Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Obama Address On Libya and Qaddafi: What Did You Think?

Monday night, March 28th, 2011, President Obama gave a speech outlining the major reasons why America is in Libya fighting a humanitarian war. Now, the last time this blogger remembers America being involved in an effort labeled "humanitarian," we went into Somalia and it turned out that American Soldiers were being anything but "humanitarian."

But that was 1993 and the conditions for that action were vastly different. The take on Obama's speech here, is that Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi has been working to stop an uprising by his own citizens, calling for him to step down. Because Qaddafi didn't do so, and ignored President Obama's call for him to do so, and started killing his own people, Obama organized a coalition of allies to go in and act as a militaristic bodyguard helping Libyans being attacked by Qaddafi's military.

Obama's concern was that, if he went to Congress for approval in the "normal" way, the request could be tied up and become a political football.

Obama is correct.

If Congress were asked to make a decision on the kind of involvement Obama wanted, the first thing it would do it tip off Libya that help for its citizens was coming. That would certainly lead to television conversations and networks giving time for pro-Qaddafi spokespersons to say all manner of things that would give some American congresspeople pause. Some Democrats would sign on, others, understandably war-weary, would object. And the GOP would attempt to hijack Obama's efforts as their own, as we move toward the 2012 Election Season.

In all, it would be one big mess, showing America can't get its act together, while Qaddafi continues his devilish work.

Obama was correct.

Some have claimed the attack had to do with Libya being an oil producer, and that was the only reason. One friend said to me "We should be in Yemen, but they don't produce oil."

Actually, Yemen is an oil producer, and to the tune of some where around 400,000 barrels annually. Yet, no, America's not in Yemen, so that eliminates the oil argument.

No, Obama's actively trying to push the tide of reform in The Middle East. In fact, in his speech, he said so.

Libya sits directly between Tunisia and Egypt -– two nations that inspired the world when their people rose up to take control of their own destiny. For more than four decades, the Libyan people have been ruled by a tyrant -– Muammar Qaddafi. He has denied his people freedom, exploited their wealth, murdered opponents at home and abroad, and terrorized innocent people around the world –- including Americans who were killed by Libyan agents....- because while our military mission is narrowly focused on saving lives, we continue to pursue the broader goal of a Libya that belongs not to a dictator, but to its people...Born, as we are, out of a revolution by those who longed to be free, we welcome the fact that history is on the move in the Middle East and North Africa, and that young people are leading the way. Because wherever people long to be free, they will find a friend in the United States.

As well that should be: get it, do it, get out.

What do you think? Take the Zennie62 Poll:

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And follow Zennie62 on Twitter.

2011 NFL Draft: Dan Reeves: Cam Newton, Not Blaine Gabbert, Should Be #1

Not buying into the incredible hype machine that's driving Missouri QB Blaine Gabbert's assent, former Denver Broncos and Atlanta Falcons Head Coach, Dan Reeves, thinks the Carolina Panthers should draft Cam Newton (in photo by Getty Images and CBS), making him the fist pick in the 2011 NFL Draft.

Reeves, who's place in the NFL's history is the stuff of legend, going all the way back to the 1967 Ice Bowl, told the Charlotte Observer "If I'm them, I'm taking Cam Newton. I think that guy is going to be a great player.

Reeves compares Newton to Michael Vick, but with a better arm. The coach says that Newton's spread offense experience isn't an issue for him because "I can teach a guy to get up under center," Reeves said. "But I can't teach a guy to throw. He has a tremendous arm, and I think he's going to be really effective no matter what he was doing in college. I mean, how many times do you see Peyton Manning or Tom Brady in the shotgun? A lot."

Coach Reeves reminds us all that, when all of the NFL Draft talk is said and done, coaches still have to coach. A number of NFL Draft observers, including one publication that got into a disagreement with this blogger on Twitter, claim that Gabbert has a "higher ceiling" than Newton, but can't explain their views when pressed.

Reading Reeves comments, it's the other way around and because of Newton's legendary mobility and strength. Coach Reeves said that South Carolina players "looked like gnats" trying to bring Cam down last year.

Why Do The Panthers Need A Quarterback?

All of this talk about the Carolina Panthers needing to draft a quarterback number one is illogical.  The best signal callers don't have to be drafted so high.  Joe Montana was the 49ers 3rd Round pick.  Tom Brady was the Patriots 6th round pick.  And if you look at it, a number of high pick quarterbacks haven't worked out well, from Matt Leinart to Alex Smith, and Jamarcus Russell, who was number 1 in 2007.

