Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tavis Smiley Snubs Michelle Obama - Will Not Allow Her To Speak At "State"

Man, this really burns me. Tavis Smiley has totally gone off the deep end. He's not king, and seems to simply be sorry that Senator Obama's really making a trail to be the next President of The United States. According to the Washington Post , Senator Obama declined to speak at Smiley's event, "The State Of The Black Union" because he's campaining and in a fierce battle with Clinton for those states remaining.

Tavis -- bowing to his own ego -- elected to publicly damn Obama for the decision.

Obama offered to have his wife Michelle speak, but Smiley declined! That's ego run-amok! Tavis should go and appologize to Obama. Smiley must understand that he can't stand in the way of Obama doing the work that has gotten him this far. But Tavis claims he's a journalist asking the hard questions -- that's bullshit, as he's just asking about his event! He's just getting into a pissing match because he doens't know better. Time to be educated, Tavis.

I agree with Melissa Harris-Lacewell over at The Root, Tavis may be acting like the crab in the barrel. I wish he'd start acting like a person interested in Barack's succes.

Houston Chronicle Endorses Barack Obama - Dallas and Houston Papers Back Him

While Barack Obama continues to barnstorm Wisconsin, the impact of his candidacy and message has hit Houston. The Houston Chronicle has endorsed Barack Obama , giving Barack two major Texas backings, from the Dallas Morning News and now the Houston paper.

Wall Street Journal Backs Obama's Heath Care Plan Over Clinton's

The Wall Street Journal's editorial staff took a good look at both Senator Obama's health plan and Senator Clinton's, and liked Obama's for the same reason I do: an efort to reduce costs and without using penalties like calling for wage garnishment.

Look, I don't care what anyone says, that threat in the Clinton plan is a deal-killer.

Illinois Shooting - Loss Of Anti-Anxiety Medication No Excuse For Killing

The story going around is that the reason the gunman decided to walk onto a stage at Northern Illinois University and open fire on students was a lack of his Anti-Anxiety medication. I think that's bull. I don't know what the reason is, but it's not that one and there's still no explaination for having four school shootings in ONE WEEK.

The simple fact that's not an outrage is depressing.

I also don't think gun control's going to solve the problem. If a person wants to get or make a weapon, they will do it. What we need to focus on is why they do it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Shooting At Northern Illinois University - Gunman Dead

This is terrible and it seems like each day, I've heard about someone opening fire with a gun at a school. I don't know what the heck is going on, but it must be adressed now.

Multiple Victims In N. Illinois Univ. Shooting
Suspect Shot And Killed Himself

LIVE CBS 2 Special Report: NIU Shooting
DE KALB, Ill (CBS) ― Several people have been shot on the Northern Illinois University campus. The suspect killed himself and officials say the danger has passed.

Officials confirmed that several people were shot at Cole Hall, a large lecture hall on campus, shortly after 3 p.m. and the campus was immediately placed on lockdown.

Kishwaukee Hospital reported that up to 15 people were being brought to the hospital and that three to four of those victims had suffered head wounds.

Student journalists at the school's Northern Television Center reported that there were 18 victims, two of them fatalities, including the gunman.

Lt. Gary Spangler of the DeKalb Police Department told the school newspaper, the Northern Star, that "The gunman is deceased," adding that the "majority of the incident happened in Cole Hall."

Officials said the immediate danger has passed.

More here....

Northern Illinois University: Gunman on campus


A gunman opened fire in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb this afternoon, injuring several people. A suspect is reportedly dead following the shootings at Cole Hall, according to DeKalb Police.

DeKalb County Sheriff Roger Scott said it's possible the gunman committed suicide.

NIU officials wouldn't give details on the extent of the shootings, but said students and staff are on lock down. Classes have been canceled.

"There has been a shooting on campus,'' NIU spokesman Joe King said. "Several people have been taken away by ambulance. The Dekalb campus is shut down.''

An alert on the university's Web site states that there is a possible gunman on campus. "Get to a safe area and take precautions until given all the clear," the report states. "Avoid the King Commons and all buildings in that vicinity."

At 3:20 p.m., the university posted the following alert on its Web site: "There has been a report of a possible gunman on campus. Get to a safe area and take precautions until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all buildings in that vicinity."

The (DeKalb) Daily Chronicle said there were injuries, citing information heard over a police scanner shortly after 3 p.m. The scanner alerted police about a white, male shooter with a shotgun and pistol.

According to the NIU Web site: "It's has been confirmed that there has been a shooting on campus and several people have been taken away by ambulance. All classses are cancelled on the DeKalb campus. People are urged not to come to campus."

John McCain Lying About "Earmarks" - He's Got Several Of Them

Today on Fox News -- I was watching while writing about Kofi Bonner -- John McCain attacked Senator Barack Obama for taking earmarks, even though Obama has reported his earmarks.

But in the process, McCain claimed that he has never asked for one and has stated "And I’m proud to tell you, Chris, in 24 years as a member of Congress, I have never asked for nor received a single earmark or pork barrel project for my state and I guarantee you I’ll veto those bills. I’ll ask for the line item veto and I’ll veto them and I’ll make the authors of them famous."

Well, McCain should start by making himself famous.

According to Think , McCain asked for and got them twice. Think Progress writes that...

"McCain’s claim is false. In 2006, the senator teamed up with fellow Arizona senator Jon Kyl (R) to funnel $10 million toward the University of Arizona for an academic center named after the late Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist. Even Arizona lawmaker, Rep. Jeff Flake (R), said he was planning to “lean against the measure.” The National Taxpayers Union, another traditional McCain ally, questioned why the senator was making federal taxpayers foot the bill for the center.

In 2003, McCain also slipped $14.3 million into a defense appropriations bill to
create a buffer zone around Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. As Roll Call reported in 2003, this project violated McCain’s own anti-pork rhetoric:

The only problem is the project to acquire more land near the base was not requested by President Bush or fully authorized by the Senate Armed Services Committee - two of McCain’s criteria for identifying so-called ‘pork.

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), a notorious porker, was overjoyed that McCain had joined his side. “One man’s pork is another man’s alternate white meat,” said Stevens. “If he asked for it, we put it in.”"

Even a "correction" added by Roll Call to its 2003 report doesn't place McCain in the clear. He asked for money to be directed toward a project in his state, and he got it. That's an earmark.

Also, the Washington Post reports that in 1992 McCain asked for and got $5 million to be directed to a wastewater project in Arizona. The original request was rejected, causing McCain to go into action, approaching the EPA, and eventually President Bush I.

McCain should remember that people in glass houses should not throw stones.