Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog Her Blood Drive For Erin Kotecki Vest, August 6, 2011

Erin Kotecki Vest, a blogger who's very active with Blog Her as its Social Media Strategist, needs your help. Frankly, I can't put the words together better than Lori Luna has on the Blog Her website. Here's part of what she wrote, or at least enough to give you a good idea of what's going on with Erin, and why your attending this blood drive, August 6, 2011 at The San Diego Convention Center is so important:

For Erin, without the assistance of plasma through her IVIG treatments, she would not have the ability to build her immune system, which as of today was at a scary zero, meaning she has absolutely no immune system. She cannot, on her own, fight off something so small as the common cold, never mind flu season. She lives in a world of constant hand washing, so much so that when her kids, ages 6 and 8, come home from school, the new normal is wash hands, then hug and kiss Mommy.

In her home there are a lot of new normals. It is now normal that “Mommy needs medicine in her arms” in order to be healthy and protect her major organs and live. This cocktail of medicine that enters through her arm includes much needed plasma; plasma that of course comes from blood donors like you and me. While plasma is not the single source that is keeping Erin alive, it is a critical element of her recovery and immune-building process.

For more information, click here, and remember that it's Saturday, August 6th, 2011, from 10:30 AM to 3:45 PM at The San Diego Convention Center, where the BlogHer 11 Convention will be.

You can also donate at your local blood bank.

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