Plus, with the NFL's need to get rookie salaries under control, why keep feeding the gravy train by picking a quarterback number one?  In our talk about this at the 2006 NFL Draft, Sports Illustrated's Paul Zimmerman said that the pay scale starts with the number one pick and goes down.  Thus, if a defender is picked number one, that person's not likely to get a $50 million bonus; a quarterback, like Sam Bradford, will.    Here's Zimmerman:

In this NFL Draft we started with defenders ranking much higher than offensive players. Now, it seems the boards are being reversed, and for reasons that just aren't logical. If the best athletes are defenders, take the defenders first.

Stay tuned.

WonderCon SF Comic Book Convention: Why You Should Be There

WonderCon SF, the Comic Book Convention coming this Friday and running through Sunday at The Moscone Convention Center South, is going to be amazing. In brief, here's why you should be there for the 25th anniversary of this event!

- First, all of the major comic book publishers of note, and some not of note, will be there. From DC and Marvel Comics, to Dark Horse, Aspen, IDW, BOOM! (who's partnered with Stan Lee), SLG, and many more.

- Second, special guests, like Joe Field, who started the Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Award (and lives in Concord), one of the first alternative comics publishers Mike Friedrich, and former WonderCon program director Bryan Uhlenbrock.

- Third, STARS, like Ryan Reynolds for The Green Lantern, the next Superman, Henry Cavill and the entire cast of Immortals, and legends like Jim Kelly, who this blogger interviewed last year:

And of course, geek and nerd culture, which is another way of saying tech, games, fun, and frivolity.

Visit the WonderCon site for more info. And follow Zennie62 on Twitter.

Crisis in Libya: Al Franken Gets It

Did you watch the President's speech on Monday night? Reviews are mixed, naturally, depending on the agenda of the reviewer. Here's a quick sampling before moving beyond the pundits to talk about Senator Franken's pragmatic action.
The Nation

Obama tries, without success, to explain an undeclared war. By John Nichols. http://bit.ly/fxeZq0
From the other end of the spectrum:

Pres. Obama accomplished three main goals to three distinct audiences at his speech on #Libya http://ow.ly/4oHYO
Even people who felt Gadhafi was presiding over a beastly, cruel, and violent repression of Libyan citizens are rightly concerned about the cost, particularly given how the two major U.S. military operations in the last decade added to the deficit. Senator Al Franken (D-MN) is set to introduce a bill to assure that military operations, such as the undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, don’t get a free pass to float a check - that military spending won't add to our national debt.

Senator Franken has expressed concerns about the potential cost of military operations in Libya, saying, "You know, so far the administration said we can pay for it in the regular military budget but at a certain point, that may not be the case." Franken continues to be a forceful presence in the Senate, focusing on productive work rather than simply posturing for the press.

The debate will continue about what we should have done about the slaughter of civilians, and what the role of the U.S. government and diplomacy should be outside our borders. With so much of our budget already dedicated to the military I'm glad somebody has the courage to face reality and confront the hard choices we face instead of passing the cost-burden along. Thank you, Senator Franken.
Thomas Hayes is a New Media Advisor, Political Consultant, Journalist, Entrepreneur, and former Congressional Campaign Manager; he believes in "follow the money" when following politics, and continues his 12-step recovery from the years spent as a Programmer/Database Administrator by carrying his camera nearly everywhere and writing on topics ranging from economics and politics to culture and community.
You can follow Tom as @kabiu on twitter.

2011 NFL Draft: Did Blaine Gabbert Twitter Tweet Stutterer Was An Idiot?

Missouri Quarterback Blaine Gabbert (pictured with a bass posted at plixi.com), who's stock has risen amazingly high since he smartly chose CAA and Tom Condon to represent him, now has the spotlight bright on him, and has to be really careful, particularly with social media.

But first, this CAA aside.

This blogger is suspicious that CAA's Condon's choices seem to get on a media hype train. Yes, Tom Condon has represented seven of the past eight overall NFL Draft number one picks, but that doesn't happen without a whole train of people working in concert to make that happen, including the media: in January, Sports Illustrated's Andrew Perloff (also of The Dan Patrick Show), and who's a friend of this blogger, made a point of referring to CAA and Tom Condon (who also represents the Indianapolis Colts Peyton Manning) as a "powerful agency."

