Saturday, May 31, 2008

RBC / DNC Rules Committee Broadcast Online - Part One

Today's the day and the RBC / DNC Rules Committee Broadcast can be seen now, online, as of this writing.

I'm watching the event now, and its frankly pretty raucous and contentious. It's clear to me that Senator Clinton's desire to "win at any cost" is tearing the Democratic Party apart, even as there are those here trying to bring it together.

Rep. Robert Wexler's doing a great job in representing Senator Obama. It seems, the Florida delegates will be seated at 1/2 vote, but there's not yet consensus on the Superdelegates there. According to The Huffington Post, Senator Clinton gains 19 delegates, but only with a half vote. But MSNBC's Chuck Todd is wrong -- Senator Clinton does not pick up the popular vote because that's not part of the negotiation terms. Todd forgets that the Florida matter came up based on a rules violation so the total votes were never considered valid. And even then, you can't hand her the entire vote, you have to split it with Obama -- and in accordance with the delegate vote split of one-half -- who still maintains his lead.

Next now, is the Michigan delegation 128 69 tp 59 percent split Clinton / Obama respectively. This compromise conclusion is being presented by Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer as I write this.

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