Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Isiah Thomas NBA or Misogynist Club? by Suzannah B. Troy
Isiah Thomas does not belong in the NBA but on my blog misogynistNYC. Too many women in NYC know what it is to endure a hostile environment and also be lied and trashed about.
Been there, endured that and my loyal blog readers on my main blog read my line "New Yorkers threshold for corruption is higher than our tallest sky scrapers." Well the same for misogynist, hateful, hostile, down right creepy unwanted sexual behavior towards women and way too young girls.
The USA has a long way too go with regard to acceptable treatment of it's women. Sadly compared to other countries we are light years ahead. I have nine letters published in The New York Times and they are hard to find. You have to go The New York Times website, put my name in the search engine and than hit since 1851, I know I look great for my age and than hit advance search.
Here is my letter on Women and Porn. Many years ago I made up the term "geo-sexual politics" and it means we women have come a long way but we still ain't equal. For Mae West lovers check out the double entendre I snuck into that letter!
Could the NBA be called the Misogynist Club? Yes. I am blocking out the name of the Knick player that coerced a young intern to give him oral sex and she did not want to do it. I really can't remember his name and I thought he should be punished and censured. What a disgusting guy. His behavior was exposed in the entire scandal that broke when the Isiah Thomas scandal broke. I do not go to basketball games anymore. I would never buy a Knick anything. I don't want to support a club that is so abusive and exploitive of women.
Oakland Mayor's Race: SEIU 1021 endorsement meeting's clumsy start
The Oakland Mayor's Race is not without its share of groups who think they can influence the race by excluding certain candidates. The Oakland SEIU 1021 Union Organization is just one of them.
As this is written, the Oakland SEIU 1021 is about to hold its interviews of candidates for the Oakland Mayor's Race. From many conversations held Tuesday, it appears the SEIU finally got its act together and contacted all of the candidates, instead of just three: Former State Senator Don Perata, and Oakland Councilmembers Jean Quan and Rebecca Kaplan (District Four and At-Large, respectively.)
Now, from the information communicated to this blogger, the SEIU's talking to more than just the three, although as of this writing the Joe Tuman for Mayor campaign was left out of the SEIU process.
UPDATE: a text from the Joe Tuman Campaign explains that after "several phone calls" they were invited for later tonight.
In all, it was an awful state of affairs punctuated by this email letter to Ariana Casanova, the event organizer with the Oakland SEIU from the "Friends of Terrance Candell for Mayor" campaign (paragraphs broken by this blogger):
Green Party Candidate Don Macleay was also not contacted, so he sent this email to Ariana:
Who's Ariana Casanova?
Ariana Casanova's an organizer with the Oakland SEIU and an activist involved in several issues from the Nik Nak Liquor Store to protests against banks during the financial crisis, and who this blogger called three times without a single return phone call. I've never seen or met Ariana Casanova and I had a lot of questions for her after my conversations.
According to several sources, Ariana Casanova's not shy about telling Oakland Mayor's Race candidates if they're even worth paying attention to. The woman with the cool-sounding name allegedly told one candidate he needed to raise $325,000 and that he should not even try because he was not going to win.
That unguarded view is what started the problem where candidates were excluded.
When this space got word of the problem, a text was sent to Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan who was set to participate in the SEIU event. The text communicated the intention of exposing the SEIU game playing and encouraged her to back out.
After a time, the problem, at least for Dr. Terrance Candell, was solved. He's part of the SEIU process as is Don Macleay.
Oakland Mayor's Race candidate Greg Harland, who doesn't want union backing, said he rejected the SEIU's last minute invitation.
However it turns out, if the SEIU handled its interview process the way it's explained here, and by all accounts this is accurate, their final recommendation for the Oakland Mayor's Race is not worth paying attention to. That's also true for The League of Women Voters.
Stay tuned.
As this is written, the Oakland SEIU 1021 is about to hold its interviews of candidates for the Oakland Mayor's Race. From many conversations held Tuesday, it appears the SEIU finally got its act together and contacted all of the candidates, instead of just three: Former State Senator Don Perata, and Oakland Councilmembers Jean Quan and Rebecca Kaplan (District Four and At-Large, respectively.)
