the term blog first entered into the modern lexicon, an online editorial or journal written not by professional journalists but by eager amateurs who could publish by overcoming a far smaller barrier to entry - setting up a blogging site. With contemporary tools, the blogger could effectively start producing his or her own "news" within a few hours, and if they happened to be reasonably competent, were willing to invest some time into promotion and consistent in publishing content, they had a good chance to gain more "eyeballs" than professional journalists with thirty years of experience.

As of April, 2008, only three newspapers had a subscriber base in excess of 1,000,000 readers - USA Today (2.3 million), The Wall Street Journal (2.1 million) and the New York Times (1.1 million). Most newspapers average approximately 300,000 subscribers. This of course doesn't reflect total readership numbers - many papers sell a significant proportion of their subscriber levels in newsstand and library sales - but it does provide at least a basic metric for understanding the dynamics of newspaper publishing vs. the web.”

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

On The 17 Year Old's Death And Six Flags Over Georgia

In this vlog,I take issue with the idea that the 17 year old kid who passed away after being decapitated by a roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia was stupid. The folks at fault were Six Flags Over Georgia and the governments that approved the design of the roller coaster. It's not reasonable to expect a teenager to understand what it means to be accountable; that's when accountability is learned.

Six Flag Over Georgia should have anticipated all possible outcomes and designed the roller coaster on that basis.