Why Andrew? Powerful how?

My Spider-Sense tells me that, on top of hiring former NFL coaches like Terry Shea to help Gabbert, CAA Football works the press. To have so many writers refer to one person as "powerful" - producing 57,100 results in a Google search when one controls for "tom condon" - is down right scary and interesting.

Does the media fear upsetting Condon? I guess we'll see. The former head of IMG Football has a ton of great relationships, and he is personable, from experience, but that doesn't mean one can't question why one of his clients is rising so fast, in this case, Blaine Gabbert.

Whatever the reason, social media provides a small window into who Blaine Gabbert is.

Blaine Gabbert On Twitter

From his Twitter page @BlaineGabbert, we will learn that Gabbert likes to fish. A lot, it appears. Moreover, the Mizzou signal-caller who was one bad call away from an Insight Bowl win seems pretty good at it.

But when it comes to referring to one "Stuttering Stanley," on Twitter, out in the open Gabbert shows poor judgement, that is if he cares about what NFL owners are going to think about him.

In a tweet exchange with Missouri Basketball Guard Kim English, Gabbert appeared to be referring to a classmate called "Stuttering Stanley" as an, in caps, IDIOT. This is how it went down:

Englishscope24 Kim English
Its going smooth as the 08 #CottonBowl RT @Hogtrough Hey @englishscope24 how is the speech impediment coming along? Stuttering Stanley!
10 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

One of the people who retweeted that statement was Gabbert:

Englishscope24 Kim English
by BlaineGabbert
Its going smooth as the 08 #CottonBowl RT @Hogtrough Hey @englishscope24 how is the speech impediment coming along? Stuttering Stanley!
10 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

And then he tweeted...

BlaineGabbert Blaine Gabbert
@Englishscope24 that dude is an IDIOT
10 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

And English tweeted back..
Englishscope24 Kim English
@BlaineGabbert lol. Yea. "Stuttering Stanley" was a big hit in 3rd grade.
10 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Now to the common reader is looks like Gabbert's referring to someone who stutters as an idiot. Presumably because that person has a speech impediment. In a time when many are hyper-sensitive to such comments and tweets, for Gabbert to allow himself to look like someone who would do such a thing shows that the CAA hype machine has a weakness when it comes to social media.

Mr. Condon's got to sit down with his client.

Now, peering deeper into the tweets, it looks like Gabbert was referring to another person on Twitter, and involving issues surrounding the departure of Missouri Basketball Coach Mike Anderson to Arkansas. But it's not clear, and English's tweet about "Stuttering Stanley" being "a hit" in the 3rd grade points away from the possibility.

And even if Gabbert was actually making fun of English, the choice of words in that situation was terrible considering what's on the line: the difference between being the number one pick in the NFL Draft and a $50 million bonus, versus a lower level, say, number 22, and a $10 million bonus.

Or even less.

The message is clear: Mr. Blaine Gabbert, you're in the public spotlight now. A public figure. People are watching what you tweet on Twitter. Be careful.

One wrong tweet could cost you millions.

Monday, March 28, 2011

YouTube Has Charlie Sheen | Sheen, Learn From Renetto, Stop Playing

YouTube, where this blogger is a YouTube Partner, has finally added Charlie Sheen as what has to be the 15,001st partner. To that, "Welcome Charlie Sheen," from Zennie62, now please subscribe to Zennie62 on YouTube, and after that action, pay attention to this advice, encapsulated in this classic video from the second YouTube "AsOne" meetup, held at Pier 39 In San Francisco on Febraury 19, 2007:

In in, Renetto, who's name is Paul Robinette, one of the first YouTube Stars going back to 2006, has great advice for any YouTuber and especially Charlie Sheen. They are:

1) Don't get upset with video comments
2) Don't delete video comments.
3) Don't block anyone, even trolls.
4) Plan your videos before you do them (when possible).
5) Use the YouTube video to hold a conversation with your viewers.

Renetto encourages free conversation from his viewers. As he said in the video, "even if they hate me, they respect me because they know it's free." In other words, viewers know he will allow them to express themselves. A tall rule to live by - and a hard one because some people can be cruel - but it's worth it to build an engaged community.

The current crop of Charlie Sheen YouTube videos don't talk to anyone and have useless pronouncements that are worth seeing once, then not again. Take this video:

And here's more advice from Zennie62:

1) Add a description to your videos, using keywords to make them easier to find in a search.
2) Place a link to your Twitter page in your YouTube channel page.
3) Add links to your website or blog (need to make one first) from your video page.

