Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin Will Resign Or The GOP Is Toast

On Friday, Governor Sarah Palin was the selection of Senator John McCain to be his running mate as the presumptive Republican Vice Presidential Nominee.  Already we have problems.

1) TrooperGate, where Gov Palin is accused of using her position to fire a state trouper, who's still on the job as of this writing.

2) The news that Palin was part of a group that wanted Alaska to leave the Union.

3) Palin was fundraising director for Senator Ted Stevens' 527 committee.

4) Palin was almost recalled as Mayor of Wasalia, Alaska.

5) She says the Iraq War, costing over 80,000 iraqi lives and several thousand American lives is a war for oil -- she's right, but Republican, so she should not say that.

6) She took earmarks totalling over $197 million, while saying she did not.

Why Palin? Senator McCain could have picked from five Republican female senators, but failed to do so. Why?

More questions than answers. It's my prediction that Palin will be forced to resign as this steady stream of negative information continues to come in.


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I believe it is all part of the game or plan, I’ll bet that she was thoroughly researched. Now we sit back and watch the polls, and if they aren’t favorable having picked a women they can use the little scandals against her to ask her to resign. They’ll want her to resign so they can go with plan B that I bet they already have… I think she's being used. I hope American’s will see through this if it happens. This is America this isn’t a game… and I feel bad for her family. The only good that will come out of this is that she will have more time for her family; especially a brand new special needs baby.

    Just my thoughts

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    You and the left-wingers are a joke. Bet your likes are quaking in your boots now.

  3. Palin simply freaks me out. I don't know how else to put it. Not terribly mature, but she scares me, I don't like her, and I usually like people, except of course GW and the rest. But what the hell is wrong with this woman? She has no right as a mom to be doing this, and now grandma, which says a lot about her parenting and where she was when her own children were growing up? Resign I beg, but her sociopathic personality makes me think... no. Hopefully even McCain will be smart enough or his people will be to cut this fish loose and throw it back.

  4. She won't resign and the republicans will win in November. This is what the democrats are concerned about and why they are working so hard to discredit her.
