The Lame US Senate may have passed this travesty of a bill called H.R.4853 -- Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010 today - but the US House of representatives could save us all...if they choose to and do not cave in themselves - Come On Nancy Pelosi! Stick to your guns and hold your ground. This is how You will be remembered as the first Woman Speaker - The last Stand.
According to the Huffington Post yesterday:
A decision was made not to vote on the resolution, a setback for advocates of amending the tax cut deal. Negotiations, however, were ongoing, they said.
"I think that's unsettled at this point," Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said.
Under the current bill, the unemployed would get a 13-month extension, while the wealthy would get two years worth of tax cuts. Extending unemployment insurance beyond the 13 months will be difficult with the GOP in control of the House next year.
Reposted from my previous articles:
- The 13 month extension in this compromise does NOT guarantee your benefits continue for the entire 13 months
- If you have exhausted all available Tiers of benefits already, HR 4853 WILL NOT HELP YOU AT ALL.
- If you are on Tier 2 now (or soon will be) and your state does not meet the state UI % threshold for Tiers 3 and or 4 - HR 4853 WILL NOT HELP YOU AT ALL and after 14 weeks of Tier 2 you will have no more UI at all.
- If you are collecting in Tier 1 and your state does not meet the state UI % threshold for Tiers 3 and or 4, HR 4853 WILL NOT HELP YOU COLLECT past the additional 14 weeks of Tier 2 = 3 months NOT 13 months.
- If you are collecting now on your original 26 weeks of State benefits and your state does not meet the state UI % threshold for Tiers 3 and or 4, HR 4853 WILL NOT HELP YOU COLLECT past the additional 20 weeks in Tier 1 + 14 weeks of Tier 2 That = 36 weeks or a about 8 months NOT 13 Months.
December 14, 2010
House Democratic Caucus Resolution
Honorable David Wu
The Democratic Caucus shall vote to consider a bill in the House where the extension date of all Bush tax cuts is equal to the extension of Unemployment Insurance Benefit;
The House shall vote only on legislation that extends unemployment benefits for at least as long as it extends tax cuts for the wealthy; and
The Democratic Caucus opposes legislation that extends the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Americans for longer than it extends much-needed unemployment benefits for middle-class families.
The only text I could find anywhere for this Obama “Bend Over” was the House bill passed on December 1, 2011. H.R.4853 -- Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010
This clearly is NOT the bill passed by the US Senate today, as it mentions nothing about any 13 month UI extension. Why is the Senate voting on a bill that they have not yet published exactly what is in the bill? What ever happened to transparency Mr. President?
And wasn’t it the GOPigs who demanded the Health Care Reform bill be published completely before voting on such? Hypocrites! The fact is nobody in Congress has even read the bill, because according to Rep Alan Grayson (D-FL) who appeared on The Ed Show Tuesday: “Nobody even knows what is in the bill...” [See video below]
This is a very important point as there are hundreds of millions of dollars of earmarks in this phantom bill - per the Ed Schultz Radio show this afternoon.
The House is where the battle will be for the 99ers and the country. If Pelosi caves in and screws the 99ers - once the NON 99ers figure out what I wrote above is true and that this bogus 13 month extension does not help the vast majority of the unemployed - once they get it that this 13 month extension IS A LIE- I suspect that rioting in the streets will soon be unavoidable.
Before this happens, the 99ers and non-99ers alike MUST concentrate on a massive united effort to slam the House, Nancy Pelosi, David Wu and the Congressional Black Caucus in a non-stop effort from now until the end of this Congressional session, DEMANDING our Tier 5 be included in this “compromise” or NO DEAL at ALL - Period!
This is our last chance 99er Nation - so let's make this happen NOW!
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