Monday, May 09, 2011

Osama & America’s Jobless: Both Dead in the Water

It may sound flip, but the truth may just be that Osama Bin Laden and America’s jobless are both as good as “Dead in the Water.” Or at perhaps Osama is better off, as his suffering has ended. Still if there is breath left in your body - there should be a fighting spirit left in your American soul. Question is: Will you use it?

Another important question is what good is spending trillions of dollars in pursuing the death of this one man for what boils down to nothing more than revenge? Isn’t America supposed to be a Christian nation? I read somewhere that “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord” (I believe it was in Romans 12:19 - King James Bible)

President Obama seemed so concerned with America’s reputation across the world when first elected and set out to change the global perception of our country. OK, so what is it saying to the World that America is heartlessly neglecting it’s poorest members of society in favor of enriching the already wealthy and ignoring the jobless in the USA but remains devoted to creating jobs in emerging markets overseas?

76 years ago [Friday], the WPA (Works Progress Administration) brought America into the modern age, employing millions to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. It fed children and redistributed food, clothing, and housing. It showed the world that America took care of Her own and set FDR apart as a truly loved “Leader” of our country and hero to the masses of hurting citizens, struggling to survive those difficult times.

Today there are 3 times as many unemployed Americans as there were in 1939 and our Government is doing NOTHING to change that looming disaster for all effected. Instead, they bail out Wall Street bankers, give unnecessary tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and subsidize huge corporations with untold billions - but cut what very little aid is available to help the hurting masses.

The Nick Anderson editorial cartoon (borrowed for this article) says it all! The unemployed masses have been intentionally allowed to wallow in poverty and forced into homelessness at an unacceptable rate. The American dream has been replaced by the unendurable nightmare of “survival desperation” for millions. Is this the America our service men and women are dying overseas to preserve? If so - that is truly pathetic!

I remind you that the Declaration of Independence is quite clear on the subject of human rights and what must be done when the government no longer is responsive to the universal principles laid out in this document.

........We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.........whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness......when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism (the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive way), it is their (the people’s) right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of..... - insert here: The American people - the unemployed - the impoverished - the outsourced - the elderly and the 99ers.

I repeat: “When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism (the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive way), it is their (the people’s) right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security”

So what exactly is America’s unemployed hurting masses waiting for? If you are waiting for things to improve on their own or for Washington to change their duplicitous, incompetent and greedy ways - prepare to die waiting.

Perhaps you are not yet hungry enough, angry enough or desperate enough to protest in large masses to ensure We The People are no longer pushed aside in favor of the lessor numbers of wealthy and big money corporate interests? If so then lucky you! Millions are NOT so lucky, however and I wonder what exactly is stopping them?

Weary from years of fruitless job search activities, trying to survive on nothing and every cry to Washington for help falling upon deaf ears, the millions of UI exhaustees must GET out there and DO something NOW if they hope to survive. You are not working after all - so make it your JOB (when not looking for that job which isn’t there anyway) to show Washington that you are mad as hell and do not intend to take it anymore!

There is NO EXCUSE for not joining in to demand your right to survive! If you stay home you are part of the problem. Google Protest Marches in your City/State for up to date info and GET OUT THERE!!!!

Have we not had enough of the rich "HAVES" taking every advantage that money can buy them at the expense of the American poor and middle class? What is it going to take to revolt?

99ers What have You Done Lately to HELP Yourselves? This is the question you must answer even before continuing to beg Congress and the Obama administration for additional aid. GET OUT THERE AND DEMAND JOBS NOW!

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Your Government has FAILED YOU BADLY! MAKE them HEAR YOU NOW!!!! You cannot rely upon anyone else to do this for you. YOU MUST FIGHT FOR your own SURVIVAL now or continue to suffer the "Congressionally imposed poverty" that is the 99er reality today.

Want a Job? Need UI Benefits? Then Make it Happen! HOW? 99ers can make Washington MOVE very quickly to create jobs and extend UI benefits if we just focus on the power we already have, but have yet to use effectively.

The unemployed - ESPECIALLY the UI exhaustees have been banished from the economy and the American dream. We have become relegated to the ranks of the invisible and forced to believe we must endure this abominable fate that has been forced upon us or beg for what little scraps of hope Washington tosses out to us then snaps back with unimaginable cruelty.

How is that working out for ya? Have you had enough? Then it is time we all become the exact opposite of invisible. We MUST become EXTREMELY VISIBLE and FAST. It is not very difficult to and it may require more courage than you have shown in a great while, but what have you got to lose? If you are like most of us - you already have nothing left - except your desire and instinct to survive.

