Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama gets AFSCME endorsement - Democratic unity growing

According to the Associated Press: Senator Barack Obama secured the endorsement of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees [AFSCME], a large and influential union that had been backing his former Democratic rival Senator Clinton (D-NY) until she suspended her campaign.

AFSCME is the largest union for workers in public service with 1.4 million politically motivated members nationwide.Obama & Clinton The unification of the two camps to put a Democrat in the White House is well underway.

For discussion of what this means to and for Clinton backers, you can also visit an AFSCME discussion thread by at Take note that this is a sign of healing in progress, that the members of AFSCME know who they want in the Oval Office beginning in January.

Barack Obama Refused Public Financing For General Election

This is one of the news items of the day. Senator Barack Obama has annouced today that he is not going to use taxpayer money to finance his campaign for President of the United States.

To date, Senator Obama has raised more than $200 million in donations most smaller than $200 - unprecedented. Here's Senator Obama's message:

Leigh Steinberg's 22nd Super Bowl Party: Scottsdale, AZ - Video

This is the video account of Leigh Steinberg's 22nd Super Bowl Party. This one held at the Botanical Gardens outside Scottsdale, Arizona. The video features an interview with Leigh where he talks about the "Green Initiative" he's started, Ricky Williams, and "Athletes for Obama."

Republicanmarket - Racists At The Texas Republican Convention

Republicanmarket - Racists At The Texas Republican Convention

This sad report comes from the blog Great Lakes, Great Times, Great Scott, where it's reported that a button reading "If Obama's President, Will We Still Call It The White House" was being sold. The button is made by a company called "Republicanmarket" which claims to sell "Patriotic and Republican Products."

So racism is patriotic? I think they meant idiotic.

All bloggers -- Great Lakes, Great Times, Great Scott,, this blog, and more -- are calling for you to contact that organization and discourage them from using the mental illness of racism to make a buck.

You can email them at You should also contact Tina Benkiser, the head of the Texas GOP at and share your feeling with her.

Why is it that Republicans are generally associated with racist thought? I guess examples like this are why. But in an age where racism has been identified as a mental illness, you'd think the party would rush to avoid any associations with people who exhibit paranoid delusion.

But no.

Buttons like that one confirm the idea that the Republican Party has been taken over by the lunatic fringe. So if you're a Hillary Clinton supporter still fighting the civil war, and moving over to the GOP side, look at who your associating with.

Want to be thought of as a person who should be in a rubber room?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

First Day of Legal Gay Marriage In San Francisco - Video Account

This video covers the events outside San Francisco City Hall involving the first day of legal same sex marriage in San Francisco: Monday, June 16th, 2008 at 5:38 PM. A historic news and politics event. I went with the objective of determining the opinions of people in the crowd.

What would a hope monger do?

Imagine a hope-monger came across the following in a search log:

"michelle obama" promiscuous

So obviously somebody is looking for dirt. All a hope monger has to do is describe the tactic in a blog entry, and include a few keywords, and suddenly there is both more awareness -- good press -- and just "more to sort through" for those who seek to attack the Obamas.

And the word promiscuous can have little or nothing to do with sexuality, obviously.

Promiscuous, for instance, is a song recorded by Nelly Furtado and Timbaland for Furtado's third album, Loose, in 2006.

It can also mean consisting of diverse, unrelated parts or individuals, even confused, as in: "Throngs promiscuous strew the level green" (Alexander Pope)

Sometimes there's the looser meaning, "not selective" of a single class or person, as in: "Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money." which was obviously intended to echo the crisis near the end of Bill Clinton's Presidency while discussing an unrelated topic.

Now... folks are obviously "panning the stream" to find evidence of deviance, or perversity, or anything of a sexual nature to use to cast aspersions on Michelle Obama.

This is your chance to be a hope monger, and add to the degree of difficulty for the smear mongers and those who seek to use divide and conquer political tactics a la Karl Rove. The more these words appear, the more the power of the search engines is diluted, and the more time the folks taking that approach spend reading what amazing people Senator Barack and Michelle Obama are.