Now, from the information communicated to this blogger, the SEIU's talking to more than just the three, although as of this writing the Joe Tuman for Mayor campaign was left out of the SEIU process.
UPDATE: a text from the Joe Tuman Campaign explains that after "several phone calls" they were invited for later tonight.
In all, it was an awful state of affairs punctuated by this email letter to Ariana Casanova, the event organizer with the Oakland SEIU from the "Friends of Terrance Candell for Mayor" campaign (paragraphs broken by this blogger):
Dr. Terrance Candell calls out other candidates
Dear Ariana,
You met with our candidate on February 3rd, 2010. Other unions have met with him and are close to endorsement. How, then, can you act as if he does not exist. Our constituents within your union have told us that you intended to discriminate against Terence Candell. We hope that this is not evidence of that. Our campaign never received any notice of Wednesday's interviews of Oakland Mayoral Candidates.
We assume that means that we will be allowed participation without having to render advance questions, since you never advanced them to us. Do not misunderstand. Our candidate is the frontrunner in this race. The rest just have KTVU, who has ignored him since he paid them $10,000 for airtime for his campaign.
Dr. Candell was the first Oakland Mayoral Candidate on the ballot. Don MacCleay and Greg Harland are also on the ballot. Terence Candell has a regular show on local Channel 78 Comcast. You might want to check that out. Your membership deserves a chance to hear him.
We understand that you don't like him. However, you cannot deceive the people and your membership by denying him due process. That is very unprofessional.
Dyra - Campaign Chair
Friends of Candell
Green Party Candidate Don Macleay was also not contacted, so he sent this email to Ariana:
I am also asking to attend and particpate requesting the SEIU 1021 endorsment in the Mayor's race.
Please let me know how to proceed.
Is there a questionaire?
What time should we arrive?
What else should I know or do?
Don Macleay
Who's Ariana Casanova?
Ariana Casanova's an organizer with the Oakland SEIU and an activist involved in several issues from the Nik Nak Liquor Store to protests against banks during the financial crisis, and who this blogger called three times without a single return phone call. I've never seen or met Ariana Casanova and I had a lot of questions for her after my conversations.
According to several sources, Ariana Casanova's not shy about telling Oakland Mayor's Race candidates if they're even worth paying attention to. The woman with the cool-sounding name allegedly told one candidate he needed to raise $325,000 and that he should not even try because he was not going to win.
That unguarded view is what started the problem where candidates were excluded.
When this space got word of the problem, a text was sent to Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan who was set to participate in the SEIU event. The text communicated the intention of exposing the SEIU game playing and encouraged her to back out.
After a time, the problem, at least for Dr. Terrance Candell, was solved. He's part of the SEIU process as is Don Macleay.
Oakland Mayor's Race candidate Greg Harland, who doesn't want union backing, said he rejected the SEIU's last minute invitation.
However it turns out, if the SEIU handled its interview process the way it's explained here, and by all accounts this is accurate, their final recommendation for the Oakland Mayor's Race is not worth paying attention to. That's also true for The League of Women Voters.
Stay tuned.
Fox News popularity explained by Nikky Raney
Doing the research paper involved actually watching programs such as The O'Reilly Factor and viewing segments on the show. Along with comparing the headlines and online content of Fox News as opposed to CNN's online content.
Instead of posting the 26 page long paper - this post will just be a simply explanation as to why Fox News gets the most views.
Fox News is the only news source of its kind. Fox News is where all the conservatives go to watch their news primarily. Fox News viewership is primarily white older males on the conservative sides.
On the opposite side of the spectrum there are news stations such as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc. All the aforementioned stations are not conservative. Some may argue that the stations are not unbiased and objective - and most will say that most those stations lean to the left.
So, there is ONE station that leans to the right, but many stations that seem to lean toward the left.
The people who enjoy the news that leans to the left are all going to go to each of those stations. So all of those "left leaning" stations are competing for the views of those who watch those stations.
Fox News has no competition when it comes to news that leans far to the right and is sensationalistic. Now, conservatives and liberals alike will skim and view a variety of news stations and liberals will sometimes watch Fox and conservatives will watch CNN - but the majority of conservatives stick to Fox News. There are not a bunch of conservative news stations fighting for viewership of the conservatives.