What we need is an all out revolution of conscience by those in America who still have one - and that is NOT the talking heads in Washington, the greedy Wealth Barons or Captains of Industry who are stealing our lives out from under us. It is YOU who must make this happen. The sooner you take to the streets in mass (or even alone if you must), the sooner we will get what we need. STOP BEGGING and START DEMANDING Washington work for US and not every other country which can help the rich get richer by lucrative Defense Contracts, cheap labor and tax breaks to boot.

[Please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

Man. Tyler Gabbert trending without entering the @NFL Draft
just joined and linked 10 accounts. Wild platform app
Man! Lovely Chicago day! Sun is out and it's getting warm!

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Forget Demand Media, Google Has It's Own Content Farm: Blogger

The media Internet buzz has been about Demand Media and how Google's newest algorithm change - designed to devalue "content farms" - would hurt traffic to the giant online publishing effort.

The fact is, Google's changes didn't really negatively impact Demand Media, and what many miss is that "content farms" in their purest form are not really the target of Google (regardless of what they say), but scraper sites, not websites with a lot of content written by people you never heard of, are. Scraper sites actually steal text word for word and must be attacked.

But that anti-little-blogger bias has blinded many from seeing the truth: Google has it's own content farm, and it's called Blogger.

As I stated to a Google exec at TechCrunch Disrupt 2010 in New York, if Google installed a full permalink for blog titles, and allowed for a special Blogger-specific news site map for Blogger blogs to be on Google News, Google could, in one fell swoop, wipe out many traditional media seeking online traffic in the age of the demise of print media (as we know it).

That Google has not done that - choosing instead to protect traditional media and run away from would-be-meaningful legal battles - allowed firms like Associated Content and Demand Media to grow.

Google completely missed the boat. With Blogger users employing Google AdSense, the perfect chance to increase revenues from ads placed on Blogger blogs, and give Blogger users more chances to earn money was missed, and all for the action of saving the Associated Press, and courting Rupert Murdock, who once threatened to take his content off Google.

Who cares.

That Demand Media earned $76 million last quarter should give pause to any reasonable observer in or out of Google. And if Google CEO Larry Page isn't saying to himself "that should have been mine," he's missing the point.

Content farms are the future, and it doesn't matter if they're controlled by Demand Media, Yahoo, or rest, untapped, in Google's Blogger system, each time a person makes a blog or a blog post, and that's thousands of times a day, they contribute to this sea of content.

Google could do itself, and the many users of the platform, a massive favor and unleash the full power of Blogger, connected with Google News, and Google AdSense. Whatever fears of government intervention could be diminished by encouraging open competition with other content farms.

It's time for Google to cry havoc, and let slip the blogger dogs of war!

President Obama CBS 60 Minutes Interview On Osama Bin Laden In Full

CBS News 60 Minutes has the first, and perhaps for some time the only, full interview with U.S. President Barack Obama and just a few days after the successful raid, capture, and demise of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan last Sunday.

For that achievement, 60 Minutes is to congratulated. But it is to be flogged for an awful, illogical, and uncoordinated video effort that leaves it's 34 minutes of video interview on 60 Minutes Overtime on a website with an embed code that cuts the image in half, and a YouTube version that was split into three parts, and where the embed code is disabled.

In other words, I can have a half-assed version of the video on my website, or a click to the video on the CBS News website, or click to the YouTube videos, when what I want is just the embed code for the full 34 minute version.

Just because a brand does something doens't make it correct. In CBS' case, it was trying to gain traffic for its video ads, but the same ads could go on the YouTube version as well, and with the embed active, gain even more traffic from bloggers, like me, putting it on their sites.

So, I made this workaround:  each picture below is a link to that YouTube video at CBS News On YouTube.    CBS News, please stop doing this.

Now, about the Obama 60 Minutes interview.

The talk between CBS' Steve Kroft and President Obama, was one part highly informative, the other part complex dance.  It's Obama trying not to give too much information or gloat, versus Kroft asking questions that could cause the President to do both.   Obama wins.

Perhaps the most revealing part of the interview series is that the plan was finalized and approved just before the White House Correspondents Dinner, where President Obama looked comfortable, and took time to call out Donald Trump for his "birther" obsession.  Now I know why the President seemed so happy.

Also, it's clear President Obama's main concern was getting "our guys" out after getting Osama Bin Laden, more than any thing else.

Here are the videos, with a partial transcript and link back to CBS News:

Obama - Part One

Obama Part Two

Obama Part 3 - Final 

Partial Transcript, with remainder at CBS News:

STEVE KROFT: Mr. President, was this the most satisfying week of your Presidency?

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Well, it was certainly one of the most satisfying weeks not only for my Presidency, but I think for the United States since I've been President. Obviously bin Laden had been not only a symbol of terrorism, but a mass murderer who's had eluded justice for so long, and so many families who have been affected I think had given up hope.

