Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Barack Obama Tops 50 Percent In Today's Gallup Poll

After a historic Democratic National Convention and the subsequent major misteps of the John McCain annoucement of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, today, Gallup's Daily Tracking Poll finds Senator Barack Obama at 50 points for the first time, with Senator McCain at 42 points. 

If one looks at the Gallup Graph, it shows that Senator Obama picked up a point over 24 hours, and Senator McCain lost a point over the same time period, and as more negative information comes out about Governor Palin. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great and this will reflect the general trend during the remainder of the campaign. I think Obama might even continue to extend his lead to 20+ points as we near November 4th. I'm a little worried though. Just by my observations of the people around me I think a lot of them that say they will vote for Obama now will not be able to overcome their inherent racism and that the election race will be much closer than the polls.

    On the upside, with little effort from me, my long-time conservative/Republican-voting grandmother declared she cannot vote for her party this year, and is instead impressed with Obama and will vote for him. I hope many others follow suit in the weeks to come.