Larry Sinclair Arrested After Sham NPC Press Conference Today

Larry Sinclair, the Obama smear-monger who admitted to this blogger his Texas parking tickets and other clues that lead to his Texas and not Minnesota dwelling, was arrested after what details reveal to be a "stupefiying" press conference held at The National Press Club today.

According to Ben Smith at Politico, Sinclair has a 27-year criminal record of "crimes of deceit" and is wanted in Colorado on charges that were not made clear to Smith.

Sinclair gave what blogger David Weigel reported a press conference that was a set of "amused bunch of people taking in a circus act." He also reported the antics of Sinclair's lawyer Montgomery Sibley:

It got worse when Sinclair's lawyer Montgomery Sibley—whose license is currently suspended in D.C. and Florida—showed up in a kilt and told reporters that his above-average endowment made slacks tight and uncomfortable.

Ok. Ok.

Afterward, Sinclair was immediately arrested by Washinton police on the Colorado charges. Talk about glass houses.

Michelle Obama's revelation on THE VIEW: not so elite

Forget what you've heard about Barack and arugula (even though it makes a good story.)

The Obamas are not your garden-variety urban co-op food snobs no matter who tries to paint them that way - they've developed an appreciation of diverse foods, but they come from simple roots... The truth about Obama breakfasts came out today on THE VIEW, and it's shocking.

You may have missed it, somehow, but Michelle Obama has co-hosted The View. If you want the whole video, it’s elsewhere here on Zennie's Zeitgeist and I urge you to learn more by watching. In fact, watch for the terrorist fist jabs — but here’s Michelle's shocker:

Sure, she also eats toast and fruit...

...according to Michelle both Obamas are fond of good, old-fashioned American bacon.
Michelle Obama on THE VIEW
Who knew that there'd be something to learn from an ABC mid-day filler program? Barack and Michelle both like to eat the same food that everybody likes. (Go ahead, ask your favorite vegan. They may not eat it any more, but they like bacon, trust me.)

Barack Obama's Leads John McCain In Virginia 47 % to 45 %

According to Talking Points Memo, Senator Barack Obama's ahead of John McCain by 2 points as of this writing, 47 percent to 45 percent. Personally, I think this is too close for comfort and would be happier with a seven point poll spread. Obama still has work to do here. Either Webb or Clinton or Edwards as the VP choice would help. I still think it's going to be Clinton as the pick.

Iowa Floods - Police "Strike Teams" Invade Homes, Harass Flood Victims

I just saw this on YouTube and had to post it. Here's the description from the video itself:

Cops break down doors, threaten residents who question them as part of martial law conditioning, authorities prevent people from re-entering their homes
Shocking footage out of Cedar Rapids Iowa shows cops and government employee "strike teams" breaking into houses of flood victims and threatening anyone who questions their actions in complete violation of the 4th amendment right that protects against unlawful search and seizure.
No warrant, no knock home invasions are being carried out on the flimsy pretext of "checking for structural damage" as cops harass and threaten with arrest people who refuse to have their homes ransacked by thugs in uniforms.

Cedar Rapids police chief Greg Graham promised residents over the weekend that "Law enforcement officers are not entering homes," and that firefighters would only enter homes through unlocked doors and windows yet the video clearly shows locked houses being broken in to. has more information on this major problem not reported by the Mainstream Media.

Michelle Obama's terrorist fist jabs on THE VIEW...

ObamasHere's another easy place to watch the video if the link in the story below is busy! Best bet is to scroll down, but we know it's a hot video.

Mrs. Obama doesn't seem to think that the fist jabs will hurt her popularity, or her husband's chances in the general election. Judging by the reactions, I think she's right. I could go on, but frankly the best thing for you to do is go watch it yourself as this eloquent, fascinating woman talks about a variety of issues, including Hillary Clinton...

Michelle Obama On The View Today - Video

Michelle Obama appeared on The View today and to rave reviews. She didn't act abnormally and appeared comfortable on the show. This clip shows her artfully ducking the chance to respond to a controvesial statement by Whoopi Goldberg.