Sunday, October 28, 2007

Barack Obama Draws 24,000 In New York - Hillary Clinton Just 1,500!

Hillary Clinton draws just 1,500 people?! That's it? Look, I don't care if the rally was in Harlem, they only drew 1,500 people. That's terrible. I don't care if it was in a church; thousands of people could have milled around outside. They didn't.

When Barack Obama held his New York rally, he drew 24,000 people. Hillary's tried, but can't even hold a rally that draws as many people as Barack can. She tried it in Oakland, and didn't do it. She can't do it. Period.

Why? Because she's not as popular as some media types and paid pollsters are trying to make us think she is.

You know what Barack Obama should do? Hold his own rally in Harlem -- just to prove a point. I'll bet he'd draw 10,000 people. Oh, and he should stage it right under that giant photo of Muhammad Ali.

The name of the rally? "Don't Call it a Comeback!"

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