Sunday, March 09, 2008
Sean Hannity's Messed-Up Obama Reporting Features Security Threat
Yes, you read my title correctly. Fox News' Sean Hannity should be FIRED. Yanked off the Fox News telecast by his legs, upside down , by the Secret Service and in full prime-time view of the American Public.
Sean Hannity's a total jerk of a TV personality who thinks it's cool and good ratings to assist by association in placing a respected U.S Senator in danger, which is what he has done by featuring one man, a friend of Sean's who's a white supremacist named Hal Turner and who Sean's frequently had as a guest, and who also threatened Obama.
Yes, you read that correctly. Sean Hannity is -- as newshounds put it -- "ever-vigilant-against-black-racism but ever-sympathetic-to-white-racism". But to the point of allowing a person he's friendly with to threaten the life of Barack Obama? This is nuts, and Sean's just plain horrible.
Hal Turner's had bomb-making tips on his website and has written such dangerous and really sick words as ""smart Frenchman Burned The Place Down To Prevent More Savage Negros From Gaining Access To France" and who's page is linked to from a Neo-Nazi groups website. And add to that, he's not even supposed to have a webpage, because he's been rejected by so many people. Maybe the Secret Service should take this down.
And with all of this, Sean Hannity has a relationship with this idiot? WFT?!
(I'd link to Turner's page, but it makes me barf to even write the link code to do it. But on second thought, if it helps the FBI and the Secret Service, I'll do's the link.)
This means Fox News speaks for Hal Turner.
I can't believe Fox News is to desparate for rating that on top of the whole short skirts, upskirt legs habit they've launched on the part of their female hosts, they harbor as a TV personality a guy who has no problem -- none at all -- giving voice to someone who wants to eliminate Barack Obama.
I can't figure out which is worst: Hannity or Turner, or Fox News itself. I guess I'll take all three of them put together.
According to Newshounds, Hannity, this total piece-of-shit fuck in my free-speech opinion regarding a public figure who's played agent to the threat of Barack Obama, has " has never renounced Turner." Moreover, according to McSweeney's Internet Tendency , Hannity has helped Turner overcome a drug problem and has invited him to the set of his TV show. Think about it. Sean Hannity maintains a friendship with a person in Hal Turner who -- again according to McSweeney -- advocates killing African Americans, and I'm way not making this up.
It's about time Sean rejected Turner on his show, or get booted from his show. But really, it's about time Fox News got some real balls and kicked Hannity off the air, regardless of the appology. It's totally un-American to have a person who's arguably a threat to national security on the public airwaves. Get his stupid, ignorant, racist ass off television now.
Now for those of you who think Hannity has a point about "The real Barack Obama," you're smoking something other than a very good Mike Ditka Cigar. According to Newshounds, which "watches Fox so you don't have to" ...
Obama has renounced Farrakhan and the radical organization the Weather Underground, of which two former members developed a seemingly loose association with Obama 40 years later. Naturally, those renunciations were not good enough for Hannity. But Hannity, to my knowledge, has never renounced Turner.
Obama’s “connection” to Farrakhan is tenuous at best. Obama’s pastor’s daughters awarded Farrakhan some kind of lifetime achievement award. It’s worth noting that Obama has said he disagrees with the award. But that did not satisfy the ever-vigilant-against-black-racism but ever-sympathetic-to-white-racism Hannity.
Obama’s connection to Ayers is also sketchy. It has been reported that Obama met with the two former radicals, Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dohrn, in 1995; Obama served with Ayers on the board of an anti-poverty group; Ayers donated $200 to Obama's 2001 state senate campaign;
I'm glad Patriot Boy called the Secret Service about Hal Turner; the Secret Service should keep a watch on Sean Hannity, too. I've seen the real terrorists, and they're Hal Turner and Sean Hannity.
There are some who say Hannity is a moron , but I say he's just plain a threat to our country. Please get him off the air; he's done far more damage than Don Imus ever did, and Imus got the boot. Hannity should get the jail.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger puckers up to Kim Klein
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger puckers up to congratulate Kim Klein, the winner of the Fitness International Competition at The Arnold Classic. The Arnold Classic is an annual bodybuilding event the Governor established well before he became Governor of California.
Dick Morris: It's Over For Hilary Clinton
In Real Clear Politics, former Clinton aide and now enemy Dick Morris writes in a real clear way that it's over for Hillary Clinton:
"The real message of Tuesday's primaries is not that Hillary won. It's that she didn't win by enough.
The race is over.
The results are already clear. Obama will go to the Democratic Convention with a lead of between 100 and 200 elected delegates. The remaining question is: What will the superdelegates do then? But is that really a question? Will the leaders of the Democratic Party be complicit in its destruction?..