Charlie Sheen will get a ton of subscribers on YouTube, but he can do a lot better. Sheen can contribute to the YouTube experience by having a conversation with his viewers.

That's a lot art on YouTube. Many, this blogger included, have got too caught up in making shows and monologues. (But interviews are valuable, and another form of conversation, so that style will remain.)

Renetto showed the way of the vlogger; it's time to return to it.

2011 NFL Draft: Why Blaine Gabbert When Colin Kaepernick Is Better?

It's funny how, every year before The NFL Draft, there's this attempt to establish consensus about a potential NFL player using the wildest reasons, then calling that collection of thoughts logic. The practice remains for the 2011 NFL Draft when talking about Missouri Quarterback Blaine Gabbert.

Let's get this out there: Blaine Gabbert is not a better quarterback than Nevada Quarterback Colin Kaepernick (in photo). Period. And since Mr. Kaepernick's projected for the 2nd round of the NFL Draft, there's no logical reason Mr. Gabbert should be ahead of him. That's too much money to spend for someone who's not going to immediately start and lacks Cam Newton's intangibles.

You say Gabbert's got size at 6'5; Colin Kaepernick's 6'6. You tell me Gabbert had a 127 passer rating in 2010? Well, Kaepernick was never below a 132 rating for his entire college career. Ok, now you point to "character," well, Kaepernick's got that too, though frankly "character" is overrated.

This video shows the kind of system Gabbert played in, and while it's one that's favored here, frankly, it's very much like the one both Kaepernick and Cam Newton played in - all are variations of spread systems.

So, look at how Gabbert responds to being rushed in this video. Moreover, point to one segment where Blaine completes a throw downfield in close coverage.

Now, even though this video is about Nevada's Tight End Virgil Green, Kaepernick's throwing to him. Watch the quick decisions, mobility, throwing poise, and passing style.

Now think about it.

Why is a person who plays that well ranked below one who does not? Agents, college, and hype. That's all.

Colin Kaepernick was the best at The Senior Bowl. He was the best thrower at the NFL Combine.
Colin Kaepernick is better than Blaine Gabbert.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amy Adams Is Lois Lane, But Do We Need "Superman" To Be "Realistic"?

The internet's abuzz with the news that the up-and-coming Actress Amy Adams (pictured) was selected to play "Lois Lane," and joining Actor Henry Cavill, who will play "Superman / Clark Kent" in Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder's version of Superman - yet another "reboot" called Superman The Man Of Steel.

Congratulations to the hard-working and hot Amy Adams, who's getting great roles and knocking them out of the park.

Ok, but regarding Superman The Man Of Steel, here's a problem.

Well, two problems.

First, "Superman" was just done before, called Superman Returns and very recently in 2006 by Bryan Singer. That version of Superman was hard to sit through because it was too realistic. Yes, "realistic" because it tried to tackle how Superman could hear all that was going on in the World and decide to swoop in on the unsuspecting bad people, or the doomed victims of a disaster.

The result was a picture of a very lonely Superman just hanging in space eavesdropping on everyone else's life, while neglecting any chance to have one of his own with Lois Lane or some drinking buddies at a local bar.

In short, Superman looked pathetic, and a far cry from the character the late Christopher Reeve gave cinematic life to a generation ago.

Now, we're forced to consume yet another take on Superman just six years later? That's a little much. Moreover, the new version comes with the built-in risk that a new generation of Superman watchers will not be able to enjoy John Williams classic score should Snyder elect not to use it, or refer to it. (Please use it!)

Second, the idea of a "realistic" Superman calls up a script from memory that was flying around the Internet and became the basis for Hancock, starring Will Smith. Called Tonight He Comes, by Vy Vincent Ngo, it was a "realistic" portrait of a super man, alright - one who was a very jaded-with-the-system, bitter, and extremely sexually frustrated super man.

(Have doubts? Read it yourself: Tonight He Comes. That's a realistic Superman.)

And if that's at all like the picture Snyder's going to paint for Superman The Man Of Steel, and if Zack saw that script by Ngo and it became part of his idea for this new Superman, then Superman as we know it - or know him - is dead.

And replaced by a person who's all too super human, all the way down to how he has "fun" to make up for his inability to keep the woman he loves, and its "impact" on bathroom walls.

