Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Rush Limbaugh talks like a white supremacist

What the hell does Rush Limbaugh know about the "black frame of mind"? Nothing. Today, Tuesday, Rush, apparently upset that people are paying more attention to Tiger Woods than he, decided to say something so totally nuts I can only believe that he's paling around with white supremacists.

Rush uses a selection of an interview that Jesse Jackson did, not with Rush, talking about how urban blacks are being impacted by the poor economy. Limbaugh says we're (blacks) all livid and that we're especially upset about it and we feel abandoned.

Then Rush ends it all with a blast against Tiger Woods because his girlfriends were white, thinking that, again "we" have an issue with Woods racial choice of woman to sleep with.  

Well, I'm African American, Rush, and I don't feel abandoned by President Obama or upset him. But one thing I cam really tired of today is some black or white telling me what I think as a black person. Moreover, Tiger Woods can marry or whatever any kind of woman he wants to and it has no bearing on me.

We live in the 21st Century, Rush. And while I'm at it, I'm still unhappy with the Associated Press' Jesse Washington writing that hilarious article that the "Black Community" has alienated Tiger Woods. (And what's the heck's going on with the East Coast media and race? Is the Right Coast media segregated or something? Don't they know we're in the 21st Century?)

I'm beginning to think a low I.Q. and the desire to group people entirely by race go together. Racism is a mental illness. The idea that "the other" is just that can lead to all kinds of anti-social behavior. Just take what Rush said today.

Rush opens his mouth and makes these statements then wonders why the NFL rejects him. If Rush can't put two and two together, I'll help him.

Rush, the problem is you make hurtful statements about people who happen to be black, such that your statements add up to an attempt to marginalize and put down African Americans. As long as you keep doing that, Rush, the only part of an NFL team you'll ever own is a bobblehead.

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