The other news stations ARE competing for those viewers.
So. Let's say there are 50 conservatives and 50 liberals. All 50 conservatives are going to watch Fox News, but 20 liberals might watch CNN, another 20 might watch MSNBC, and 10 of them might watch CBS.
In that case the reason that Fox News is getting the most viewers is because it is the only station of its kind.
Now, there is much more that can be said about Fox News. Lots of time and research has gone into explaining and proving the conservative bias of Fox News, but for now that is all that needs to be explained.
Image taken from
"I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity."-- Julius Erving
Steven Slater: in poll, 60 percent think Slater's a hero
Steven Slater |
That's right, a hero.
One Zennie62 poll commenter wrote:
Did you see that mark on his forehead? Then being accosted by that passenger. I hear it cost him 25,000 for deploying that escape ramp. There was no real harm done,he lost his job.Let it go,lesson learned.
Of the now, 480 votes (the poll results change every minute), 57.92 percent think Steven Slater's a hero, 21.04 percent think he should have kept his cool, 12.71 percent blame JetBlue's working conditions, but think Slater should have kept his cool, 6.25 percent think he endangered lives, and 2.08 percent think he should have not taken the job in the first place.
Slater jumped ship
Steve Slater got into an argument with a passenger over an overhead bag that fell out of the bin hit him on the head. After the passenger called him names, he fired back with some of his own, then got on the PA system and said he had enough, went into the galley and got a beer, then activated the emergency chute, slid down it, went home and screwed his partner. When the police came, Slater was caught in the act.
Too funny.
Now, Slater's out of jail and a Facebook page has been put up to help raise money for his defense. This space disagrees with NewsOne, but can see understand the frustration with uncivil passengers. Still, here's the Facebook page: Steven Slater Facebook.
What do you think about Steven Slater? Take my poll:
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Steven Slater - why Jet Blue former flight attendant was wrong
Flight Attendants are the ones we count on |
And while Slater may be richer from it, what's disturbing is that his act of total self-absorbtion is being hailed and celebrated around the country.
Not here.
When you're assigned an exit row seat, the flight attendant asks you if you take responsibility for opening the door and going through the safety steps necessary if the plane gets into some kind of water accident. I always answer "yes" with gusto.
The job of a flight attendant is to answer the call with gusto on every flight. Yes, I understand that packed planes, cut budgets, and the unraveling of social civility have taken their toll on you, but it's far better to make that a union issue than to do what Steven Slater did: jump ship.
What Steven Slater did was all about Steven Slater and no one else. If that's the message flight attendants want to send, it's a sad year and decade for air travel.
What do you think about Steven Slater? Take my poll:
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Lindsay Lohan's Judge Quits Case by Tina Musial
Lindsay Lohan's presiding Judge Marsha Revel couldn't take the heat any more. Judge Revel removed herself from Lindsay Lohan's case allegedly because of some backroom phone calls the lawyers did not approve of. These lawyers met with Judge Revel on Friday to discuss the improprieties - but she just now vacated the case.
Now, what exactly didn't the lawyers approve of? According to TMZ:
We're told one of the issues -- Judge Revel took it upon herself to make contact with people from the Morningside Recovery rehab facility and then selected Morningside, even though it was not on the list of recommended facilities by her own court-appointed experts. Ultimately, Lindsay's lawyer convinced Judge Revel to send LiLo to UCLA. But the issue was raised on Friday.Should it really matter that the judge made phone calls? She was checking around, getting background info on Lindsay Lohan. the lawyers should know that the judges do not follow gossip blogs, therefore she had to scoop out some info elsewhere!
JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater quits - take Zennie62 poll
Steven Slater, who literally jumped from his job as a flight attendant at JetBlue Flight Attendant, is a hero to some people, and a goat to others, including me. He's also out of jail, now and said to be pondering his next move.
As a constant passenger, this blogger and other travelers rely on flight attendants to keep their cool. Steven Slater didn't do that at all. He lost it and jumped out.
Keith Olbermann's right that Steven Slater will get his own reality show, and great, but what does this say for how flight attendants will be regarded in the future?