Frankly, that's not a side of Superman I'm interested in seeing.

What About A Real Strong Woman?

Meanwhile, will we ever see a Super Woman played by a real strong woman? A chic with muscles? A female bodybuilder or fitness model? Judging by the looks of NBC's up-coming Wonder Woman, we're in for another skinny, watered-down version of a woman who can lift and throw a big rig - and all that in an era where women have no problem showing their guns, and guys love it.

Is there any reason why Zack Snyder can't give us that kind of realism?

Just asking.

Limitless: Bradley Cooper Makes Good Pill Of A Movie (Movie Review)

Limitless is a good movie. The story of Edward Morra (Bradley Cooper from The Hangover) is told in a great mix of jump cuts, brain activity animation, and other cinematic tricks, all for the purpose of making you feel the kind of rush, then disorientation that Morra feels after taking pill after pill of a drug called "NZT." It's the kind of movie that makes you think of what you're not doing to achieve your own potential, then shows you what people will do to maintain the success they reach after doing so.

Limitless was, for a time while watching it, an excellent Oscar "Best Picture" candidate, and it still may be, but for this blogger it fell off about three-quarters of the way through it.

After great pacing and a wild rush of cool dialog and contemporary scenes of New York City (as well as Cooper's great scenes with his girlfriend girlfriend Abbie Cornish and with Robert De Niro, who plays someone not unlike real life Investment Banker Henry Kravitz), Limitless slows down and you can almost feel the audience lose interest. One woman in the theater even fell asleep for that part of the movie.

It's as if the director, Neil Burger, and screenwriter Leslie Dixon, didn't quite know what next to do with Morra. Then, one scene where Morra drinks the blood spilled by his would-be assailant in an effort to get some more NZT in his system, was a bit much for me. That's about where it went from a "9" to a solid "7.5."

Still, Limitless is a good movie. What's especially nice is that it's modern: Bradley Cooper gets it on with women of every race and location, it seem, from black, Asian, and white, to women from overseas. That was cool, and it's great to see Hollywood come into the 21st Century.

Check out Limitless, it's a good pill of a movie.

2011 NFL Draft Mock Draft: Jake Locker To Seahawks, Cam Newton To Bears

NFL Mock Draft has Jake Locker To Seahawks, Cam Newton to Chicago Bears?

That, right there - Washington Quarterback Jake Locker To the Seattle Seahawks, Auburn Quarterback Cam Newton to the Chicago Bears - is enough to get your attention, but the picks weren't done for that reason. It's just how this first Mock Draft turned out.

This first NFL mock draft's a combination of team need, best players on the draft boards by legendary NFL Draftnik and friend Bill Chackhes of Zennie62Media and Football Reporters Online, and FF Toolbox (both which does a good job of updating their lists) and in some cases just an overall feel for what the team should do combined with what the team may do.

The 2011 NFL Mock Draft First Round

Carolina Panthers (2-14) - The Panthers don't need quarterbacks, having just went for Netre Dame's Jimmy Clausen last year. Anyone who thinks the Panthers have to go after a new QB because Clausen didn't perform well, never heard of coaches or coaching. The NFL has to stop relying on the colleges to coach the passing game for them. New Head Coach Ron Rivera knows defense wins Super Bowls, and he's got a chance to get someone who's going to be the cornerstone of his unit: Nick Fairley, DT, Auburn.

Denver Broncos (4-12) - The Broncos also don't need QB's and they have a lot of offensive positions filled. And while Tight End is a place of need, the Broncos can get one in the lower rounds; there's no one so good you have to take them this high. The Broncos most glaring weakness is in the defensive secondary, where age has creeped up on the squad. It's a good reason to draft Patrick Peterson, CB, LSU.

Buffalo Bills (4-12) - Buffalo has to improve its defense. While some have the Bills taking Cam Newton here, that would be a stupid pick considering their needs. The best selection for the Bills is for Marcell Dareus, DT, Alabama.

Cincinnati Bengals (4-12) - While the Bengals do need a quarterback, the best player available's not a QB at this level, but in the mid-first round. The Bengals are losing Terrell Owens, and need a wide receiver that strikes fear into defenses. There's one: A.J. Green, WR, Georgia

Arizona Cardinals (5-11) - Arizona's quarterback issues are more coaching than anything else. Plus, poor defense can negatively impact the offense. A "shut - down" corner's on the board and in a draft where defensive players rank higher than offensive players, you have to go with a person like Prince Amukamara, CB, Nebraska.