And for us to be able to definitively say, "We got the man who caused thousands of deaths here in the United States and who had been the rallying point for a violent extremist jihad around the world" was something that I think all of us were profoundly grateful to be a part of.

Watch part one, part two and part three of Steve Kroft's report.

KROFT: Was the decision to launch this attack the most difficult decision that you've made as Commander-In-Chief?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Certainly one. You know, every time I send young men and women into a war theatre, that's a tough decision. And, you know, whenever you go to Walter Reed [Army Medical Center] or Bethesda [Naval Hospital] and you see the price that our young people pay to keep this country safe, that's a tough decision. Whenever you write a letter to a family who's lost a loved one. It's sobering.

More here at CBS News.

Thor Movie Review - B Plus, The Avengers Is Next

Thor, the screen adaptation of one of this blogger's favorite comic books, and by the legendary Stan Lee, is out, and it's very good.

The movie that officially kick's off the Spring / Summer blockbuster season did not disappoint this fan, yet had enough of a good weaving of fantasy and "reality" to be interesting to the casual observer.

Chris Hemsworth plays a really good Thor, especially considering he's got nothing but cartoon versions to be compared to. The script and story craft a believable character, ever more grounded by Natalie Portman's Dr. Jane Foster.

Anthony Hopkins as Odin gives the flick a legendary, other-worldly presence. And the way the characters interact, under the skillful (love that word) direction of Kenneth Branagh, made for a watchable, enjoyable film.

3-D Is Here And Good

Over at, Mick LaSalle wrote that "If no one ever makes a great 3-D movie, audiences will tire of it. But if someone finally makes it work artistically - someone good, not James Cameron - that would revolutionize 3-D and pave the way for other directors. Then it would be everywhere. Either way, 3-D won't be as hot next year because of the diminished box office of 3-D movies."

LaSalle's wrong, and I'll spend more time explaining why in another post, but the 3-D in Thor was well-done in that it helped move the story along, and gave one a true "feeling" for the enormity of the space that Thor exists within.

A B-Plus

Overall, I give it a B-Plus, because Thor did not have that story element that makes a movie "Best Picture" material - it didn't have a message that relates to an issue of today or our history. The best movies have that. But, even with its "closed loop" take, Thor was very good.

Bring on The Avengers!

Happy Mother's Day! And San Francisco and Oakland News

Mother's Day is special, and not just to all mothers. Mother's Day is for sons and daughters, too.

As an only child and a product of a single-mom family, I have a unique place in life that brings me to visit my Mother each month. I'm fortunate to be able to do this.

But some who also can do that, don't. It's to them I say, call your folks. Call your Mom. See your Mom. Because when your Mom passes on, you will regret not having done so.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's out there!

Now, in San Francisco and Oakland news in brief..

Jennifer Solorio, like my Mom, a breast cancer survivor, will be the honorary bat girl at today's San Francisco Giants baseball game. She was selected from 1,500 applicants, at the website

And from emails...

Supervisor Scott Wiener, SF Rec & Park, Recology and Mission Neighborhood Centers, Inc. kicked off the start of increased waste and recycling services at Dolores Park in San Francisco on Saturday.

SF Rec & Park has been dealing with large numbers of visitors to San Francisco’s Dolores Park, especially on holidays and weekends, which has caused an increased amount of liter to be placed in and around park trash bins.

With the help of Supervisor Wiener, SF Rec & Park, Recology and Mission Neighborhood Centers, an extra park attendant will be added during peak park visitor hours to monitor and empty trash bins that have reach capacity.

The program will add 386 clean up hours at Dolores Park on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays through the summer months and ending in September 2011

This one from Oakland's Adams Point Group...



2935 Adeline St.

When: May 12, 2011, 6:00PM

There will be a tour of our new warehouse & operations, a ton of great food from local companies, drinks, music and fun people! And of course, a lot of mushrooms!

RSVP at :

For more information, please visit:

Grand opening of OAKOLLECTIV Pop Up Store

OAKOLLECTIV will officially opening its doors on Friday May 20th 2011, hours 4pm—6pm

Oakollectiv Pop Up Store is located on 1427 Broadway and will be housed in the old city owned Raiders store “the spot” in downtown Oakland.

OAKOLLECTIV is a collaboration of two experienced designers, Penelope Adibe and Rachel Konte, both transplants from Europe to the US. They have come together to create a Pop Up Designer shop in the heart of downtown Oakland.

The space will feature 3 local brands; AFROBUDDAH by Rachel Konte, NNEKA by Penelope Adibe and Guerilla Clothing by Guerilla Café (designed by Rachel Konte). They plan to bring a diverse mix of merchandise from women’s wear, vintage modern kitchen house ware and menswear to the store. All the entrepreneurs in the space have one thing in common; they are all Oakland residents and run their businesses locally.

