Friday, May 23, 2008

Clinton RFK Comments: Samantha Power Must Be Smiling

Clinton RFK Assassination: Samantha Power Must Be Smiling

In the wake of Senator Clinton's amazingly shocking and hurtful statements regarding her reasons why she should remain in the campaign we have to go back and reconsider the supposed-to-be off-the-record comment by now former Obama for America Foreign Policy advisor Samantha Power, who famously said that Senator Clinton "Was a Monster."

Even though she apologized for that statement, you've got to believe Professor Power's smiling whereever she is in the World.


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    It boggles the mind how Hillary could in any way shape or form be connected to any true feminist movement. Her history of enabling her own husband's philandering aside(I almost wrote philanthropy which would have been waaaay off), I can't think of anything she's done for women. Merely being a woman is not enough.

    I can't wait until she goes away and, of course, blames her loss on the media, men, the continuing "right wing conspracy" etc. basically ANYBODY but herself.

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Powers would be smiling if her jaw, like the rest of the world's, was not hanging so close to the floor.