Cleveland Browns (5-11) - The Browns need a wide receiver like President Obama and America needa another economic stimulus package (uh, we need one). The best remaining pass catcher at this point is Julio Jones, WR, Alabama. In fact, adding Jones would give the Browns offense overall team speed that may be in the top five in the NFL. Jones would more than make up for the loss of Braylon Edwards to the Jets.

San Francisco 49ers (6-10) - The 49ers have good quarterbacks, but with 6'6 Cam Newton on the board, it's hard to pass on himn. Still, Da'Quan Bowers, DE, Clemson, is a solid choice to build the 49ers Defense, which needs an athlete on that side of the ball who can play DE and complement LB Patrick Willis. What's great about Bowers, who was number one in the nation in tackles for losses, is he can play either end or tackle, as he did against Florida State.

In fact, this video features Bowers, who's marked with a white square before the snap on each play:

Tennessee Titans (6-10) - Vince Young may be gone, but may not be, so this is the perfect place for the Titans to spend money on more pressing needs and get a QB later. This is where a great player like Von Miller, DE, Texas A&M fills the bill.

Dallas Cowboys (6-10) - The Cowboys don't have a young defensive tackle to play the gap-slamming role Rex Ryan's defensive designs call for. Moreover, the Cowboys defensive ends have been around for a while and need some young talent to push them: Robert Quinn, DE, North Carolina.

Washington Redskins (6-10) - While Cam Newton to the Redskins here makes sense, it's hard to see the Redskins doing it for two reasons: coaching OBs is the issue, not QBs, and Cam's not ranked so high that picking him here passes the logic test considering the Redskins needs. And the Redskins problems were more on defense more than offense. A player like Cameron Jordan, DE, California can help improve the Redskins pass rush and run-stopping statistics over time.

Here's a great video on Cameron Jordan versus Colorado, where Jordan plays various spots long the defensive line:

Houston Texans (6-10) - The Texans are "set" enough at offense, yet getting older at QB and need to think about the future here. The last time Texans Owner Bob McNair was in such a position to get a game chaning QB he passed on Vince Young, and I think he'll pass on Cam Newton. The player the Texans will get, and really need, is Nate Solder, OT, Colorado. A good solid OT that will be around for 10 years.

Minnesota Vikings (6-10) - The Vikings need is at linebacker - the offense is set - and the NFL Draft provides a chance to land a game-changing hitter. Enter Akeem Ayers, LB, UCLA.

Detroit Lions (6-10) - The Lions have a returning QB in Matt Stafford, Wide Receiver Calvin Johnson, and former Cal running back Jahvid Best at the halfback spot. The Lions Defense may appear to be "set" with DT Ndamukong Suh, but it's not. One more talented lineman is needed, and why pass up a DE when there are so many good, high 1st round possibilities? Take NFL Combine "high motor" guy Adrian Clayborn, DE, Iowa for the win.

St. Louis Rams (7-9) - That star receiver the Rams need can be gotten in the next round. And we're at the point where defensive linemen dominate the top best prospects available now. Why pass on a DE to complement Chuck Long? The best one remaining is Ryan Kerrigan, DE, Purdue.

Miami Dolphons (7-9) - While the Dolphins Defense is in good shape, and some point to the QB position, it's not an alarming issue. Miami is one or two players away from the playoffs, and J.J. Watt, DE, Wisconsin, is the player that will make the difference.

Jacksonville Jaguars (8-8) - Jacksonville can also take advantage of the D-Line Parade, and have needs there as well. While a number of defenders can help the Jaguars, the best one remaining is Allen Bailey, DE, Miami.

New England Patriots — from Oakland (8-8) - The Pats are going to get rich in this draft, stating here, unless they trade down or up. It's hard to see the Pats brain trust passing on a good Offensive Tackle or running back, but given the Pats don't have a runner with home-run hitting potential, and Mark Ingram, RB, Alabama, is sitting there, take him. (Yes. Ingram didn't wow anyone at the NFL Combine, but he's got football speed, and is a good 20 spots better than the next set of running backs in the 2011 Draft.

San Diego Chargers (9-7) - The Chargers need more offensive line help, more specifically someone who can fill in at tackle, and push established players like Pro Bowler Kris Dielman. The best player available now just happens to fit their needs: Gabe Carimi, OT, Wisconsin.