What do you think about Steven Slater? Take my poll:
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Cardinals Reds fight - Phillips vs. Molina
Yadier Molina |
A stupid brawl broke out between Brandon Phillips and Yadier Molina during the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Cincinnati Reds MLB game. What was a jawing match at first, turned into a full on brawl involving several players on both sides.
Johnny Cueto used his cleats to hit someone; not cool, to say the least.
Eventually, both managers Dusty Baker and Tony La Russa were ejected from the game.
But I've got to say, this blog post by St. Louis Today's Bernie Miklasz was just plain dumb. What's this guy want, blood lust. He blogs:
Of course, Molina stood up against the Reds' disturber of the peace, Brandon Phillips, in the bottom of the first Tuesday. Phillips, being an obvious phony, tapped Molina on the shin guards as he approached the plate for his first at-bat. Hold on now: if you "hate" all of the Cardinals, and if you have called all of them "little bitches," then why would you try to buddy up to Molina there? What kind of chicken manure move is that? After he dropped hate speech and borderline homophobic slurs on Molina and his 24 teammates, Phillips had a sudden urge to play nice?
Unbelievable. Talk about people who like to see stupid fights. Man!
Oakland City Council Race: Libby Schaaf files papers for run
Libby Schaaf, who's constant attention to detail and hard work ethic has earned her California Attorney General Jerry Brown's endorsement, officially filed her paper work to run for the Oakland City Council District Four Seat on Tuesday.
Even before Libby filed the papers, she managed to raise over $76,000. This space supports Libby Schaaf for City Council District Four Seat.
The question is, did the other candidates file their papers? If not, then the field of challengers will have been reduced and we will know who the competitors finally are.
Even before Libby filed the papers, she managed to raise over $76,000. This space supports Libby Schaaf for City Council District Four Seat.
The question is, did the other candidates file their papers? If not, then the field of challengers will have been reduced and we will know who the competitors finally are.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - any black people in it?
Ok, this space, having just written a cool blog post on how the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. The World signaled a rebirth of comic books, was internally compelled to ask this question: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: will it have any black people in it?
The concern comes from this video blogger being in the position, yet again, of being excited about a "geek culture movie" that dominated Comic Con 2010, then getting caught up in the hype, only to realize that the movie has no one in it that's black.
After awhile, that's grows tiresome and here's the point where that "awhile" has past.
I've not yet seen Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, but I plan to, and I'm bringing my "Blackometer" with me. That's my patented device for determining how many blacks are in a movie in roles that count.
In other words, were the star, in this case Michael Cera, who plays Scott Pilgrim, has a speaking moment with them. You know, something beyond a high-five where the black person's not doing something identified as a "black thing" but in this case, a "geek thing" like, well, doing what the rest of the characters who are Scott Pilgrim's friends do. In other words, being one of them.
Now before you tell me that the Asian girl who's 17 was written in the comic book, please, they can take liberties in other areas, and they have done so with parts of the story, too.
But I'm getting ahead of myself here. What started this pattern of thought was a cast photo from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World that was all white, save for the one Asian girl. Ouch.
I've made my point; I've got my Blackometer at the ready: it can read zero, one, two, or three. Let's hope Scott Pilgrim vs. The World's three or off the scale.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: giving comic books new life
Now, comic books, still left for dead by some, have become the platform for a perfect fusion of Hollywood, cartoon art, and storytelling. Indeed, comic books aren't dead at all, but more the start of a multi-platform life that goes something like this: print, then screen, then computer and Internet.
And all of that hit this blogger during one sake-filled accident of a Comic Con 2010 Day Two Thursday evening (Day one for me was that Wednesday) with a cartoon artists, an agent from CAA, and their entourage at Nobu in San Diego's Gaslamp District.
Eli Roth in front of me
All of this started as I walked into Nobu in search of a place to sit to eat and drink after a full second day at Comic Con. One of the activities I took in was a panel moderated by the legendary Harry Knowles of Ain't It Cool News. The person I ended up hanging with for a time, and who's name I will not disclose, was from that panel. All I will say is he just scored a deal with Disney.