I don't think "The Superdelegates" will do that, because by the time we get to Puerto Rico, many of the undecideds will have moved to support Obama anyway. I think what will be written after all of this is just how much the Mainstream Media missed this story of Obama's rise, so intent were many in that camp on crowning Hillary Clinton.
"The real message of Tuesday's primaries is not that Hillary won. It's that she didn't win by enough.
The race is over.
The results are already clear. Obama will go to the Democratic Convention with a lead of between 100 and 200 elected delegates. The remaining question is: What will the superdelegates do then? But is that really a question? Will the leaders of the Democratic Party be complicit in its destruction?..
I don't think "The Superdelegates" will do that, because by the time we get to Puerto Rico, many of the undecideds will have moved to support Obama anyway. I think what will be written after all of this is just how much the Mainstream Media missed this story of Obama's rise, so intent were many in that camp on crowning Hillary Clinton.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
HillaryIs44 Is Ran By Alex Rodriguez - Politico's Ben Smith
The anti-Barack Obama website called HillaryIs44 has existed for some months without anyone knowing who ran it. But thanks to Ben Smith of The Politco , that's not true anymore. The person's name is Alex Rodriguez. Somehow, Ben figured out that it was him and either played a hunch, formed a lie, and then watched as Alex Rodriguez took the bait, or he really did know.
In either case, the jigs' up.
In either case, the jigs' up.
Kellyanne Conway's Racism Shows Again - This Time On Larry King
Republican Pollster Kellyanne Conway's a person who just can't watch her mouth, and what comes out of it is not good at all. On November 24th of 2007, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann taggged her "The Worst Person In The World" for this comment:
"'It is,' she says, 'one day going to blossom into two air traffic controllers who don't speak great English because political correctness has made us appoint them to those positions. We're going to have two planes crashing in the sky. And that's not a dramatic example. That's what happens with slippery slopes.'"
Let me chime in here and explain how stupid that is. Not every air traffic controller in the World speaks perfect English, and in some cases they don't speak much at all, yet there's not been a major air accident tied to a language difference. I guess Conway didn't know that. Keith was right to tag her, but what she said on Larry King's show Friday March 7th 2007 at night makes her a far worst person in the World.
This is what she said:
KING: Kellyanne, you think he (Senator McCain) is enjoying this Obama-Clinton fight?
CONWAY: He ought to be. I have to slightly disagree. I don't know that he showed his temper. It's not like he hauled off and let her have it, or called her a monster or a liar like the other two are doing. But she really didn't have a follow-up question, Larry. He sort of politely gave her an opening to change the subject and she was tongue-tied in doing so.
John McCain is in New Orleans tonight addressing the Council on National Policy. It's been reported these are just the cream of the crop conservatives. This is what he's doing behind the scenes now while Hillary and Obama argue about whether she should let him sit on the back of the bus of her presidential ticket, or he argues whether or not she lied us into war in 2002.
So there he is doing something out of the headlines. For all the arguments that John McCain's not a part of the headline and the byline and the story line now, he's going to suffer. Hey, if the headlines are who is a monster, McCain's better off being in New Orleans, addressing these top of the line conservatives.
SIMMONS: Larry, we have to address that. We have to address that. This back of the bus comment is beyond the pale. I think Senator Clinton, whatever our disagreements are between the two candidates, Senator Clinton has never done or said anything that would imply that she would rather have Barack Obama sitting in the back of her campaign bus.
CONWAY: No, as V.P. You aren't paying attention.
SIMMONS: No, you are not speaking clearly, because that's out of line.
CONWAY: No, she doesn't want him to be the first black president. She wants him to be her V.P. She said that this week. She would consider putting him on her ticket, but I guess he wouldn't consider putting her on his ticket, would he?
KING: Did you use the term back of the bus?
CONWAY: I did. I just said --
KING: Meaning? CONWAY: Meaning that she wants -- she has said she would have Barack Obama as her V.P. Thereby she is denying something that many Republicans are not denying, that Barack Obama has a very strong chance of becoming this country's first black president, that someone like me respects.
That's called "foot in the mouth disease" and it's no wonder Conway was not seen after this segment. I can see the show producers smacking their heads and saying "What the....Get her outta here!"
And they did.
One online publication will cry that this is an example of political correctness run amok. But I will assert that any such argument is an example of the blind acceptance of racism.
One has to ask of all the possible statements Conway could have made, why in living hell did she have to use that one? Moreover, she doesn't even realize how incendiary her statement was. She just kept talking on and sticking her foot way down her mouth.