New York Giants (10-6) - The Giants are another team that needs to improve its offensive line, and we're in a period where the top prospects remaining are O-Line folks. Anthony Castonzo, the Boston College OT the Pats would have taken if Mark Ingram wasn't available, is here, and should be an NY Giant.

Tampa Bay Bucanneers (10-6) - The Bucs have a franchise QB, a great young DT, a good set of running backs, and were just a few plays from dominating the NFC South. Where they need to get better is in the interior offensive line and at wide receiver, and an O-Line player from a college not too far away can help: Mike Pouncey, OG, Florida.

Kansas City Chiefs (10-6) - The Chiefs need a wide receiver and a great defensive tackle. Of the two, the DTs are still highly ranked and plentiful. The Chiefs pick: Drake Nevis, DT, LSU.

Indianapolis Colts (10-6) - Nevis is really the pick for the Colts, but the Chiefs got him. Indy simply must focus on its defense, and with Bob Sanders gone, and interior "D" a problem, there's a lot of players that can help. Corey Liuget, DT, Illinois may be the answer - he's fast, and super strong. A 4-3 run-plugger than can help Indy. Here's Liuget against tough competition in Ohio State, where on a number of plays he holds his own, and gets tackles for losses:

Philadelphia Eagles (10-6) - The Eagles main needs are to improve the depth along the offensive line. They could stand a good tight end, too, but the rule is if you can get a good center high in the draft, but not too high, take him. That person is Rodney Hudson, C, Florida State.

New Orleans Saints (11-5) - The Saints have great wide receivers, running backs, and tight ends. But what they need, like the Eagles, are more line depth - they can focus on defense in the later rounds. Take Tyron Smith, OT, Southern California is the answer, even as some question his size.

Seattle Seahawks (7-9) - Seattle needs a good young quarterback that will point to a promising future and excite the fan base. That said, do you take Cam Newton or Jake Locker? The "Zennie Rule" is if you have a top ranked player from a local college, you take him first. That means Washington's Jake Locker stays put in Seattle, even though Newton's potential is huge. You take the known person that will help sell tickets and win games, too.

Here's a video of Locker against Stanford last year:

Besides, how does Seahawks Head Coach Pete Caroll explain passing on Locker if he's available?

Baltimore Ravens (12-4) - The Ravens need pass catching help, and not just at wide receiver. But they also need offensive line and defensive line depth. The best player on the board is Ohio State DE, Cameron Heyward - the Ravens should take him.

Atlanta Falcons (13-3) - With Tony Gonsalez set to retire, the tight end position is the focus, and the best player for the Falcons also happenes to be around the best ranked on the board now: Notre Dame Tight End Kyle Rudolph.

New England Patriots (14-2) - With the home-run hitter in place, the Patriots can now get the offensive line help needed. Big Derek Sherrod, OT, Mississippi State is the answer.

Chicago Bears (11-5) The Bears Quarterback Position is so important the words start with capital letters. Jay Cutler, who the Bears took from Denver, was spotty, and fans are still smarting from his lack of playing desire in the NFC Championship Game. The Bears need to bring in someone that points to a promoising future (that word again), and scares the hell out of Culter: Cam Newton.

Bringing Cam Newton to the Chicago Bears would shock the city and give Offensive Coordinator Mike Martz a new young talent to teach. Newton wins games, is a Heisman Trophy winner, and will take Chicago by storm.

Here's one of what seems to be too many videos on Cam Newton. It's hard to find one that can be looked at in a clinical way, so this will have to do:

New York Jets (11-5) - It's hard to see a great player like Stephen Paea, DT, Oregon State, staying on the baord before the first round ends. The NY Jets addition of Paea will give them a pass-pocket collapsing specialist and run stuffer, who had an amazing bench press performance at the NFL Combine.

Pittsburgh Steelers (12-4) - The Steelers do have a great front seven, but it's not so good that a great Oklahoma defensive end can't help: Jeremy Beal, DE, Oklahoma is the best player on the board now. The Steelers front seven would be even more outstanding and have more depth.

Green Bay Packers (10-6) - The Packers need running backs, but there's no one worth taking this high in the NFL Draft. But the Packers, rich in possession pass catchers, also lack a wide receiver that can just plain stretch the field, and one is available: Torrey Smith, WR, Maryland, will give the Pack a deep ball threat that may send them back to The Super Bowl.