Penelope Adibe and Rachel Konte are the curators and daily managers of the OAKOLLECTIV.

More to come! Happy mother's day!

Saturday, May 07, 2011

LA Lakers Should Be "Blown Up" - Magic Johnson On ESPN

Ervin "Magic" Johnson, the LA Lakers legend and former part-owner of the NBA Franchise (he sold his interest in the organization, October 2010), said, just 10 minutes ago on ESPN's KIA NBA Show, that "it's time to blow up the Los Angeles Lakers" and "start all over" with "the resignation of Phil Jackson.

The statements were the harshest given by a former Laker and come in the wake of their 92 to 98 Friday night loss to the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Playoffs Western Conference Semifinals, putting the storied organization and two-time defending champion just one Sunday game from total elimination.

Magic Johnson wasn't coy about his feelings, stating that the Lakers lack leadership, and because of that, the finger-pointing has continued through the Dallas series without a person to step in and take charge.

Johnson also says that one of the first people to go is, ironically, the man who played well Friday night, Andrew Bynum. Johnson also agreed with fellow panelist and ESPN Personality Michael Wilbon, who said the key addition to the Lakers should be Orlando Magic Center Dwight Howard.

Let's see how the current Lakers respond to Magic's blast.

Stay tuned.

Kentucky Derby 2011: Drug Use Questions?

Today's the day for the 137th running of the Kentucky Derby, and for this year, 2011. And while this blogger's still sticking with his picks, which will be reiterated below, the Christian Science Monitor has a provocative online article about "drug use questions."

According to Mark Gaurino of the Christian Science Monitor, a diuretic drug called Lasix is injected into horses just hours before the start of a race, and is used 95 percent of the time. That means it's a good chance Lasix is used before the Kentucky Derby 2011.

Gaurino writes that the drug... meant to mitigate a condition that causes a horse to bleed internally while under extreme physical pressure. But the drug also causes a horse to urinate profusely, lightening its weight by up to 27 pounds and making the animal more nimble in a race. Hence, critics say, Lasix is being used to enhance performance - and to get around rules against using performance - enhancing drugs.

He reports that the drug is banned "everywhere" except the United States and Canada. The lengthy post is worth a read, if you're not at a Kentucky Derby 2011 party or headed to one, that is.

For those of you headed to one, here's my pick, again. I'd play an exacta of Dialed-In, Archarcharch, and Comma To The Top. Here's my video explaining why:

Good luck! Oh, more at the Christian Science Monitor!

No Virgins: Osama bin Laden's Song from The Grave (Osama bin Laden Dead ...

A YouTuber with the channel name of SpencerKindaFunny created this hilarious song about Osama Bin Laden created to the tune of Madonna's "Like A Virgin." He creates the scene of an Osama Bin Laden totally surprised to learn that the break-in to his giant compound isn't really a surprise party that consists of virgins.

That's a reference to reports that Bin Laden was caught in bed with a wife described on several news accounts as "much younger" than he. Indeed, Amal Sadah, the woman who has been questioned in the wake of the raid that occurred last weekend was 29, but married Osama Bin Laden one year before 9-11, when he was 43 and she was just 18.

CNN reported that during the five years they stayed at the compound, she never left once.

Bin Laden has had five wives.

Unemployment Slogans WANTED! “Tell It Like It Is”

Unemployment Slogans WANTED by U-Cubed in their latest ‘Tell It Like It Is’ campaign!

Got something to say about being jobless? How about our leaders’ apparent lack of interest in the plight of the jobless and creating JOBS now? Say it (in seven syllables or less).

“New unemployment numbers show our nation’s leaders still don’t get it,” said UCubed Executive Director Rick Sloan. “There are more than 28 million people without work. It is up to the jobless to tell it like it is.”

The grassroots organization for the unemployed and underemployed (U-Cubed) is designing a bumper sticker to remind folks that America needs JOBS Now. The website, via an ongoing Facebook ad campaign, is asking the jobless masses to help.

So unleash your creativity and submit your idea for a new UCubed bumper sticker in the comments section using this link. The winning slogan will be produced and distributed to all U-Cubed members for free.

Remember, your slogan has to fit on a bumper sticker. So, keep it short!

Show your support by clicking “Like” on UCubed’s page on Facebook!

UCubed is a community service project of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) designed to assist the millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans, and to provide them with a structure that allows them to take advantage of their growing numbers. For more information, visit Ur Union of Unemployed.

Paladinette has submitted several of my own and you can see those and all other submissions at this link.

[If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]