Good for Larry King to catch her statement however. Bravo.
Jason Calacanis' "How To Save Money Running A Startup" Misses Mark - Sort Of
Jason Calacanis' How To Save Money Running A Startup Misses Mark - Sort Of
There's a firestorm going on and at the hub of this is none other than Mahalo founder Jason Calacanis. Jason wrote a blog post called "How To Save Money Running A Startup" which has upset a number of people because it seems to reduce his employees to slave status.
Having ran Sports Business Simulations for over five years and without a million dollar or more investment -- we started with just $25,000 and later a loan from me to the firm of $18,500 -- I think I have a good list to "sort of" add to what Jason wrote.
Well, OK, more modify what he wrote.
First, don't hire employees, bring in independent contractors. The reason is that you do save money on liability issues and health insurance and equipment. Look, you're a startup, that's what startups do.
Second, don't promise a level of pay you can't achieve. If you know what you're going to have coming in, use that as a basis. Then offer percentage revenue deals to the contractor. In five years, I have yet to experience a controversy because I said I could make a payment I could not indeed do.
Third, work out of your house. You really don't need a large office and telecommuting is all the rage, so use your house or apartment and have a dedicated workspace. For extra space, use the kitchen and dining room.
Fourth, learn to love the Internet Cafe. There a lot of places to go to just get out of the house with your partners in work and get coffee, work on the computer, and admire the single talent when your mind wanders -- and you're single yourself.
Fifth, think of your co-workers as just that, co-workers; not slaves, or insects, or idiots, or expendable units. But you have to seek out people who themselves are entrepreneurial. Be very careful not to find people who want you to provide an employment structure because they will sap your energy dry. Remember, you're a startup. Start with contractors, make great deals, and grow the business first.
Sixth, make sure to find people who don't use company party time to get royally smashed and have you wonder why you contracted with them in the first place. Remember, startups are known for parties, but that doesn't mean you have to have a high booze tab.
Seventh, Jason's right about the cell phones.
In closing, you too can grow a startup with my advice. But don't stop with me, ask around. And remember that startups are fun!
Racist GOP Congressman Steve King Opens His Big Mouth
That's about all I'll say regarding GOP Congressman Steve King of Iowa. He's racist in my view, and thinks that the old trick of using Barack Obama's middle name, thinking that there are racists out there who will agree with him. Maybe someone will let him know this is 2008 and not 1808.
Barack Obama Wins Wyoming Caucus
CNN's Jessica Yelin announced that Senator Barack Obama won the Wyoming Caucus. I'm watching now and he has 58 percent versus 41 percent for Clinton. There are 18 delegates at stake.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Obama Gains 4 Delegates From California Primary
According to Talking Points Memo and the DailyKos, Senator Barack Obama gained 4 delegates in the California Primary. In other words, Obama has 4 more California Delegates that was reported by CNN and other news outlets. That means Senator Clinton's initial pick up of 8 delegates on March 4th has been cut in half by this and will be eliminated by the outcome of the Texas Caucus.
Samantha Power Is Right; Clinton Is A Monster
Samatha Power, a celebrated foreign policy expert from Harvard and the director of Senator Obama's foreign policy strategy as he runs for Preident, resigned today , after referring to Clinton as "a Monster."
The trouble is, Power's right. Hillary Clinton has exacted a terrible toll of destruction of the ideals o the Democratic Party, from race-baiting campaign tactics, to insulting Martin Luther King's lagacy, and spreading the false idea that Senator Obama is Muslim, Clinton is a Monster.
Power is right. She always is. I think the Obama campaign should bring her back.
The trouble is, Power's right. Hillary Clinton has exacted a terrible toll of destruction of the ideals o the Democratic Party, from race-baiting campaign tactics, to insulting Martin Luther King's lagacy, and spreading the false idea that Senator Obama is Muslim, Clinton is a Monster.
Power is right. She always is. I think the Obama campaign should bring her back.
Larry David Says Hillary Clinton is Nuts - Larry David's Obama Ad
Larry David, the main writer behind "Seinfeld" and "Curb Your Enthusiam" has set off a real barnburner of a blog post over at The Huffington Post.
David, as of to come to the aide of Obama Foreign Policy guru Samatha Power (who said Clinton was a monster), writes that Senator Hillary Clinton is nuts, and wonders how great it would be if Clinton actually did answer the phone at 3 AM.
This is a sample of David: Here's an idea for an Obama ad: a montage of Clinton's Sybillish personalities that have surfaced during the campaign with a solemn voiceover at the end saying, "Does anyone want this nut answering the phone?"
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