Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Pixar's Kim Donovan Finds, Returns Zennie's Flip Video Camcorder

I lost my Flip Video Camcorder over the weekend, and a person emailed me to report they found it. The person who did so was Kim Donovan, who just happens to manage Pixar's exhibits around the World. (Pixar is the producer of excellent movies like Toy Story 3, and the Toy Story movie series.)

Oh. Yes, her work does includes the exhibit at The Oakland Museum, and you'd better hurry up and see it because this Saturday's it's last day there!

But this is a huge thank you to Kim, who not only found it and called me, but cleaned it up as I'd dropped it out of my jacket pocket, and put new batteries in it. Pixar certainly knows how to pick the right people to represent it.

Oh, and I gave her a good bottle of wine and my SF Giants 2010 NLCS Hat. I figured it would be worth something now and down the road!

Thanks Kim!!

Well, off to CES.  Follow me at Twitter.com.

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