At any rate, he and his entourage walked in and we ended up sharing the same small part of bar space in a crowded, trendy place. I asked the guy if he was on Harry's panel and his affirmative answer started a great and teachable moment in time. The two women who were part of the group were more LA than San Diego, New York, or Chicago, and certainly San Francisco and definitely not Oakland. They had celebrity heat-seeking vision for people I had no idea even existed. Like Eli Roth.
"There's Eli Roth," one of the women said. "Where?" was my response. "He's coming this way," was her reply. For me, that meant nothing. Some common-looking white guy with a scruffy beard and the requisite white collar shirt, not-tucked-in.
That was Eli Roth. But I still didn't know what that meant. After a few toasts of sake purchased by my new CAA friend, I got it in one alcohol-fueled train of insight. Hollywood came to Comic Con for business and changed everything.
Hollywood, and its impressionable, who-you-know, smile-in-your-face and watch-your-back approach that's at cultural odds with New Media, comic book writers, and especially bloggers like me, yet trying to deal, is in bed with the slacker artist who needs money to advance his or her craft, and uh, live. All for the next great big entertainment score.
The fact CAA guy insisted on flashing his credit card and asking me to keep mine at bay was almost all I needed to know about what was happening.
The fact that my new artist friend was practically leaning over CAA guy, peppering him with statements, ideas, and questions, was the other part of what I needed to know that filled in the blanks.
As it turns out, the artist guy also has - like the creators of Scott Pilgrim the comic book - his own production company. That organization takes the comic book and works with Hollywood and CAA to make a new comic book based movie and video games too. Presto! Multi-platform character for all ages.
The investment buys a lot of sake.
After that evening (they invited me to tag along, but my bed was calling), I found the giant mural for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World covering the exterior of the San Diego Hilton Bayfront and well-lit at night, not annoying or interesting, but beautifully liberating. A giant sign of the rebirth of comic books and the re-energizing of creativity.
Scott Pilgrim wins in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and in real life too.
Fantasia Barrino overdose from aspirin and sleeping aid
Upset over allegations that she carried on an affair with Antwaun Cook, a married man, American Idol winner and eight time Grammy nominated artist Fantasia Barrino took an overdose of aspirin and sleeping aid according to
This is the full statement that was released and published at
This is the full statement that was released and published at
Fantasia has always been an open book. Honesty, self-respect, and personal responsibility are values she wears proudly.
Fantasia believed Mr. Cook when he told her he was not happy in his marriage and his heart was not in it. She believed him when he told her he and Mrs. Cook separated in the late summer of 2009. She believed Mr. Cook when he told her he lived elsewhere.
He even took her there. One of Mr. Cook’s most redeeming qualities was his complete devotion to his children. Fantasia fell in love with Mr. Cook and believed that he loved her.
Fantasia and Mr. Cook dated on and off for about eleven months. The pressure of the constant media attention was hard on their relationship. Fantasia gave inconsistent interviews about the status of her relationship with Mr. Cook because sometimes they were on and sometimes they were off.
When they were on, they spent most of their time together when she was not traveling with work.
Fantasia read Mrs. Cook’s Complaint against Mr. Cook for the first time yesterday. She knows some of the allegations in Mrs. Cook's complaint are totally false. There are others she strongly doubts. There is plenty she does not know.
Fantasia is heartbroken and is sorry for any pain she may have caused.
Yesterday, she was totally overwhelmed by the lawsuit and the media attention. Last night, Fantasia was hospitalized. She took an overdose of aspirin and a sleep aid.
Her injuries are not life threatening. She was dehydrated and exhausted at the time. Fantasia is stable now. She will be released from the hospital soon. Fantasia is a fighter and a survivor. This is not the hardest thing Fantasia has endured.
Fantasia will be stronger, smarter, and better for it. Her work has always inspired her and served as a source of strength. Her new album, “Back To Me,” will be released on August 24th.
The lyrics to “I’m Here” say it best:
“I Believe I Have Inside Of Me
Everything That I Need To Live A Bountiful Life
With All The Love Inside Of Me
I’ll Stand As Tall As The Tallest Tree
And I’m Thankful For Each Day That I’m Given
Both The Easy And The Hard Ones I’m Livin’
But Most Of All
Yes, I’m Thankful For Lovin’ Who I Really Am”
Fantasia sends her praise to God and her eternal gratitude to her fans, friends, and family.
God is good.
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