Monday, June 09, 2008

Scott McClellan Will Testify On Bush Administration and War

Scott McClellan is set to spill more beans about the Bush Administration and the Irag War intelligence controversy when he appears before Congress to testify before the House Judiciary Committee at a date to be set. This matter shows signs of only getting deeper and deeper and really can't come at a worst time for Republican Senator John McCain as he's campaigning for President.

People Poker: Hillary Rosen And Obama's Victory - Ashley Long

People Poker

I loved Hillary Rosen's blog on Wednesday. She has been a long time supporter of Hillary Clinton and was genuinely disappointed when Sen. Clinton lost the Democratic nomination.

She was supremely disappointed, however, at the way Sen. Clinton handled the events of this past week. The last three lines of this piece, in response to Sen. Clinton's statement that she was waiting to see how she could "use" her 18 million voters, are my favorite:

"I will enthusiastically support Barack Obama's campaign. Because I am not a bargaining chip. I am a Democrat."

I posted a few days ago about how we might bring the party together at the convention. What philosophy or mantra or cause could join all Democrats together as one unified force after such a contentious campaign? I still can't completely answer that one, but I can say that Ms. Rosen has hit on something.

What will not serve us well is looking at each of our delegates, at each of our voters, as numbers on tally sheets. We have spent an inordinate amount of time over the last year tallying delegates and looking at magic numbers. Now, we need to get behind the numbers and into the reason those voters and delegates cast their votes in the way they did and will at the convention. It is in studying that data that we may find a way to unify our party and, in doing so, take back the White House.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Be part of the solution: I was wise enough to never grow up while fooling most people into believing I had.

Do you know these names?
  • Bob Geldorf
  • Betty Williams
  • Peter Benenson
  • Nelson Mandela

I hope you recognize at least one from that list. In each case, their story is how one person who cares can matter immensely - how one person, moved to act, can change the world. The Nickelback video in this blog may help you understand. They get it.

The problem for Obama and his campaign staff

The primaries are done, and now the fight begins. Now, there is no choice, now he carries the hopes of all the people he met, and the burden of success rests on their shoulders. A special glimpse behind the scenes as Obama visited his campaign HQ on June 6th.Barack & Michelle celebrate: THE fist bump.

With 5 months to go, the heat is ON.

If there was ever any question what the "fierce urgency of now" meant to the staff, the answer is staring them in the face. They've got to make it possible for him to live up to his promises by securing his election. Watch the short video, and digg the story to help other people find it, too.

Michelle Obama's Shocking "Whitey" Video Released Today

Sponsor "Zennie's Zeitgeist" : We'll Give You Top Visibility For The DNCC Convention

If you've ever wanted to use Zennie's eyes to point at your product or service for the Democratic National Convention, now is the time. You can sponsor our blog by contacting us at 510-387-9809 or email

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The sponsorship includes credits in our videos created at the DNC Convention and mention in our live webcast from the DNC Convention.

Our blogs and videos are seen a combined rate of between 3,000 and 7,000 times each day and because we're one of the few blogs granted access to the DNC Convetion, we expect blog page view and visitor counts to double, and convention videos to be seen as much as 2,000 time a day each.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillaryis44 and Taylor Marsh Want To Destroy Democratic Party

We've got to work to discredit this website and Taylor Marsh as well. They're going to continue their anti-Obama campaign, even as Senator Clinton has endorsed Senator Obama, and many pro-Obama bloggers like myself have rallied to support Senator Clinton as Vice President.

Hillary is 44 and Taylor Marsh need to knock off their rhetoric.

Many -- in fact all -- of the posts on those sites are studies in angry, unsubstantiated, anger. Just rambling on and on and accusing Barack Obama of matters of which were not his doing and also not even justified with a link -- just ramble-bamble words. Words of hate.

The one way we can take this site down is for each blogger to write a post that reads " Must Be Destroyed" Or
" Is Outdated" -- and then "tag" those blogs, and link the posts to at least one other "like-minded" post.

Anyone who has a blog, please do this ASAP. They're out of control over there.

Hillary is 44 must be taken down or change its message to follow what Senator Clinton has asked her supporters to do, support Barack Obama for President. Hillary is 44's owner and writers seem bent on causing the Democratic Party to lose the election, and Taylor Marsh has written that she's "an American first, before party" but I would assert that she's one with a huge problem that given what she's wrote would seem to point to racism on her part.

Indeed, many bloggers think Taylor Marsh is racist, from "Mark Warner Is God" over at DailyKos, to the "Room Eight" New York blog, as well as Oliver Willis, who points to Taylor's commenters and their racist Obama rants. Then we have "Cali Tajano" who says that Taylor Marsh has gone off the deep end. And JohnBrownks has a full analysis of her bio, which is a must read.

But the bottom line is that she and Hillary 44 have gone too far off the desert and must come back home. The only move left is to effectively marginalize them as being on the lunatic fringe. But there are many who say they're already there.