2011 NFL Draft First Round A Defensive Affair

So that closes the 2011 NFL Draft 1sr Round - a round dominated by defense. But that's the way the players are shaking out this year. Consider that at the NFL Combine, the top bench-pressers weren't offensive linemen, but defensive linemen. That's unheard of. And the fastest player in the combine this year wasn't a wide receiver or a running back, but a cornerback. Offensive players were there in spots, like Locker and Newton.

Cam Newton Falls

Cam Newton's a better quarterback than this mock draft reflects; he could go much higher. But the feeling here is there are too many NFL scouts trying to downplay his overall potential, and frankly a weird tinge of racism from many sides, not just what's expected. Plus, Cam didn't come to the NFL in a "smooth" way. He's a controversial figure, but not because of his personalitity, but the people around him and the decisions he's made in an environment that's been less than supportive and far more exploitive. Finally, with so many good defensive players, and teams that don't have a pressing need for a quarterback, it ads up to Newton's falling in this mock draft.

That's one reason Newton was picked up by Chicago rather than falling further in the NFL Draft. With a talent like Cam, who has a good set of parents to support him, a surrogate black parent with a good religious background, like Chicago Bears Head Coach Lovie Smith, would make a big difference in Newton's growth, both as a person and a player. Part of the Tony Dungy Coaching Tree, Smith brings a quiet, steady, supportive presence for Newton.

Well, whatever the outcome, this is going to be fun.

Stay tuned for the next mock draft.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Japan Earthquake Radiation, And Fish: Sebo Sushi Restaurant San Francisco's Susan Schuster

If you're a foodie, or even just a person who thinks about restaurants, you've probably wondered how seafood eateries in West Coast waterfront cities like San Francisco are dealing with the impact of the Japan Earthquake. That's exactly the question asked of Susan Schuster, a cook at the famed Sebo Sushi Restaurant at 571 Hayes Street between Laguna and Octavia in San Francisco.

Here's a satellite live map...

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No, our conversation didn't take place at Sebo, but at a party for the Bay Area Red Cross held 10 days ago. But what's going on with Sebo and with respect to the Japan Earthquake?

"The Earthquake has destroyed a lot of the (fisheries) habitat," Schuster reports. "If you think of what happened in Santa Cruz (referring to the damage after that earthquake), it's happened on a much, much larger scale in Japan." Susan says that almost all of Sebo's fish comes from Japan, she says and it's "fresh, not frozen."

But even though the owners and chefs at Sebo didn't expect to get fish, because of the port damage and power loss, the rolling blackouts have allowed fresh fish to be delivered. So as of this writing, Sebo's fish supply was not impacted by the events in Japan.

What about the radiation? "It's a eventually a fear, but is currently not a fear." At the time of this video the radiation threat was more talk than reality, but now it's fully upon us. In the video, Susan says that they don't expect fish to be at all ready or available or under those circumstances. "It's definitely something we're concerned about," she said. "Currently, the fish we're getting is from no where near that area."

But she wants it to be known that Sebo has been getting fish, and "It's still beautiful quality." But since this video was made ten days ago, it's best to call Sebo at (415) 864-2181.

Songs For Japan: Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Others Help Japan

As this blog post is written, the top Twitter trend term is a promoted one called "Songs For Japan." It refers to a special album of 38 songs by some of the top artists of our time. Songs for Japan has Lady Gaga, Eminem, Beyonce, Madonna, U2, Bruno Mars, the Kings of Leon, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Bruce Springsteen, Rihanna, Justin Bieber (not without some Twitter chatter) and many others.

According to iTunes and The Sun, proceeds go to Japanese Red Cross Society and royalties were waved for this album.

And yes, this blogger purchased the album, which also contains classic works by, for example, Elton John, singing, Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me, which is appropriate for the situation. And John Mayer's timeless "Waiting For The World To Change" is part of the collection, and its message can't be more fitting.

Katy Perry offers her song "Firework" from her album Teenage Dream, and tweets for her supporters to buy Songs For Japan:

katyperry Katy Perry
Check out "SONGS FOR JAPAN" A compilation full of wonderful artists as well as my song "FIREWORK" on ITUNES today: http://bit.ly/hQwsPw
9 hours ago

Songs For Japan is a different way to help donate to the cause of helping Japan. At a time when charities are concerned their may not be enough money to go around, this new album's a great idea to spur people to get involved.